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About zq7

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  1. Where is the 95913 post? :confused:
  2. Is it possible that the recent changes that The D. is talking about could be causing a ban wave on innocent players by BattlEye? Just curious, since there have been a lot of people claiming that they are being falsely banned and most if not all of them are running 95660 or newer. Or, maybe battleye is just catching up and all the script kiddies are seeing if they can't do something about it..
  3. @$sable, is BE checking to see if script.txt is actually there and has not been tampered with? I recently read that admins that want to be able to run scripts on their own servers that are connected to the hive are messing with the script.txt and therefor are able to execute scripts without being detected. I also posted this on on the DayZ forum but I guess this is a better to get some answers: I've been wondering how Battleye actually works and what it actually does to prevent scripts being injected into DayZ/Arma 2. As I understand it, Battleye starts when you join a game and while you are playing it does the following: 1. Scans your memory for software that is questionable. 2. Arma 2 calls BE and tells it that the user activated a script, BE sends the script to the server and then the server analyses the script based on a blacklist, determine if it's legit or not. Once you disconnects it unloads the battleye .dll. So, my questions is, why doesn't battleye scan the server logs? All scripts that are executed are logged even though battleye is bypassed, right? (the server gets the script from the user without battleye being the middle man or something like that?) There must be some way to create a simple algorithm that scans the server log files and globally bans users that execute scripts, so even if users are able to bypass the battleye client they can't bypass the battleye that is on the server. I might be completely off here but it got me wondering and if someone with a better understanding could enlighten me that would be great. I also was wondering why battleye does not ask the server for the players information and then compares it to the players that are connected to the battleye server, that way if someone has bypassed the battleye client it would not match the number of players on the server with the number of players with battleye running. This might be a stupid question, but would it be possible to disable scripts on the server? Like adding an option to the server.cfg that enables/disables scripts being executed.