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Posts posted by Twin2Win

  1. somethings not right then obviously. when you open both your shapefile and stratis shapefile at the same time do they overlap at some point because then you should be able to see your road network in game. make sure your ( "newRoadsShape = "gm_roads\roads\roads.shp";") in your islands config points to the correct path and your road.cfg is correct and that you have those file ext set correctly in binpbo as well.

    I guess they don't...it's weird because every single time I line them up and export them as vector format shp file they apparently just reset...I hate GM so much...Guess I'll do the whole process for the 50 something time and hope it decides to idk work...

  2. Well I believe you can export to Tiff or something like that which can be imported into visitor or in to L3DT for further changes. Heck I've considered picking up the crysis 2 software because they have a tools that lays down a road and smooths terrain underneath it automatically. save and export that to L3DT and continue making your HF =)

  3. @Milk: Exactly thats what the tutorial B posted says. Simply put in the road overlay as texture and then use the Smoother or Buldozer tool to clear the roads from bumpiness.

    @Twin: Do the map exchange not with GM but use a photo editing tool. Open um 20480x20480rectified and place your map on top of it - dont change the name of the file and make sure your map is aligned to the Origin of my map, then save.

    When you now open up the A3roads.gmw project in GM and you have done it right, your map will appear instead of mine, aligned to the grid. Now you can start painting roads as described.

    For more info on GM or basics on realword recreation, check out my tutorial from Arma 2 or VBS 2 developer reference on terrain. And the rest is learning by doing....

    As a recommendation: I wouldnt necessarily start terrain editing with a 40x40km island - it takes ages to accomplish and is very resource intensive in the process. I do have lots of fast RAM and use a SSD scratchdisk, yet it takes some time even to load in the layer maps for my 20x20km island...so double that for your island. Now, if you change stuff like road width in PS or whatever, it always takes a loooong time until you can see the results in game - that is annoying. For learning how things work, use a 1x1km map.

    Thanks I'll give that a try. And i'm not really starting terrain editing, I've spent a lot of time in ArmA 2 with visitor and whatnot just took me a bit to get back in the groove, and the new file structures really threw me for a loop. And I have had zero experience with GM or tools like it. Now that I have my basics back down I'll be tearing it up. Once I master the getting roads into game anyway. And I usually don't have extremely long load times...no idea why as I don't have that powerful of a PC or a SSD for that matter. I just have a lot of free time I guess =/ on another note does anyone else ground textures look "bland" or in other words boring? it's like there isn't any bump mapping or something.

    **Edit** Does anyone know how I can resize a image to 40960px by 40960px in png format? Everytime I try Gimp crashes, image resizer comes up with a error of trying to process to much, and infraview says it runs out of memory... /sigh

  4. Let me explain it like this. I have no idea how to use Global Mapper....Took me 2 hours of dicking around to figure out how to remove your geogrid. I have recified my roads, turns out that looks like hell because I used that damn point system, ya, don't do that... I have no idea how to check the coordinates or how to get them to be where I want them to be. I used the command center or whater it's called to select the layer with digitalizer and then right click on my map and click move and drag and dropped it on it...still not exact coords... I'm basically an idiot with GM and any help would be nice...like knowing how to resize things...that's a start.

  5. So I put together a cfgclutter and a cfgsurface and after re- binarizing my island the sat map was destroyed in game, and extremely large portions were completely untextured... Here is what they are let me know what's wrong with them if you can... made these myself so they are probably wrong =P


    Awakenrm was kind enough to pm his cfgClutter.hpp and cfgSurfaces.hpp

  6. Hello again everybody!

    Would anyone be willing to share a Template for the CfgClutter and CfgSurfaces hpp's? I do not know how they differ from OA or really how to set up one of those. I'm sure if I had a Template I could figure it out. Or if someone has a completed one with all clutter on it and a cfgsurfaces to accompany it that would be exactly what I'm looking for. Much appreciated everybody!

  7. It's not that I don't want more content but I'd rather have quality content. Just take for instance the project I'm working on now. I'm recreating grand manan. My best friend actually just moved to Canada. I have him out taking pictures of stop signs , mailboxes, houses anything to create the feeling of actually being there.

    Instead of just pumping out mini-stratiss or Lemnos or whatever they changed the name to now. See what I'm saying. Yes a newer updated version of visitor is surly needed but if they give us anything like vbedit it wouldn't be the same as it is now. These guys work months maybe years just to get close to a completed island that offers that new never been here before feeling.

    100% Agree with you!

  8. So...yaaaa, I'll be changing a lot around. Seems the format has changed quite a bit since OA... Thanks I'll be back lol

    ---------- Post added at 22:21 ---------- Previous post was at 22:10 ----------

    ok so you should have your main folder called rudy then the Hawaii folder

    in the Hawaii folder there should be the A3 folder, DATA folder, MUSIC folder, OBJECTS folder and SOURCE folder.

    inside the Hawaii folder should also be cfgClutter.hpp, cfgSurfaces.hpp the config.hpp and your Hawaii.hpp (which lists all your island locations, although if its not specified in your config you don't need it at the moment)

    also your Hawaii.wrp should be in there as well

    inside the source folder you should have a folder called terrain and also inside the source folder is where your .pew file should be saved also with you Mask_Lco and Sat_Lco plus the layers.cfg and mapLegend.png

    then just the data folder should have a folder called Layers

    and inside the data folder is where your rvmats and .paa files for your ground textures go

    Do I need a terrain folder with a terrain.pbl in it if I made my height map via xyz and L3DT? and the config.hpp is that the one you linked me in pastbin? if so I had it as config.cfg which I guess is wrong.
