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About howzcat

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  1. Modern armor. I can be wrong, since I haven't played it much, but the first time I shot opfor it took 6 bullets to the chest...I couldnt believe it. I immediately started making my missions with agm and aggressors just so I wouldn't have to deal with it again :)
  2. howzcat

    Guerra do Ultramar

    Great news, i'll be sure to follow this thread then. As of now i'm using a lot of placeholders (Agressors African pirates, hafm land rovers, mi-8 as a close approximation to the puma 330).
  3. howzcat

    Guerra do Ultramar

    Awesome work Dimitri! I'm doing a mission set during the Portuguese Colonial War, and i'm wondering if you're going to port some of the assets to Arma 3? Especially the vehicles and the african factions (unita, paigc).
  4. First of all, awesome mod! Congrats! I'm having a problem on my mission. I placed a Player Combat Support (Transport) module, and changed the transport vehicle type to B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F , which is a mh-9. Problem is that besides having a Pilot/Co-Pilot the benches are occupied by 2 soldiers on each side. Is there a way to remove them? I can't seem to get it working with deleteVehicle (Heli turretUnit [ 0 ]); edit: for dumbness, already replied in last page. Sorry!