I just started messing around with the ARMA editor on the Alpha so I might be doing something stupid.
So I downloaded the script and made it work beautifully with footman patrols, my problem now is that I want to do the same with a vehicle.
So I searched a bit and I used a built in function to spawn a vehicle with a crew:
veh = [getMarkerPos "patrol1", 180, "O_Galkin_MG_F", patrol_squad] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle;
And the vehicle spawns no problem, then I call:
nul = [units (veh select 0), "patrol1", "random"] execVM "ups.sqf";
And the vehicle respawns as expected on a random place in the marker, but the crewman spawns outside and only one of them enters it (the gunman) and the suposed driver stays still where he respawned.
After this I tried to provide the script with the leader of the squad object and after that an array with the crewmen, both approaches giving the same problem.
Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks for your time and thank you Kronzky for this great script :)