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Everything posted by liamlight

  1. I've defragged my arma 2 and will edit this when i have been ingame.
  2. Yeah. I also have a thread on another forum: http://www.overclock.net/t/1285085/arma-2-bottleneck/30 so you can maybe look at what they have posted and it may have information, ive generally tried stuff from both of the forums. I'll keep monitoring cores with more pictures.
  3. It's always been around this temp.
  4. England ~ Next joke hahaha. Gpu goes to about 51. May have left it a little late but i just came from arma 2. I installed Msiafterburner myself. Gigabyte GeForce GTX 560Ti And no, i dont use that
  5. I'd have to check tomorrow ill edit this post E: Got round to it now. 900 clock speed.
  6. I used the steam defragger we'll see how it goes. I cant find a server none us that is day.
  7. No problem, just more proof to say nothing works right for me.
  8. 301.42 I'll try downgrading to 296.10 now.
  9. When i said i get 15~% GPU usage i meant that was the max i get, not i get that. It's a hot day today. Idle 60, ingame, after being in game it amxed at 66
  10. In my DayZ commander i have this: -cpucount=6 -exThreads=7 ---------- Post added at 13:13 ---------- Previous post was at 13:08 ---------- It's running at 2.8. When i bought it it was overclocked which i had to remove due to BSODing. It runs at a really high temperature(usually 55~ ) idle but for cooling it has a fan aswell as 5 side fans. The game also runs from my SSD.
  11. Still need a "Fix" guys. From what ive heared it's the game not stressing your PC enough, it was made in 2009 right? Why is it not fixed?
  12. I did try it and then i reset to default. Shadows now on high and terrain on normal. I played in a window so i could check my TS pms (i plan to have a second monitor this week) also now changed to 1680x1024, i turned it down one on my 3D to see if it would lag less.
  13. Image reuploaded now on imgur, it works now. Why is it only using 15% cpu and not 90+? Is there a way to force this? I've already tried the tweaks believe it or not.
  14. I had 1.6k draw distance set. I only bought Arma to play DayZ so i wont bother with air combat. 1.6k draw distance Ingame settings: