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Everything posted by marker

  1. Actually just created a shortcut and fired that into the startup folder... Using -"arma3.pie" /tray in the target line, starts and runs the script.. Cheers again mate..
  2. Didn't work.. Thanks for your help mate.. I'll create a bat file to start with windows. Fraps and trackir launch ok though.. Appreciate the help.. :)
  3. That sort of worked mate prog runs but not script. The /run and /tray are parameters of gloviepie. Theoretically it should parse them over.
  4. No mate, I added it in the additional parameters field. The exact same way I would do with A2 Launcher.
  5. My own version of it scanned.. It also has ppjoy in the file as well, just ignore that.. http://www39.zippyshare.com/v/49565478/file.html
  6. Hi Major Got a little problem while using A3synch to launch external apps. The same line works great for A2 Launcher which I have been using up until now. A3synch is an excellent app and makes AIA so much easier to use.. Thanks very much.. The issue I am having is with the launch parameters, launching fraps, trackir etc is 100% bang on. The problem is with Glovepie which I use to run a script to enable better joystick/throttle control. The launch parameters used are /run "F:\Downloads\ARMA Scripts\GlovePIEWithoutEmotiv043\arma3.pie" /tray Which works with A2 launcher. When I use it with A3synch i get the error of For some reason it is looking in the A3synch install folder for the script to run within glovepie.. Hope that makes sense. Thanks
  7. Thanks Kju Swapped over to Arma3Sync, which has an AIA option. More importantly is more user friendly than play with six at the moment. Plus I can start my external apps such as TrackIr etc at the same time as A3..
  8. Hi Guys Wonder if someone else can test this for me please. Very simple, in the editor, place yourself as a riflemen etc. Place down a AI controlled jet near the top hangers. Also place a marker at the start of the runway. Now I have used the below code in the debug box, as far as I am aware, the pilot should drive to the marker and stop. As it does with a single unit. _crew = air1 select 1; _crew doMove (getMarkerPos "hold1"); Select 1 being the pilot of the jet.. The AI jet seems to not have any path finding ability on the ground what so ever, at the turn he just travels straight on and gets stuck on the little rise at the control tower.. Same for anyone else? Thanks oK Works on the southern end of the main airport.. Looks like the path finding has the jets travelling the length of the airfield before turning back to runway 22..
  9. marker

    Automatic Mod Downloading

    I can see how this is going to work... Join server, kicked due to not correct mods, game automatically downloads them from the steam workshop, but only if they are available from there... Games restarts, adds in the mod line and joins the last server you played on.. The problem will be that not many, especially the experienced modders will upload their mod to Steam.
  10. Guys Anyone else use ARMA II launcher to launch your game with AIA? I have linked my ARMA 2 install, with all the available DLCs, BAF, ACR and the PMC. I have started the game with the three mods inside AIA all enabled with the A2 folder linked only, I constantly get errors and the game doesn't start.. Anyone got a tip on how to start it with A2 launcher.. Thanks
  11. marker

    Arma 3 Default Key Binds File Available

    Posting this for Blaster. Files have been scanned.. http://www.mediafire.com/folder/bzntlfpdg6aocg3,p0cy5df0nsber92/shared
  12. Wrong parachute name.. _para = "B_Parachute_02_F"; _vehicle = "C_SUV_01_F" createVehicle (getPos player); _vehicle setPosATL (_vehicle modelToWorld[0,0,200]); _DropPos1 = getpos _vehicle; _Chute1 = createVehicle [_para, _DropPos1, [], 0, "NONE"]; _chute1 attachTo [_vehicle, [0, 0, 1]]; As usual your man Kylania sets the tone :)
  13. marker

    Throttle problem

    Guys Followed the link and installed ppjoy with glovepie.. Use this script //debug = Joystick.z PPJoy1.analog2 = (MapRange(-Joystick.Z, -1, 1, 0, 1)) //PPJoy1.Analog2 = (MapEnsureRange(-Joystick.slider, -1,1, 0,1)+1)/2 if (!var.init) var.sensitivity = 1 var.test = 0 var.init = true endif var.deltaX = Joystick.X - var.lastX var.lastX = Joystick.x var.deltaY = Joystick.Y - var.lastY var.lastY = Joystick.y var.keyTrim = Keyboard.b if (var.keyTrim) PPJoy1.y = 0 PPJoy1.x = 0 else // if (var.deltaX == 0) // PPJoy1.x = Joystick.x // endif if (var.deltaX > 0) if (Joystick.x > 0) PPjoy1.x = Joystick.x * var.sensitivity endif if (Joystick.x < 0) PPJoy1.x = -Joystick.x * var.sensitivity endif endif if (var.deltaX < 0) if (Joystick.x > 0) PPjoy1.x = -Joystick.x * var.sensitivity endif if (Joystick.x < 0) PPJoy1.x = Joystick.x * var.sensitivity endif endif // if (var.deltaY == 0) // PPJoy1.y = 0 // endif if (var.deltaY > 0) if (Joystick.y > 0) PPjoy1.y = Joystick.y * var.sensitivity endif if (Joystick.y < 0) PPJoy1.y = -Joystick.y * var.sensitivity endif endif if (var.deltaY < 0) if (Joystick.y > 0) PPjoy1.y = -Joystick.y * var.sensitivity endif if (Joystick.y < 0) PPJoy1.y = Joystick.y * var.sensitivity endif endif endif debug = "KeyTrim: " + var.keyTrim + " JoystickX: " + Joystick.X + " lastX: " + var.lastX + " PPJoyX: " + PPJoy1.X + " DeltaX: " + var.deltaX + " JoystickY: " + Joystick.Y + " lastY: " + var.lastY + " PPJoyY: " + PPJoy1.y + " DeltaY: " + var.deltaY What a difference, to both flying the heli and using the full range of the hardware throttle, rather than having the bottom half braking.. Also using ARMA II launcher to start glovepie with the correct script while launching A3. I recommend anyone who is having problems with the joystick to follow the link and do it.. If needed, I can also do another pic tutorial, but it is fairly simple, please not that the -joystick (2nd line in script) is inverting it for myself because I am using a Saitek x52.
  14. Maybe playing Elite or Veteran config with the stance turned off, in fact can you even turn the stance off in the difficulty options?
  15. marker

    MP Safe zone

    Go here mate, should still work for A3 I think.. Basically it stops bullets/projectiles entering the protected zone.. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?136402-quot-No-Muzzle-quot-Protected-spawn-Zone As far as I can remember, the zone is maxed out at 25mtrs, confirmation of this would be good. Also I think it is a circle only. So if you want a larger zone, add markers and the code to add the extra markers into the script. Obviously placing the zones so they overlap slightly.
  16. Guys Maybe some of us are missing the point here, regarding the lack of vehicles compared to A2 etc... Remembering the supporters edition, it was sold with the proviso that there would be more dlc available.. Maybe BIS are holding some / a lot of stuff back to fill the gap.. Regarding the released content at the moment, I have to agree there is a bit of disappointment with the armour vehicles and the single jet just now, it does seem that BIS have been short of time, maybe they have rushed it out a bit.. As with A2, I am sure we will see it mature into itself, with the help of the modding community and some new DLC hopefully..
  17. Anyone else having a problem switching the battery and APU? I can use my custom key 20 (ctrl key) to open/close canopy, flick engine switches etc. It doesn't allow me to do the above or move the sticks to the fly position. Cheers
  18. Hey Guys Small issue that I have with absolutely no chat messages appearing on screen. Playing tonight with a few guys, and as a test I typed in global, they could see my message, I couldn't. They then typed something and I couldn't see it.. Anyone got any ideas why this is happening? Cheers
  19. UPDATE RELEASED 3 posts down... Hey guys.. Messing around with the PnP fnc, I got this working... This is mainly a concept project... It is pretty rough right now.. Next step will be to include a control dialog instead of addactions. Will also work to pull from the nearestobjects returns to get the closest vehicle, so you can choose to lock onto a vehicle over 50 meters away, which we are limited to right now with nearestobject, which is in use right now! Couple of debug hints left in... Some strange camera angles due to not finding the correct positioning of the camera right now.. Hopefully fix that when I can work out how to control the camera movement via commands rather than locks just now! Which will negate the need for a below heli command. Thermal, night and standard all work great.. Night vision is beautiful actually! Extract the mission to your mydocuments\arma 3 alpha\mpmissions (make a mpmissions folder if you dont have one). Start Multiplayer, then either play the mission, or edit it.. You will also see I have added doors, flir camera, guns and missiles to the heli.. Just look in the helis init to see the commands.. Another small script will be released to show all available.. Script updated with new video, see below for full updates.. Armaholic link http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19653 Oh, and when you add doors, you get an extra bit of pilot animation climbing into the heli! :) ARMA III could be a modders dream :) List of available addons for helis.. Most of them work for the LBs just now.. Couldn't find anythign that works for the KA class... Use is.. object animate ["action", on/off ]; //1 for add, 0 for remove... For use on doors. Either 0 or 1 no in between.. object animateDoor ["action", open/closed]; //1 for open, 0 for closed. Example heli1 animate ["AddBenches", 1]; heli2 animateDoor [" DoorR_Back_Open", 1]; animateDoor is obviously just for open/close doors. Light Showing and hiding components: AddDoors AddBenches AddBackseats AddFLIR AddFLIR2 AddScreen1 AddHoldingFrame AddTread_Short AddTread AddGunHolder AddMusicUnit AddMirror Animating the exterior benches to folded position: BenchL_Up BenchR_Up Maintenance and inspection: Inspect_Panel1_1 Inspect_Panel2_1 Inspect_Panel1_2 Inspect_Panel2_2 Main doors (use animateDoor instead of animate): DoorL_Front_Open DoorR_Front_Open DoorL_Back_Open DoorR_Back_Open Cockpit switches: RadioDisplay_ON BatteriesSwitch_On FuelSwitch_On LightsACSwitch_On LightsLDGButton_On RadioButton_On Medium Showing and hiding components: AddFLIR AddFLIR_controlpanel AddSearchLight AddWinch AddMILITARY_cargoseats AddRocketLaunchers AddGuns Maintenance and inspection: Inspect_Panel1_1 Inspect_Panel2_1 Main doors (use animateDoor instead of animate): DoorL1_Open DoorL2_Open DoorL3_Open DoorR1_Open DoorR2_Open DoorR3_Open Heavy Showing and hiding components: AddGunHolder AddWinch Moving winch to active position: Winch_UpperPole Winch_LowerPole Winch_Hook Maintenance and inspection: Inspect_Panel1_1 Inspect_Panel2_1 Inspect_Panel3_1 Main doors (use animateDoor instead of animate): door_back_L door_back_R CargoRamp_Open For Mods I did cross post this, as I feel it warrants at least one mention in this forum...
  20. I think and don't take this as 100% gospel, that samatra's version is using time skip code, basically it means that day can last x amount of hours, the same with night time. What you are experiencing is the time synching, it used to happen in my builds before I removed it. Maybe samatra can verify this. To be honest I thnk the mission file runs a lot smoother without the script running. If admins on my old server felt the need for night time then, it was announced the time was skipping forward to sunset, to allow players to find the equipment they needed. After an hour or so of nighttime, the admin would announce daybreak and set time.
  21. First of all, I hope you haven't left the server.cfg file named as that and in the arma 2 root folder, as far as I am aware of that is a security risk. Either rename it or move it to a different folder. Also, for quickness, join a wasteland server 404 version, no idea if samatra's has the same. There is an admin login script with some admin actions in the wasteland mission.
  22. Could try here also mate, since loads of TOH stuff has been implemented! Never know, might work. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Loading_Screens_(Take_On_Helicopters)
  23. Feint Idea popped into my head, no idea if feasible. No idea if it is even used IRL at all.. Would it be possible to have one unit fly the UAV and have a separate unit control the camera?
  24. Dave http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?151739-MPMission-Fully-functional-Wasteland-GoT-Wasteland-(v1-08)&p=2386397#post2386397 Also 404 ver 1.06 is out on their forums I am sure. All updated for new compile.