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Posts posted by ToM666

  1. You do not need a trigger, just put this in the init field of a unit:

    0 = [0.2] spawn {
       while {true} do {
           sleep 10;
               _x setSkill ["aimingAccuracy", (_this select 0)];
           } forEach allUnits;

    Change '0.2' to any number between 0 and 1. You only need to run this once; it will take care of all units you spawn later.

    So if I am using Bangabobs EOS. I just need to place one OPFOR soldier anywhere on the map with this code in the init field and it will ensure all AI that spawn in the activated zones have the same accuracy setting?

    Would this also work if I put it in the init.sqf?

  2. That'll be it. I did add one container but when I previewed it yuo couldn't see it (invisible).

    I've just checked in the editor and sure enough it is still in the map. I've just deleted it so hopefully that will stop the error now.

    Thanks mate.


    Just to put this issue to bed in case anyone else is having the same problem.

    All the problems I was having were as a direct result of putting the container "Land_Cargo40_military_f" into my mission.

    Since removing it and not using it anymore I was able to add more content using Keewa's mod, save it as a multiplayer mission, upload it to the server and join the server without any trouble.

    I think I was just unlucky in that I chose to use probably the only item that wasn't in the game anymore LOL.

    Thanks for your help everyone.



  3. Hum, I didn't understand the way you installed mods.

    What buildings precisely, did you add.

    The error you sent me back, aka,"config.bin/cfgvehicles.land_cargo40_military_F no longer exists", means that you added some cargo containers. These cargo containers are avalaible vanilla since the release and I confirm that some items of the mod need to be removed due to redundancy.

    This is planned for the next update that will happend in a few days.

    Any way, for all the time I used my mod, I never encounter any issue like this one.

    That'll be it. I did add one container but when I previewed it yuo couldn't see it (invisible).

    I've just checked in the editor and sure enough it is still in the map. I've just deleted it so hopefully that will stop the error now.

    Thanks mate.


  4. Hi guys

    First of all big thanks to Tomclothier for saving my mission LOL :cool:


    This is the 1st mod I have used so I may have got it wrong but all I did was follow this tutorial:


    I basically put the mod into the directory below. I didn't put a launch parameter in because the tutorial led me to believe (if I have understood it correctly) that I didn't need to.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@cjtf101editor\addons

    I then fired up Arma 3 enabled the expansion and rebooted the game.

    I then added the items to my mission, saved as a multiplayer mission and uploaded to the clan server.

    The rest is as explained in my OP.

    Not sure why it has happened TBH.

    The mission is now playable but I am getting an error that says something like "config.bin/cfgvehicles.land_cargo40_military_F no longer exists".

    I have left the new stuff I added using your mod in the mission for now as the error doesn't appear to be causing a problem in the short term.

    Loving all the new stuff though mate. Thanks very much :cool:

  5. Hi guys

    I've just used this mod to add some of the extra content to my multiplayer map. Was like a kid in a sweet shop I have to say :p

    Having added the content, about 6 items radar and cargo HQ's etc I uploaded it to our server and tried to join.

    The server recognised I still had the mod running on my home pc and kicked me.

    Fair enough I thought and disabled the mod, rebooted the game and tried again.

    It was at this point a clan mate joined me for a game but we both just sat looking at the loading screen for about 5 minutes.

    I then tried to remove the stuff I had added but the editor wouldn't let me open it untill I re-enabled the mod.

    I did this and removed all the stuff I had added.

    I then disable the mod and tried to reload the map in the editor but it was still asking for the mod to be enabled even though I had completely removed all the stuff I added through the mod.

    Now I imagine the problem is I am saving the map with the mod enabled.

    However, I am in a catch 22 becuase I can't edit the map to save it without the mod enabled because I need to have it enabled to open it LOL :D

    I am starting to get a little bit concerned as I did a school boy error and didn't back the map up before adding the new stuff.

    This map represents many hours of work so I am hoping there is a way to fix this or I will be quite dis-heartened :butbut:

    Am I buggered or is there a simple thing I can do to sort this out? :)

    Many Thanks


  6. Hi guys

    I know I may well get critisized for asking this *puts on flame proof jacket* but I could do with some help with setting up out of bounds areas on a TDM map I am making *runs out of the thread*.

    *checks coast is clear and walks back in*

    I've just been searching the forum and found several posts about using triggers and set damage 1 etc but I can't seem to get it to work.

    I am trying to achieve the following:

    I would like to create two areas.

    Area 1 - Opfor cannot enter (The NATO base)

    Area 2 - NATO cannot enter (The Opfor base)

    I would then like to create a large gaming area that if anyone leaves they get a warning then after a variable period they basically die.

    Lastly I would like a scoreboard with an amount of tickets on that will decrement to zero every time someone dies and the first team to zero loses.

    I don't know whether I am using the wrong search terms but struggling to find relevant threads although I am sure they must be there somewhere.

  7. Yes you are correct, !(_veh isKindOf "Helicopter"), if the vehicle is not a type of helicopter then the script exits or ends with the message.

    Change the type like so:

    if !(_veh isKindOf "Plane") exitWith { _veh vehicleChat "This pad is for plane repairs only, soldier!"; };

    Nice one mate, I've also found that using the word "air" instead of helicopter works too :)

  8. You just have to put this in the eos_init.sqf, line 39 :

    _spotFriendlies setTriggerStatements ["{vehicle _x in thisList && isplayer _x&& ((getPosATL _x) select 2) < 10} count allUnits > 0","",""];

    As you can see, if the heli isn't under 10m high, ennemies don't spawn!! :yay:

    Hi guys

    Is there any way to implement the above script in the new look EOS system. This EOS_init file no longer exists from what I can see.

  9. Buying a server (instead of renting) is quite a leap, however it will save you in the long run. Just be prepared to spend quite a bit of money initially.

    These are by far the cheapest servers I've managed to find (and by what seems a trusted company too, unlike some shady ebay dealers I've seen):


    The above server configured with 8GB RAM and a 250GB hard drive, which should suit your neeeds, comes to around: £590 ex VAT (without OS).

    Once you've bought the box you will then need to have the box co-located with a trusted host such as RapidSwitch which will cost you: £40 per month ex VAT.

    This includes 3TB allowed bandwidth per month, on a 100Mbit line.

    Hope this helps,



    Thank you :cool:

  10. Yep it helps for mouse lag and can reduce some feeling of stutter that way. You don't notice fps increase but game can feel smoother so that's why people says it increases performance. Helped me a lot in Arma 2 because before the game felt way more laggy when I had lower fps so I could enjoy gaming wigh lower fps.

    I see.

    I have to say I just flown a chopper and the joystick response seemed way smoother and more responsive.

    Was I imagining it is that another positive aspect of having triple buffering switched on?

  11. It was suggested to me that my clan and I should buy a dedicated server rather than renting as a better long term option.

    Could I ask how this works?

    Do I buy the server from a provider then they charge for bandwidth?

    If I was going to buy one can any of you reccomend who from and what spec?

    If I am going to do this I would like to run at least 2 arma 3 servers on it, a TS3 etc.



  12. all documented ...


    yet there is newly added for arma3.cfg

    tripleBuffering=1; //boolean, default 0 as disabled

    it's experimental, may have no effect or slightly decrease fps

    You may not need it, as we don't use normal double buffering

    Just had a game on a server with this set to 1 and can't honestly say there was a huge difference either way.

    The FPS wasn't noticeably better or worse although the game appeared to run smoother. That might have just been me though and I was imagining it.

    I'm going to leave it switched on for a while and take some controlled FPS readings. I'll report back if I find anything significant.


  13. Hi guys

    A friend of mine sent me

    and it claims to improve FPS in game.

    If you watch the video it claims that if you go into the Arma.cfg file and change the "GPU_Maxframes ahead = 1000" to "GPU_Maxframes ahead = 1" you will get a significant FPS gain.

    Before I start messing with my settings can anyone explain what it does and why if it impairs performance if it is set to 1000?

    What do we gain by having it set so high that justifies the impairment of performance if that is the case?

    Many Thanks


  14. Hi guys

    I tend to use this ahoy world script on my maps and was wondering what I would need to change to make it work ideally just for the jets.

    It seems to me I should just need to change someting here?

    if (_veh isKindOf "ParachuteBase" || !alive _veh) exitWith {};
    if !(_veh isKindOf "Helicopter") exitWith { _veh vehicleChat "This pad is for chopper repairs only, soldier!"; };

    The entire .sqf is shown below:

    Creating working missions of this complexity from
    scratch is difficult and time consuming, please
    credit http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk for creating and
    distibuting this mission when hosting!
    This version of Domination was lovingly crafted by
    Jack Williams (Rarek) for Ahoy World!
    private ["_damage","_percentage","_veh","_vehType","_fuelLevel"];
    _veh = _this select 0;
    _vehType = getText(configFile>>"CfgVehicles">>typeOf _veh>>"DisplayName");
    if (_veh isKindOf "ParachuteBase" || !alive _veh) exitWith {};
    if !(_veh isKindOf "Helicopter") exitWith { _veh vehicleChat "This pad is for chopper repairs only, soldier!"; };
    _fuelLevel = fuel _veh;
    _damage = getDammage _veh;
    _veh setFuel 0;
    _ghosthawkAmmo = 0;
    _ghosthawkFlares = 0;
    _veh setVehicleAmmo 1;
    _veh vehicleChat format ["Servicing %1... Please stand by...", _vehType];
    _magazines = getArray(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehType >> "magazines");
    if (count _magazines > 0) then {
    _removed = [];
    	if (!(_x in _removed)) then {
    		_veh removeMagazines _x;
    		_removed = _removed + [_x];
    } forEach _magazines;
    	_veh vehicleChat format ["Reloading %1", _x];
    	sleep 0.1;
    	_veh addMagazine _x;
    } forEach _magazines;
    _count = count (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehType >> "Turrets");
    if (_count > 0) then {
    for "_i" from 0 to (_count - 1) do {
    	scopeName "xx_reload2_xx";
    	_config = (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehType >> "Turrets") select _i;
    	_magazines = getArray(_config >> "magazines");
    	_removed = [];
    		if (!(_x in _removed)) then {
    			_veh removeMagazines _x;
    			_removed = _removed + [_x];
    	} forEach _magazines;
    		_veh vehicleChat format ["Reloading %1", _x];
    		sleep 0.1;
    		_veh addMagazine _x;
    		sleep 0.1;
    	} forEach _magazines;
    	_count_other = count (_config >> "Turrets");
    	if (_count_other > 0) then {
    		for "_i" from 0 to (_count_other - 1) do {
    			_config2 = (_config >> "Turrets") select _i;
    			_magazines = getArray(_config2 >> "magazines");
    			_removed = [];
    				if (!(_x in _removed)) then {
    					_veh removeMagazines _x;
    					_removed = _removed + [_x];
    			} forEach _magazines;
    				_veh vehicleChat format ["Reloading %1", _x]; 
    				sleep 0.1;
    				_veh addMagazine _x;
    				sleep 0.1;
    			} forEach _magazines;
    _veh setVehicleAmmo 1;	// Reload turrets / drivers magazine
    _veh vehicleChat format ["Repairing and refuelling %1. Stand by...", _vehType];
    while {_damage > 0} do
    sleep 0.2;
    _percentage = 100 - (_damage * 100);
    _veh vehicleChat format ["Repairing (%1%)...", floor _percentage];
    if ((_damage - 0.01) <= 0) then
    	_veh setDamage 0;
    	_damage = 0;
    } else {
    	_veh setDamage (_damage - 0.01);
    	_damage = _damage - 0.01;
    _veh vehicleChat "Repaired (100%).";
    while {_fuelLevel < 1} do
    sleep 0.2;
    _percentage = (_fuelLevel * 100);
    _veh vehicleChat format["Refuelling (%1%)...", floor _percentage];
    if ((_fuelLevel + 0.01) >= 1) then
    	_veh setFuel 1;
    	_fuelLevel = 1;
    } else {
    	_fuelLevel = _fuelLevel + 0.01;
    _veh vehicleChat "Refuelled (100%).";
    sleep 2;
    _veh vehicleChat format ["%1 successfully repaired and refuelled.", _vehType];

  15. I dont suppose anyone could point me in the right direction as regards where I would find this bit could they :D

    Correction other bug :
    Group size vehicle:
    ligne 110 : _cGroup=[_pos,_bSize,_faction,_side] call EOS_LightVeh;
    replace by :
    ligne 110 : _cGroup=[_pos,_cSize,_faction,_side] call EOS_LightVeh;
    Group size armoured
    ligne 124 : _dGroup=[_pos,_bSize,_faction,_side] call EOS_Armour;
    replace by :
    ligne 124 : _dGroup=[_pos,_dSize,_faction,_side] call EOS_Armour;
    Group size mortar
    ligne 136 : _eGroup=[_pos,_bSize,_faction,_side] call EOS_spawnStatic;
    replace by :
    ligne 136 : _eGroup=[_pos,_eSize,_faction,_side] call EOS_spawnStatic;
