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About Elcx

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  1. Elcx

    Arma3 in different languages?

    You think so? I don't. This is always a game, nothing to do with reality. If BI would wasting more time and money in voice acting they would have more players for arma. Because i know what i'm writing here, some of my friends will never buy a game that is not realized in different languages (subtitles and/or voice acting). It's sad, you can never play together because many of them are too lazy to read carefully the subtitles or to listen to the speakers... :) edit: and btw: this question is for the dev-team it was not my intention to start a discussion why or not. Only a short answer (voice acting/right subtitles) yes or no, that's all what i want to know.
  2. Elcx

    Arma3 in different languages?

    exactly this is the point. nice ger/ru/fr etc. voice actings would adds more atmosphere and i'm sure i'm not the only one who has this wish for a3 ;)
  3. Aloa Community! I got a question for the dev-team: Will ArmaIII be released in different languages like german, russian, etc.? It's not a big deal to handle with english but I missed the german-part in the game, that would make the missions much easier for people like me with english as third language... That would be my wish for the next-gen arma, pls realize that little thing. If you need a translator and/or german speakers, pm me. I can help you out with this. thx ;)