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About Erikson20

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  1. Erikson20

    What is bottlenecking my PC?

    I just overclocked my processor to 3.7 and my fps is the same :confused:
  2. Erikson20

    What is bottlenecking my PC?

    Yeah but my friend gets twice as many FPS's at the same time and my graphic card is better. Even though he has intel i7 2600k which is 4 core (3.4) but it' s suppose to perform better than my 6 core AMD (3.2)
  3. Hi. Today I just bought a new graphic card. I still only manage to get up to 30 FPS (down to 15 FPS in towns). My specs are: Graphic card - AMD Radeon R9 290 CPU - AMD Phenom II X6 1090T RAM - 8GB DDR3 And the startup paremeters I use are : -cpuCount=6 -exThreads=7 -maxMem=7168 -maxVram=4095 -noPause -noSplash -world=empty -high -malloc=tbbmalloc
  4. Hi. When I play wasteland my vehicle status window doesnt work properly. It should show all modules of the vehicle and their status (like green, yellow or red). Instead it shows me the fuel and armor (which is always 0). The same happens with weapon status window. It only shows me how much ammo and mags I have left, but it doesn' t show if I am using semi/burst/auto mode and there is no zeroing, so I can' t snipe with most of the guns. Those things work in DayZ but not in wasteland. Anyone knows how to enable that? How I see it How it should be (taken from google) The same is with the weapons Edit: After talking to my mates I found out when I run Arma 2 OA beta patch it starts OA with my beta patch but the thing is my menu window and and server window is all Arma 2 - like just like it runs Arma2 but its OA like some mixture of both.. still no idea whats wrong. Ok found a solution (solved) you can delete
  5. Erikson20

    Help - cant launch game

    Had te same problem and thiss solved it, ty
  6. Erikson20

    Server list

    Nice, that helped thanks