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About perfk

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    Private First Class

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  1. This script is awesome. Keep up the great work!. Feature request. The ability to give a new command to a spawned unit. Like. I tell my patrol to GARRISON an area. and then if a variable is true, can i give an ATTACK command to the group.
  2. What is the easiest way of adding a gear script to all spawned units? I'm currently calling it with: [this,"East","rifle"] call tb3_floadout; (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FwwKL6FgW7XOqciO1A2lyX5fzrOyJRCdO5YAHDLPfes/edit) Also can i activate a zone after having called "EOS_deactivate"? i would like to deactivate a bastion zone and then reactivate it at a later point.
  3. Hey Nightintruder, Love the plane, its so fun to fly. One question, would you be able to make it so the ace keybindings work on the plane? - Would love to have the afterburner key working.
  4. Hey all, I would like to be able to give all opfor players the option to become a suicide bomber. - but only when he has a specific item in his weapon slot (or backpack slot) Also, my mission is a respawn mission, so i would need to be able to do it again, as long as the unit has the item. This is the code i use on all my opfor guys (every opfor can use this option, if they have the item on their back) _boomid = this addAction ["DETONATE", "suicide.sqf", [], 5, false, true, "", " ""ACE_ANPRC77"" in (weapons _this)"]; and here is my suicide.sqf file: _target = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _boomid = _this select 2; "GrenadeHand" createVehicle getpos _caller; _target removeAction _boomid; This work in the sense, that if i pick up the item, i can blow my self up. but if i respawn, i'm not able to blow my self up anymore. Does anyone have an idea on how to fixe the above, or maybe a better way of doing it?
  5. Hey hcpookie, Looks great, just found a small issue :) - It seems like you forgot to put a space when looking at the ammo on the UH-13H gunship, and on the UH-13B Transport. (ammo count is on top of the name of the ammo)
  6. Hey Rydygier, This looks pretty danm awesome :) 1 question, can i limit where the AI gets moved to? if you look at this image: http://i.imgur.com/aeH4Zbu.png - you should see 4 RydCBC_CivCenters-triggers - but in this image: http://i.imgur.com/xGeJPnL.png it looks like the ai is all over the place. i would love to have them around the areas where i placed the triggers. - i dont mind if they drive/walk between the areas. but keep them around it :) Thanks for a great script.
  7. Hey guys. My intent is to be able to put a dead body in a bodybag, and move/drag and load/unload that bodybag into/from a vehcle. a bonus would be if i would be able to give the bodybag a name when it gets spawned. Reason: i want to build a mission where the mission will fail if any playable units are not back in base at the end of the mission, eiter alive, or in a bodybag. (might just do a: amountofdeadplayers == ammountofbodybags. and then just count the amount of bodybags at the base. (should be able to figure out how to count how many of a object there is around a trigger.) This video shows how it would work: [1]Question: 1. Is this function taken out of ace? if no, what mods/modules do i need to be using. 2. If yes, anyone got any good idear on how i should go about doing this. - i was thinking about giving everyplayer an addaction, that will activate once the player is dead, the script would turn the body into a bodybag, and then would i use some carry script to carry, and load the bodybag into a vehcle. Thanks for your time.
  8. Looks great, was hoping to suggest this to the group that i'm playing with. But it seems to have a few issues show here: and Is this something that is still being worked on? We would love to use it :)
  9. Soo, any chance you found the function to pull all the building positions, would love to use this on the map Podagosk :)
  10. perfk


    Hey Mondkalb. I'm having some problems with ai being able to see, and shoot trough the walls. any chance you have a fix for this?
  11. Hey Giallustio. Your script might be a bit overkill for what i'm trying to do, but it is the one that has gotten closes, so here goes :) would it be posible to load more than 1 object into a vehicle? like a larger truck should be able to hold more than 1 ammo crate. etc?
  12. perfk


    Hey Mondkalb, quick question, i want to use this for my killhouse, but for that i need to be able to reset it. - can i reset doors/damage to the building in anyway?
  13. is it correct, that at the moment, you can't rebind the planes control scheme? - (my mouse will only go up/down, not side/side :P - flying with keyboard only = not so great :P)
  14. perfk

    MBG Killhouses (Arma3)

    Hey Mondkalb, Great work, this looks wery good. one question: can i alter how much dmg a wall/door needs to take before it gets destroyed? - with the test i just did, i could destroy a wall in the bighouse1 with just a normal rifel.
  15. perfk

    MCC Sandbox - The Mod

    How would i setup this mod so only the logged in admin can use it? - hopefully without edditing all the other missions that we have :)