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About Iron_HFW

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  1. Version 1.63.125402. BIS Functions Module is still not properly reporting that it has been initialized. This was reported with 1.63 betas in the summer of 2013. Countless mods and scripts expect this to work properly before they start their own processing. This is core functionality, and expecting players to use a workaround such as replacing core engine files in every single mission is not feasible. A sample mission consisting of a single player infantry and the BIS Functions Module is enough to confirm this behavior. Like this one. Here is an RPT of the process. No mods were running: Obviously it would be nice to see the animation error fixed as well.
  2. Your night-vision goggles key also toggles other optics modes like IR when in vehicles that support them. N by default. :)
  3. Iron_HFW

    Patrol Operations 2

    Looking forward to 2.05, roy. Thanks for all the hard work!
  4. I don't doubt it's a ton of work! I just want to thank you guys for putting all that time and effort into it. Clafghan is far and away the most popular map my group runs, and we're thrilled to hear it's going to get some finishing touches!