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Posts posted by rebelvg

  1. Update for the tool.



    It now uses md5 as a base for the classname.

    Previously the tool generated classnames depending on the order of the songs in the folder, so if you added something new the order could change, breaking compatibility with missions that use classnames of the songs.

    And old method didn't allow for packing new songs into other pbo since the new classnames would overwrite previous classnames.

    Now, the classnames will always be the same unless the file was actually changed somehow. I wanted to actually build classnames using tags but it's not 100% reliable.

    And now you can create music_config2.pbo and music_files2.pbo and just add it.

    There's a progress bar in the program now and a copy to clipboard button.


    In the next update for the arma code, I'll add a special function for mission makers to get all the list of the songs currently in your mod pack.

    • Like 1

  2. 1 minute ago, schaefer said:
      Reveal hidden contents

    class CfgPatches {
        class klpq_musicRadio_configs {
            units[] = {};
            weapons[] = {};
            requiredVersion = 1;
            requiredAddons[] = {};

    class CfgMusic {
        tracks[] = {};

        class klpq_musicRadio_0 {
            sound[] = {"radio\mix\Amazing_Grace.ogg", db+3, 1};
            tag = "klpq_musicRadio";
            theme = "mix";
            duration = 313;
            artist = "Amazing Grace";
            title = "Best Version By Far_";
     class klpq_musicRadio_1 {
            sound[] = {"radio\mix\ATR_Speed.ogg", db+3, 1};
            tag = "klpq_musicRadio";
            theme = "mix";
            duration = 170;
            artist = "";
            title = "";
        class klpq_musicRadio_2 {
            sound[] = {"radio\mix\Isao_Tomita_Aranjuez.ogg", db+3, 1};
            tag = "klpq_musicRadio";
            theme = "mix";
            duration = 385;
            artist = "Isao Tomita";
            title = "Aranjuez (Rodrigo)";
        class klpq_musicRadio_3 {
            sound[] = {"radio\mix\Pelageja.ogg", db+3, 1};
            tag = "klpq_musicRadio";
            theme = "mix";
            duration = 311;
            artist = "_______";
            title = "___, __ __ ______. HD _________ ____.";
     class CfgSounds {
        tracks[] = {};

        class klpq_musicRadio_0 {
            sound[] = {"radio\mix\Amazing_Grace.ogg", db+6, 1, 100};
            titles[] = {};
        class klpq_musicRadio_0_loud {
            sound[] = {"radio\mix\Amazing_Grace.ogg", db+12, 1, 500};
            titles[] = {};
        class klpq_musicRadio_1 {
            sound[] = {"radio\mix\ATR_Speed.ogg", db+6, 1, 100};
            titles[] = {};
        class klpq_musicRadio_1_loud {
            sound[] = {"radio\mix\ATR_Speed.ogg", db+12, 1, 500};
            titles[] = {};
        class klpq_musicRadio_2 {
            sound[] = {"radio\mix\Isao_Tomita_Aranjuez.ogg", db+6, 1, 100};
            titles[] = {};
     class klpq_musicRadio_2_loud {
            sound[] = {"radio\mix\Isao_Tomita_Aranjuez.ogg", db+12, 1, 500};
            titles[] = {};
        class klpq_musicRadio_3 {
            sound[] = {"radio\mix\Pelageja.ogg", db+6, 1, 100};
            titles[] = {};
        class klpq_musicRadio_3_loud {
            sound[] = {"radio\mix\Pelageja.ogg", db+12, 1, 500};
            titles[] = {};



    I hope this helps?! my friend send this to me via steamchat.


    If this is exactly what you're using, then this doesn't look right.

    class CfgMusic is not closed anywhere, and it should be closed before class CfgSounds.

    Other than that, it looks fine, just run the program and copy all and paste all into the config. Don't edit or don't copy it by blocks, it's all prepared right for the fast copy-paste.

    And double check if you're packing everything correctly. If you want, PM me both PBOs, I can take a look.

    • Like 1

  3. 26 minutes ago, schaefer said:

    Oi rebel.

    A friend of mine has done everything according to your videoinstructions,

    but he cant hear the music ingame.

    Any idea what could have gone wrong?

    (sorry for bad english)




    (this is all he is seeing)


    Send me the config that the program generated. Looks like some tags or filenames have some forbidden symbols.

    • Like 1

  4. 12 minutes ago, Bitesrad said:

    Awesome, no more naked venom snake :D Will you include more camo patterns somewhere down the line? I'd love to see a tiger stripe variant of the stealth suit and black carrier belt.

    Yeah, we're thinking about adding some new uniforms and new textures for existing content.

    • Like 3

  5. 1 minute ago, Nichols said:



    One question though and you may have answered it in the configuration video; which I have not watched yet. Is it possible to have multiple radio stations? Such as a station or location/vehicles that play predominatly US music and then another that would play songs on radio from Mexico, Germany, China, etc...



    Short answer is no, not right now. Mod supports themes, but they are global. But, that's a nice idea you have, I think I'll add that at some point.

    • Like 2

  6. KLPQ Music Radio

    Showcase Video


    Configuration Video



    This is a configurable music radio mod. It provides an ability to play music inside of the vehicles.

    How it works in-game and how to configure it for your community is explained in the videos above.

    Mod itself doesn't come with any music. It's up to you to add anything you want.

    Check readme for more info about the mod.





    Initial release - 1.0 (12.04.2017)







    Rebel - configs, scripting, tools.
    Facel - icons.



    Steam Workshop


    • Like 24
    • Thanks 1

  7. 3 minutes ago, kecske said:

    iirc it was removed because the game only allows one type of flare effect for the lights, and the devs deemed this to be too exaggerated for every lightsource (including the sun and streetlights)

    This seems reasonable and probably an answer to why it was dropped. Still strange they dropped it completely and only brought it back in the lighting update.

  8. 57 minutes ago, domokun said:

    @rebelvg thanks for the comparison

    If this graphical effect is so effective, why was it dropped from alpha?

    Does it reduce performance significantly?

    Is lighting inconsistent?

    No idea. As far as I remember there were no problems with it.

    As for the performance, there should be no drop at all, it's just another texture for the flare effect. The texture we have in the vanilla right now is pretty good and it's around 2k in size. Old alpha texture is 512x512.

  9. I remember I even made a thread about this years ago.


    That thread I posted is about the absence of the flare effect after alpha ended. The lens flare effect we have after lighting update a few patches ago is pretty good now. Still nice to see someone bringing back the alpha lens flare effect.

    Some comparison screenshots.



    This mod.



    • Like 3

  10. Hello, ladies and gentlemen.

    Me and Facel have a special April fools' update for you.




    Version 1.3


    Added lollipops (as goggles and packed lollipop as magazine).

    Refactored some parts of the mod.

    Players now start with cig pack, lighter and a few lollipops in the singleplayer (for now, later I'll add something like a cba option for that so you can choose).

    Small mod name change, now it's called immersion cigs. I didn't change any old classnames for backward compatibility.

    New classnames.

    immersion_pops_poppack - packed lollipop (mag).

    immersion_pops_pop0 - unpacked lollipop (goggles).





    • Like 4

  11. 18 hours ago, gibfender said:

    rebelvg: Thanks for this mod. Is there any chance of seeing this on the Steam workshop? My community is looking to move away from A3Sync to the workshop so it's be great if this was available there.

    To be honest I'm not sure how steam community would look at this mod. It's not a serious mod by any means but I have a feeling there's something about that kind of stuff in the steam community guidelines.

  12. New update.


    Version 1.21


    Changes to the dependency.

    Now can work without ACE so you can run it on vanilla only.

    So if you run it with ACE, it's all the same as before, but if you run it on vanilla it'll work via mouse wheel action menu.

    Some limitations, to get cig from cig pack you have to put it in your uniform only, otherwise the mouse-wheel action will always be there which is kind of what I always wanted to avoid.

    And you can't light other unit's cigs for now.




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