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Everything posted by yevgeni89

  1. :O rifle grenades my favorite!, I used the hell out of those rifle grenades in ofp they did some work too.
  2. Yeah I currently have both the latest Taki2035 mod and the Latest FAC, no issues, im also using blastcore with ACE and rhs and various replacements but im still running strong.
  3. I definitely am digging the Full stock FAL, and the para makes only sense for paratroopers :P
  4. yevgeni89

    Takistani Armed Forces 2035 v0.6b

    Yeah makes me a little insecure something so big dropping essentially a little less than an infantry company in my backyard, but I dont think the taki2035 units will use them they got mi-17's and mi-8's and frankly it maybe difficult to get permission :/ as I think they are no longer active, and the original model dates back to OFP,lol.
  5. I think the guy honestly downloaded an old version, because ive got it and FAC runs fine no error's minus the fake weapon for the t-55 which isnt an issue.
  6. Sadly can only provide you knowledge and research, a lot of these things the Rhodesians used have been made its only the matter of getting permission for them.
  7. Those look beautiful my friend, those helmet nets are cute too haha ;) , I understand about the camo pattern its hard to find a big enough pic that shows it so its really guess-timation.
  8. Thanks R0adki11, I hope to post some more before too long to show all the FAC off. :)
  9. That sounds awesome and im going to post a few screenies :) and you might add those burlap textures too ;) haha jk its not a biggy
  10. Ive let the moderators know and I also have sent news of it to arma info :), and sounds good the FAC chapter is coming to a close but its been an enjoyable ride watching this thing grow and soon they'll be the final version. I will ask one thing though if it's not too much trouble but can you make groups? so it makes for easier placement?
  11. yevgeni89

    Takistani Armed Forces 2035 v0.6b

    lol its actually massive in real life its got to be to haul a tank and have the ability to use a crane, http://www.f-16.net/attachments/mi_26__chook__f16_566.jpg
  12. yevgeni89

    Takistani Armed Forces 2035 v0.6b

    I think its just the ka-60 models from pmc, I havent seen anything else like that, I hate to ask but I know youve got the mi-24's mi-8/mi-17's and their variants, do you have the mi-28 havoc? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6595&highlight=MI-28 or the mi-26 these bad boy's can transport tanks....ive used them in game, and they are simply awesome because you can paradrop the vehicles. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12312&highlight=MI-26 Also they claim the passenger model can lift 70 men....if one of these touches down thats like a arma battalion landing. I only mention these because im pretty confident in Capraia's AA abilities,lol.
  13. I love that, looks like he's been low crawling like a sniper should.
  14. Those look splendid, I agree with the half ghillie as well, I for some reason was never a big fan of full on ghillie suits and running around like a chia pet chewbhaca.
  15. yeah those would be your only options the BIS russian riflemen model seems pretty standard though the gear is the same, im curious to see where you end up taking this, wherever it goes they'll be slugging it out in the mountains with tribal taki's before too long.
  16. You know you do have a unusual resource available to you, the bis vanilla russians, the uniforms are the same cut as the afghanka style....theres a lot of possibility, especially if you wanted a little variety, the armor is the same as well more or less, the chest rigs simple green or tan they become liftchika, so you could do the khaki still maybe here or there a kzs helmet cover or burlap cover, these are all merely suggestions. Youve got a lot of different outcomes :) and play with this.
  17. Damn Capraia is surrounded by enemies, but I hope ardistan is less of a bastard lol, I really have been wondering when someone would do a soviet/afghanistan style theme.
  18. yevgeni89

    Takistani Armed Forces 2035 v0.6b

    Realistically maybe, but it is a fictional Army haha
  19. yevgeni89

    Takistani Armed Forces 2035 v0.6b

    It's not unheard of though buying a license for a weapon and producing it yourself, making it your own, like egypt made their own version of the AK, a communist rifle in a muslim country doesnt matter, but we'll leave it there.
  20. Well it's truly the first community input mod, which makes it pretty special, weve suggested it, youve made it, most mods its a team and a they have a pre thought out plan of what their going to do, but this has been from the start a one man operation with some help here or there with a config or something, then the community just provided what we would like to see :P, and it's always nice to have another fictional country everyone is about realism and real armies.
  21. This project has grown phenomenally large haha.
  22. Lol lets hope the ground AA will take care of any airspace violations, which by the way worked amazing shooting down su's left and right.
  23. Ah well you can always use ask vilas for his western weapons pack :P or robert hammer for his, theres a lot of good weapons in there, for instance usp and hk33e ;) tehn in RH's weapon pack he's got the tar 21 and a bunch of other modern weapons that would work for the presidential guards, and thanks Im trying to figure out how to make a video display.
  24. Capraian Airspace effectively denied lol, these are awesome.