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About INDE

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  • Interests
    Reading, Listening to People, Drawing, Graphic Design http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/88/aegean
  • Occupation
    Interactive Art Director, Web - Mobile Interface Design and Concept, UI and UIX Development

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  • Biography
    Unfriending people who invite me to play dumb games and attend events that are located in other countries.
  1. SO ok, i pay for the game. I start the installation. Pop! We get an error... i think ok, i can get past that. I google search and i find this forum not giving a straight answer and telling people to run the regedit to install the game. (Personally i just created a 'MAIN' folder inside the directory i wanted the game to install.) Im on Windows 7 64 Further on i try to register the forum and inform people with the same problem and i find myself getting into a frustrating registration process alover again. You are a company, sync your damn user databases! Oh and nice i find a facebook login to make my life easier before i forget the reason i came here in the first place... (Forums are usually used to solve problems and troubleshout a person in that condition hates delays) Then im asked to fill out a bunch of useless info to once to prove im human and further on to enrich my game publishing knowledge with a magnificent question of what year was Operation FlashPoint: Cold War Crisis released? i wouldnt give a damn really. Just give me a captcha as you well know how to do that once there is no link i press in here that wont direct me to one. Worse company support experience i had so far! CHANGE YOUR DAMN FORUM USABILITY