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Posts posted by matthews2012

  1. The subject line pretty much describes my issue,when I join my Clans server I have to wait on average about 45mins for it (VAS)to load.

    I have VAS V1 installed as an addon.I also have VAS 2.5, - which I believe is for mission editing is this right ?

    Before I sign off I did a quick forum search for topics/threads covering VAS and didn't pick up anything.

    So excuse me if question has been asked before.


  2. aren't there any single player user campaign missions available for download anywhere ?

    I'm new to Arma 3 and I'm loving the game play already, but after completing the infantry mission (just the one !)

    Any advice would be helpfull thanks.I want to get into the guts of this game but now I've run out of things to do.

