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About pvtcharry

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  1. pvtcharry

    AI shooting script

    Gosh how couldn't i see that?? Thank you very much mate and also thanks for the editor advice! Have a good one
  2. pvtcharry

    AI shooting script

    Thanks Grumpy but it didn't solve the problem.... It says "On Activation: missing ;"
  3. Hello guys! I can't get this Script get to workd. Everytime I use it via trigger it give an error that [ is missing. I couldn't really figure out what the exact problem is. Furthermore I tried to use the first script in the Initline of an unit. It worked very well. But when i tried to use it via trigger (changed the variables) wether the soldier shot nor did I get an error. Thanks in advance null=this spawn { _this dotarget t1; sleep 2; while {alive t1 and alive _this} do { sleep 0.3; gl action ["useweapon",vehicle _this,_this,0]; } } "uns_nva3mg" createUnit [getMarkerPos "Spawn",chef, "lal=this;"]; "uns_nva3mg" createUnit [ getMarkerPos "Spawn",chef, " lal=this; null=this spawn { lal dotarget t1; sleep 2; while {alive t1 and alive lal} do { sleep 0.3; gl action ["useweapon",vehicle lal,lal,0]; " ];
  4. pvtcharry

    AC-130X for Arma 3

    Sorry if this was posted earlier :rolleyes: I found a few MP bugs When you shoot with the smaller calibers like 20mm and 45mm 1. others can't see the tracers at night 2. there is no explosion for others Anyway i like the plane. Good job on that!
  5. I am such an idiot haha! Thanks for your help mate.
  6. One last question! How can I make him careless? tried to change SAD but that didn't help. I wanna him fly through the map without reacting to enemy even when they shoot at him. Would be cool if you help me with this :)
  7. Thank you guys for your help! I will try everything out when I am back. Nice to have such helpful people around. Edit: Thank you Sel man it worked perfecto! :) And thanks to the two other guys for your help. Actually i didn't try kylanias, but will do later!
  8. Hey guys, I am new to this forum. I have one simple problem(I hope): ="GroupA10 = CreateGroup West; A10CAS1 = createVehicle [""A10"", [(getMarkerPos ""A10Spawn1"") select 0,(getMarkerPos ""A10Spawn1"") select 1,100], [], 0, ""FLY""]; A10Pilot = GroupA10 createUnit [""USMC_Soldier_Pilot"", [0,0,1], [], 0, ""CAN_COLLIDE""]; A10Pilot moveInDriver A10CAS1; wp1 = GroupA10 addWaypoint [(getmarkerpos ""A10Target1""), 0]; wp1 setWaypointSpeed ""NORMAL""; wp1 setWaypointType ""SAD"";" so I want this A10 to spawn to an other direction. but the problem is that it's always facing north. I don't know what to change. I already tried everything. I even tried to rotate the Marker. The thing is that I am one day on this issue. Can anyone help me? And I am sorry if there's already a post about this. No lies I searched 1 hour for this on google and here in the forum, but didn't find anything. Thanks for help guys!