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Posts posted by Sebixxx

  1. You can choose different team colors (5) for your units.

    Do this by selecting the teammembers you want in (F1-F12 or by mouse),

    then you can set them into a team by 9-[1-5] or by Ctrl+[F1-F5].

    Once they are set up, you can select teams by 9-9-[1-5] (not sure about the combination, just take a look), or select the team the fast way by using Shift+[F1-F5].

    As I already said:

    ... also, to separate them as teams doesn't makes it better.

  2. Hello Community,

    There's something that confuses me, in the properties of Benny's Warfare for Operation Arrowhead is a command line for the "High Command" module (always enabled).

    So, if I try to switch to the High Command perspective using ctrl + space it doesn't work (as a non-commander).

    Might it just be use able for the commander?I didn't tried to use it as a commander yet.If yes is there a solution to handle a lot of units more compact (Mod etc.)?

    I hate to select every of my units by pressing F1, F2, F3, F4... also, to separate them as teams doesn't makes it better.

  3. Hello, I am kinda confused and mad right now, since I got the patch 1.11 It's not possible

    to join any server anymore.When I join a server it's loading like it should be but then, it suddenly crashes.

    The maps still work in singleplayer tho.My first thought was, maybe I downloaded the wrong battleeye dll's, re-downloaded them for v1.11

    but still crashing.I am playing arma/opf already for a long time and something like this didn't happened before.


    My system (probably not important because it worked fine before 1.11):

    Ram: 4Gb ddr3

    Cpu: Intel core i3 2100

    Graphics card: Nvidia Gtx 560 1 GB ddr3
