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About Ryousuke

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Seems like a good fix, thanks.
  2. I can launch ArmA 3 and play the singleplayer or the showcases just fine, but as soon as I start trying to dive into multiplayer it starts butt-blasting my connection, chrome fails, then skype fails, then it's a full disconnect. Is this some technological voodoo, or what? This is very recent, too. The most recent patch where gamespy was removed. Tried restarting both PC and router, uninstalled and reinstalled arma 3. Any more suggestions welcome.
  3. Ryousuke

    Forcing first person?

    Thanks for the help guys, appreciate it. <3
  4. Recently got back into editing and I can't quite seem to remember how I would go about forcing first person for every unit in a mission, both on the opfor and blufor sides. And the effect is to be permanent. Any ideas? (Apologies if this has been asked before, I didn't find anything while searching.)
  5. Ryousuke


    Sadly not, I've spent most of my time on the editing side of things since the beta was released, only really touching up some missions that I'm confident enough to fix, haha. I'll let you know if I spot one though, I'm getting a little tired of the not-so-great insurgency ports.
  6. Ryousuke


    Apologies if this has been asked before, but with reference to the Arma 3 insurgency mission, I'm being told that I'm missing a lot of content that's present in the mission, which I'm quite positive I have, things like the Mk6, assorted vehicles, etc. Is this something to do with the fact that the game is in Beta and the mission version is still Alpha, or is it something else?
  7. Ryousuke

    Skirmish module tutorial?

    I'm more interested in that Dynamic Patrol module in there. If you figure out what is used to mark the routes, I'll love you forever.
  8. To my knowledge the grenade throw is just an alpha implementation and is not final for the build. Even dyslexi states the same in one of his videos, I'm sure.
  9. Ryousuke

    Sabotaging Vehicles

    Attaching explosives to vehicles is, as loose stated, a SCRIPT, not an in-game feature. It's rather easy to script in perhaps an addaction that removes your explosives and plants them on the vehicle or boat, and then detonating 40 seconds later, but it's not something that appears in game to my knowledge.
  10. During my casual dickery with the editor I noticed that there are now task modules built right into the game. Anyone had a play around with these yet? Would save me a lot of trouble playing with scripts if I knew how to work them, and it might also help others looking to do the same.
  11. http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=20801&d=0 Everything you need.
  12. Ryousuke

    C130 Cargo Script

    Can't this script also be slightly modified to work with the MV-22 wing folding animation, so that you can fold and un-fold the craft on an LHD or so? Leaving the updated format the way it is and simply replacing names and animations?
  13. I like the idea, but I'm not clever enough to figure out how I would do that. Assuming Code x is the code for task completion and failure and such, how would I go about doing that?
  14. Hosted on a dedicated server. Mission has two hostages, Hostage1 and Hostage2. Both are player controlled, and are held by Opfor. Tasks have been set up so that their objective is to escape from a certain radius of a marker atop the compound, Blufor's task is to rescue all remaining hostages. But if one hostage died, the other still has a chance to escape, and blufor's task can still be completed if they rescue that remaining hostage. So I need to set up trigger conditions that will be set off when any of these parameters are met: Hostage1 and Hostage2 leave the trigger radius alive. Hostage1 leaves the trigger radius alive while Hostage 2 is dead. Hostage2 leaves the trigger radius alive while Hostage 1 is dead. The trigger, however, must NOT be activated if Hostage1 or Hostage2 leaves the radius of the trigger while Hostage2 or Hostage1 respectively are still alive. Effectively, all remaining LIVING Hostages must leave the zone. Any ideas on how I would go about doing this? I'm dumb and can't figure it out on my own.