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About Graugger

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  1. i'm trying to shake the cameras of people in the radius of a certain object while leaving everyone outside the radius untouched. How do I implement camera shake properly?
  2. Hello my issue is simple yet complex. I am attempting to spawn in a structure which will periodically produce a sound which is meant to shake a persons screen and cause damage to them. Problem is it does the damage but doesn't shake screens or play the sound. The sound is imported into the sound folder and imported in the description yet other players aren't hearing it when I do. This is driving me crazy as I've tried a dozen different combinations and none of them work. #loop RandomWreckSoundEmitter = -2; publicVariable "RandomWreckSoundEmitter"; ~25 RandomWreckSoundEmitter = (Random 8); publicvariable "RandomWreckSoundEmitter"; if ((RandomWreckSoundEmitter <= 6) and (RandomWreckSoundEmitter >= 0)) then { ZBHCZB1 Say3D "Gargantuaannoyed";}; /// Only I'm hearing the sounds; if (((RandomWreckSoundEmitter <= 6) and (RandomWreckSoundEmitter >= 0)) and (isServer)) then {{ _x setdamage (getdammage _x)+.1} foreach nearestobjects [ ZBHCZB1,["man"],100];}; ///This works when in range if (((RandomWreckSoundEmitter <= 6) and (RandomWreckSoundEmitter >= 0)) and (isServer)) then {{addCamShake [2.5, 15.25, 40]} foreach nearestobjects [ ZBHCZB1,["man"],100];}; /// Only my screen shakes when in range if ((RandomWreckSoundEmitter <= 8) and (RandomWreckSoundEmitter > 6)) then { ZBHCZB1 Say3D "Gargantuarestless";}; if (((RandomWreckSoundEmitter <= 8) and (RandomWreckSoundEmitter > 6)) and (isServer)) then {{ _x setdamage (getdammage _x)+.2} foreach nearestobjects [ ZBHCZB1,["man"],100];}; if (((RandomWreckSoundEmitter <= 8) and (RandomWreckSoundEmitter > 6)) and (isServer)) then {{addCamShake [4, 11.25, 70]} foreach nearestobjects [ ZBHCZB1,["man"],100];}; goto "loop" I mean seriously what is wrong with this thing? I've got custom sound files to work in other missions BUT not this one. Even when I force the sound to play through my character nobody else hears it STILL! Also I tried... #loop if (isServer) then { RandomWreckSoundEmitter = -2; publicVariable "RandomWreckSoundEmitter"; ~25 RandomWreckSoundEmitter = (Random 8); publicvariable "RandomWreckSoundEmitter"; }; if (((RandomWreckSoundEmitter <= 8) and (RandomWreckSoundEmitter >= 0)) and (player distance ZBHCZB1 <= 100)) then {Shakingman = player}; if (((RandomWreckSoundEmitter <= 8) and (RandomWreckSoundEmitter >= 0)) and (player distance ZBHCZB1 > 100)) then {Shakingman = null}; if (((RandomWreckSoundEmitter <= 6) and (RandomWreckSoundEmitter >= 0)) and (isServer)) then { ZBHCZB1 Say3D "Gargantuaannoyed";}; if (((RandomWreckSoundEmitter <= 6) and (RandomWreckSoundEmitter >= 0)) and (isServer)) then {{ _x setdamage (getdammage _x)+.1} foreach nearestobjects [ ZBHCZB1,["man"],100];}; if (((RandomWreckSoundEmitter <= 6) and (RandomWreckSoundEmitter >= 0)) and (isplayer Shakingman)) then { addCamShake [2.5, 15.25, 40];}; if (((RandomWreckSoundEmitter <= 8) and (RandomWreckSoundEmitter > 6)) and (isServer)) then { ZBHCZB1 Say3D "Gargantuarestless";}; if (((RandomWreckSoundEmitter <= 8) and (RandomWreckSoundEmitter > 6)) and (isServer)) then {{ _x setdamage (getdammage _x)+.25} foreach nearestobjects [ ZBHCZB1,["man"],100];}; if (((RandomWreckSoundEmitter <= 8) and (RandomWreckSoundEmitter > 6)) and (isplayer Shakingman)) then { addCamShake [4, 11.25, 70];}; goto "loop"
  3. Hi, I'm trying to make an injury script that only activates when a variable reaches a certain value (cycles every few minutes). I'm trying to injure players who are in proximity to a building and give only those players a camera shake. I can't use a trigger either so it all has to be done with scripts. I've searched the forums and almost everything requires a in map trigger.
  4. I used that scripting line as I had a similar issue but I used it for spawning hear and now the host is the only one that can see the weaponholders. Any clue how to prvenet multiple spawns yet allow everyone to see the gear? I can find the weaponholder when someone else is hosting but when I open it there's nothing in it and nothing appears on the ground.