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About y0shi

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  1. I sorted it out: // Generate the smoke _wreckSmoke = "test_EmptyObjectForSmoke" createVehicle [0, 0, 0]; _wreckSmokePosition = _newWreck modelToWorld [-0.249023, 1.45703, -2.2991]; _wreckSmoke setPosATL _wreckSmokePosition; Now the smoke is nice and centered... Hopefully somebody else will sometime find this thread and have an easier day than me :D Cheers
  2. Hi there and thanks for your suggestion. Unforunately the smoke still keeps attaching like this :( I have no clue why this is happening.
  3. Hi all, I've been using Signaller's heli crash script (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25452) the last few hours to create some nice crashes. After some bouncing around on commands I managed to get a nice crashsite with no upside-down helis etc. The only missing part is the smoke. My script currently looks somewhat like this; _nul = [] execVM "heliCrash\crashInit.sqf"; _heliMarker = ["heli1", "heli2", "heli3", "heli4"]; _heliMarkerSelect = _heliMarker call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _heliSpawn = getMarkerPos _heliMarkerSelect; _heliGroup = createGroup WEST; crash_heli = createVehicle ["I_Heli_Transport_02_F", [_heliSpawn select 0, _heliSpawn select 1, 200], [], 0, "FLY"]; crash_heli_pilot = "o_soldier_unarmed_f" createUnit [_heliSpawn, _heliGroup, "this assignAsDriver crash_heli; this moveInDriver crash_heli;"]; _centerPos = getMarkerPos "center"; crash_position = [_centerPos, 500, 3500, 1, 1, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _heliGroup addWaypoint [crash_position, 0]; _nul = [] execVM "crashMonitor.sqf"; onMapSingleClick "player setPos _pos;"; _crashMarker = createMarker ["heliCrash", crash_position]; _crashMarker setMarkerShape "ICON"; _crashMarker setMarkerType "hd_objective"; _heliMarker = createMarker ["heliMarker", (getPos crash_heli)]; _heliMarker setMarkerShape "ICON"; _heliMarker setMarkerType "mil_box"; _heliMarker setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; while {true} do { _heliMarker setMarkerPos (getPos crash_heli); sleep 2; }; The crashMonitor.sqf: _heliCrashInit = true; while {_heliCrashInit} do { _distanceToCrash = crash_heli distance crash_position; if(_distanceToCrash < 1200) then { _heliCrashInit = false; hint "Crash Init"; _nul = [crash_heli, false] spawn H8_crashNow; sleep 5; crash_heli addEventHandler ["Killed", { (_this select 0) spawn { _heliWreckPosition = getPosASL _this; deleteVehicle _this; _newWreck = "I_Heli_Transport_02_F" createVehicle _heliWreckPosition; _newWreck setVelocity [0, 0, 0]; _newWreck setPosATL [_heliWreckPosition select 0, _heliWreckPosition select 1, 0]; _wreckSmoke = "test_EmptyObjectForSmoke" createVehicle _heliWreckPosition; _newWreck setDamage 1; _newWreck setDamage 0; _newWreck setDamage 1; _newWreck enableSimulation false; }; }]; } else { hint format["%1 meters to crash", _distanceToCrash] }; sleep 2; }; If you run this script on a properly setup map (4 helo spawn points & a center marker), you'll notice that the smoke which should be spawned by the monitor is always a bit offset from the helo. It's mostly attached to the ground or somewhere else like 3 meters off. Does anyone of you have a valid solution for this problem? I cannot seem to find the correct anchor point for the smoke and yes - I tried attachTo as well. This just results in no smoke being there at all. Thanks for any suggestions :) Cheers
  4. y0shi

    Simple geometrics request

    Thanks for the hint. How about the textures? I'm actually texturing / applying my transparent texture in Blender because I'm totally confused with O2s Texturing process: When I created a LOD (geometry lod in my case) the initially gained transparency was lost and it was a solid white block again. Any way to prevent this? EDIT: I'm dumb sorry - this should actually be moved to A2 Modelling :(
  5. Hi there, the last few hours I went through some attempts to create a simple plane which is 4m by 4m. It should have no texture, it should rather be transparent. I cannot get it to work in any case: I tried modelling a plane with Blender (which was quite easy though), opened it in O2 and tried to apply a Geometry Lod. Bullets seem to impact on the (absolutely non-transparent) object but yet still I can pass through it. Is there anything like a collection of solid shapes already out there? It should be used to fix briges on Icebreakr's awesome map Panthera by layering the model over the bridge. If someone would provide me with a link to such "prefabs" or a .p3d file I'd be really glad to share my "Fixed Bridge Panthera": It won't help for AI though but yet still, you can at least cross it by foot. Thanks for your help & cheers, Y0shi
  6. Well... it was two times. I asked for deletion the first time cuz it was wrongly places - I'm sorry. There are not many units. There's like 25 AIs placed by some UPS script, not many objects. Everyone is running the same addon stack as I do... I use ACE weapons in the mission etc. I will try running stock but then it might but because the weapons can't be loaded... It's basically so very simple. Dudes jumping out of a boat at the Panthera coast, some A10s doing some trouble to AA from there on pretty much COOP vs. AI... with the UPS script. And still I'm the only one lagging. I will do as you said still - I will try running stock and veryfing steam cache and shit. Still funny that this doesn't happen on other maps I play though which use the same addons.
  7. I mean... it's only me jumping around. Other squad members don't see each other jumping. From their perspective everything runs smooth. The squad leader (which I usually play) is the only one which is set as "Player" and not "Playable". Can this cause bugs?
  8. Nah, it's just with this mission and I tried in on a dedi server with 1 Gbit connection so that really cannot be it... Other missions run smoothly
  9. Hello everybody, I'm currently working a multiplayer mission series with the custom map Panthera. For my first mission there I used Urban Patrol Script by Kronzky (www.kronzky.info), ACE, ACEX incl. all addons. When I play the mission in singleplayer it all works fine. Stuff is blowing up, the insertion works just fine - everything is smooth. But when I try to play it in multiplayer mode with friends the AI seems lagging like shit (move - stuck - 2 sec freeze - 2m advanced - move - stuck and so on). Same goes for my "human mates". They report me that I'm like a rubber ball jumping up and down increasing in height. That seems really really weird... I can't figure it out. I already went from ACE Halo Insertion (which also worked just fine) to lame boat insertion. Nothing seems to fix it. So I uploaded my files here: http://www13.zippyshare.com/v/20555362/file.html If anyone finds my mistake I owe him a liver or something like that :D Thanks in advance & Cheers!
  10. I'm glad someone helps searching ! :)
  11. Actually the mission has been played on a dedicated Octo Core with 16 GB Ram and my connection is quite fine... I usually play with a ping of 13ms and I don't have this hopping around bug on any other missions played on this server. I'm very sorry if this is in the wrong section. Which ever moderator might read this - please move it to the right one. Me apologizez :o
  12. Hello everybody, I'm currently working a multiplayer mission series with the custom map Panthera. For my first mission there I used Urban Patrol Script by Kronzky (www.kronzky.info), ACE, ACEX incl. all addons. When I play the mission in singleplayer it all works fine. Stuff is blowing up, the insertion works just fine - everything is smooth. But when I try to play it in multiplayer mode with friends the AI seems lagging like shit (move - stuck - 2 sec freeze - 2m advanced - move - stuck and so on). Same goes for my "human mates". They report me that I'm like a rubber ball jumping up and down increasing in height. That seems really really weird... I can't figure it out. I already went from ACE Halo Insertion (which also worked just fine) to lame boat insertion. Nothing seems to fix it. So I uploaded my files here: http://www13.zippyshare.com/v/20555362/file.html If anyone finds my mistake I owe him a liver or something like that :D Thanks in advance & Cheers!
  13. Hello guys! I'm just working on a modification of a modification which just has the default ArmA 2 soundtrack in its mainmenu. I googled like a hundred times but didn't find anything really. I got to RscMainDisplay or something like that which should describe the main menu but it didn't help me. Has anyone a clue of how to do this? Thanks in advance! Cheers