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About Rhan

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  1. Morning all, quick backstory and question about this, Following the guides in this thread (Particularly Liquidpinky 's), I am using a RAMdisk (4gb from Dataram) but here's the problem I put the suggested PBO's on the RAM in a folder, which I symlinked to the original addons folder, but when I try to use the game it says I am missing chernarus. I have the chernarus PBO's on my RAM, and if I move them back, it seems to somewhat "fix it". This is leading me to believe that somehow the 2 folders are not actually linked, despite being symlinked, though I'm not sure if that is actually possible. What I'm getting at is, has anyone run into this kind of problem while setting up their RAMDisk, or does anyone know of any reason why the symlinked RAM folder might be preventing the game from accessing whats on it? As well, just tried symlinking by right dropping symlink inside the actual folder, instead of the folder itself, and it gives an error "Data file too short. Expected ----, got ----"