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Everything posted by brainslush

  1. brainslush

    Advanced Ballistics (WIP)

    @Ruthberg Found another script error, which occurs when one fires from a vehicle. Error in expression <}; if (false && currentWeaponMode _unit != "Single") exitWith {}; if (_unit dist> Error position: <!= "Single") exitWith {}; if (_unit dist> Error Generic error in expression File advancedballistics\fnc_advanced_ballistics.sqf, line 19 I guess this error occurs because when the fired eventhandler is triggered the unit firing is the vehicle and not a single unit. Combined with currentWeaponMode _unit this returns a number (usually 0) and not a string. This brings me directly to a feature request: Please enable this mod for vehicles aswell or maybe just a lightweight version.
  2. You have four color channels: Red, green, blue and alpha. The alpha channel determines the transparency, 1 is opaque and 0 is transparent. For white you would have to use Red = Green = Blue = 1.
  3. brainslush

    Advanced Ballistics (WIP)

    The bullet shock cone is only visible for supersonic speed and if you look through a binocular or laserdesignator.
  4. brainslush

    Advanced Ballistics (WIP)

    Ruthberg, skimming your code I found that you set the lattitude and longitude manually. You can also read it from the map config using _latitude =getNumber(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "latitude"); _longitude =getNumber(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "longitude"); ---------- Post added at 16:13 ---------- Previous post was at 15:56 ---------- Sorry for double post but on side note for the bullet trace. You bound it to only work with "Binocular", "Rangefinder" and "Laserdesignator" in particular and not with any inheriting subclass. To make it compatible with other mods I suggest you use iskindof.
  5. Can't confirm that. For me everything works perfect now. @Ruthberg: Your last update fixed the issue and as promissed calculation is much faster.
  6. Hey, I guess something got messed up for the calculation of the wind correction since no matter what I enter, the ATragMX returns negative values for the wind correction. Having wind of 20 from 9 gives ~-9 and having a wind from 3 gives ~-9.2 on ~1100m. Even direct head or tail wind returns negative values where they should be almost around zero.
  7. I guess the ATragMX needs an update to match the changes made in version 16 and 17 of the advanced ballistics mod but I guess that you are aware of that.
  8. Thanks! We will test right away at the earliest time tomorrow and will let you know if it works and if we encounter any other problems. Best regards
  9. Yes, it was. Another thing we noticed about Advanced Ballistics Mod is that the shoot is not synchronized with any other player which results in the situation that the spotter sees a different trajectory than the shooter. Which leads to the problem that at long distances the spotter doesn't see the impact point at all since the bullet drops more rapidly and impacts somwhere between you and your target. But anyway great work and keep up your effort.
  10. It's me again! We made tests on our server with this addon package. We were a sniper and a spotter trying to shout numerous targets. It went quite well but it seems that temperature, humidity and barometric pressure are not synchronized between clients which makes it hard for the spotter to calculate the stuff for his gunner.
  11. Is there going to be an updated version where the los error is fixed? I could do it on my own but I'm not in the mood since I have my had filled up with other Arma projects.
  12. Wouldn't this be the spotter's job and since a rifle has no measuring device aka laser isn't this somehow impossible? Maybe you could add this to the userconfig, even tye it to a laserdesignator and then call it singleplayer feature.
  13. brainslush

    ASR AI 3

    Thanks for the reply. I will have a look into that. I probably will have to visit the BWA3 Mod team.
  14. It also is important how the server crashes. Does it freeze up and doesn't respond for a long time or does the server really crash causing the server executable to shut down?
  15. I assume that the bis_fnc_mp function doesn't have any client to client functionality and always is broadcasted to the server and then distributed to the respective receiver. Does by any chance someone know what happens when the sender is also the receiver? Does it get broadcasted to the server and then back to the client or does it cause the function to get executed immediately on the sender's machine? Thanks
  16. I found the answer a bit later by my self in the function viewer and came to the same conclusion. Forgot to look it up there b/c I didn't expect bis_fnc_mp to be in there. But thanks for confirming my findings.
  17. Can you please implement that the device doesn't open when looking through the scope or binoculars?
  18. brainslush

    Advanced Ballistics (WIP)

    I have a question concerning the last update. Is the bullet effect also visible for the spotter looking through a Binocular or whatever he's using?
  19. brainslush

    ASR AI 3

    Had this error in our server RPT last night with v0.9.9. We are running several other mods but which as far as I know shoudln't conflict with ASR AI. Bad conversion: array Error in expression < reveal [_veh,_k]; ; }; } forEach (_veh nearEntities [["CAManBase","StaticWeapon> Error position: <nearEntities [["CAManBase","StaticWeapon> Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected File x\asr_ai3\addons\sysaiskill\fnc_firedEH.sqf, line 150
  20. Hey, since the last Arma3 stable update the sounds don't work anymore. Any hope for a hotfix?
  21. brainslush

    A2 Island Fixes

    Using it together with A3 Map Pack I get the following error: Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgSurfaceCharacters.WLGrassClutter' I'm also loading other maps. I would have to check where this error is coming from explicitly.
  22. rubbish what i wrote. The problem is another one, see post above.
  23. brainslush

    Why use the spawn command?

    I wouldn't per se say that execVM must be avoided. It's perfectly fine with code which only runs once per mission and isn't time crucial since the memory which was occupied by the "execVM"-script gets released afterwards, while preprocessed code stays in the memory for the whole mission.
  24. This behavior as far as I know isn't part of the Vanilla engine but must be part of an addon you are using. I might guess ASR-Ai or something.
  25. Wouldn't use that since this disables all inputs, even the "ESC"-Button. If you get it wrong the only way for the player to get the game working again is by killing the ARMA process and restarting ARMA.