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About SecondAmendment

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  1. SecondAmendment

    ArmA3 modding wishlist and discussion

    I certainly agree that SQF is problematic, and would prefer a standardized oop language like Java where we could at least pre-compile to get immediate feedback on code quality. However, I would also add that a general cleanup of the API regardless of platform language would be very useful. A few obvious items that should be added to the API: 1. Simplify the MP API such that it is clear when, where, and how scripts are invoked. Simplify the API for handling JIP players. 2. Add a real logging mechanism to the API. 3. Remove case sensitivity from all class names represented by strings and make this the standard for all file types (sqm, sqf, ext, etc) 4. Fix spelling mistakes in API routines, and refactor API names to make more sense. For example deleteVehicle is used also to delete units that are not vehicles. createVehicle is used to create objects that are not vehicles, etc. 5. Standardize position formats in the sqm file such that they are in the X,Y,Z format. 6. If still using runtime compiled scripts like SQF, then incorporate compile/interpreter errors into the logging mechanism with stack traces and line numbers. 7. Implement some form of multi-threading locking (mutex) for accessing public variables (already solved if one goes down the java route). 8. Add more diagnostic read-only fields from the engine into the API: units owned locally, units owned by machine, etc. 9. Provide more hooks into the AI. More fields regarding an AI unit's status (engaged, firing, etc), and ways to change those. I find in lots of my missions AI units get stranded due to engagement and never return to their waypoints. While I am sure lots of convoluted scripting could solve this, it would be easier if this was more clear. Keep up the awesome work.