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Posts posted by Twin2Win

  1. Then cue the complaints that the Arma 3 engine/alpha is too influenced by such comments... :rolleyes:

    I'll agree though that there could be better "bridging" in getting people new moving in a specific direction... yes, "there isn't a big sign pointing people to the Field Manual whenever they have a 'how do i shoot weapon' question" is one of these areas that could be improved, as seemingly elementary as that sounds, and no "it's right in the main menu" evidently hasn't been enough... I like your first video so far, Twin2Win, though I unfortunately don't have more specific critiques at this time.

    Thanks Chortles, Once I figure out what to do next I'll make another and upload it.

    Also here is a video link to an op that my unit ran about 4 weeks ago before I joined up. This op was ran in ARMA 2 but it does demonstrate some tactics and general things to do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR3CuKbfANI

  2. I do not think any author well the popular ones that are known in the community will release their mods on Steam workshop. And I hope it stays that way. Modding as it is right now is easy and most of the time if it isn't working it's the users fault for not reading the documentation that comes with the mod. Controls I feel are smooth but maybe that's just me...

  3. I used the new task module system and was able to get it working. I did however run into an issue, that I think might be a bug I'm not sure yet though I need to test more to see but When adding tasks I got to 5 tasks and after the 5th one, they started not showing up. For example I made 7 tasks, when I finished the tasks the first 2 that I made, which worked at the time, no longer worked. Spent hours screwing around with it. Saved my mission, restarted the ARMA3 ALPHA and redid the first 2 tasks and saved. Now all 7 tasks work. Also more on note to your end questions I have been searching for a way to get a task assigned after another is complete but from what I have read i've only seen it done through triggers, which I don't find to be as dependable because who is to say they are going to walk into it? Then again, maybe If we synced the create task trigger with the previous tasks complete task trigger and then synced an set task state trigger to that one... hmmm, brain just stopped working lol At least it's wrote down, try and run with that =P

  4. Heck I'm running on a i5 with 2 Geforce gtx 295's and I can pull decent frames. Look into the startup parameters and you can usually squeeze a little more out of what your getting. Until it is more optimized though, you may have to forfit some of the eye candy. Like ATOC and view distance.

  5. Heh, I thought I was the only one. I went to host a mission I made yesterday and literally my internet shut off...at the modem. I walked up to it and the usually green internet light was off. Restarted the router and it was fine. Tried to host it again and same thing happened. Apparently my mission is so good it breaks the internet =P

  6. I'm down to help with this. Get that forum section up and get those games hosted. I'd be more then happy to help. Maybe if someone has some extra server hosting space we could do a little Basic for them, and show off a few tactics and some tac-don'ts =P
