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Everything posted by bates

  1. bates

    [COOP] Dynamic Combat Generator

    Also having this issue, tried putting the script in the actual mission with this directory to no avail. It's definitely in the userconfig\dcg folder but the mission can never find it.
  2. Hey EightySix. Thanks for the great mission, Patrol Ops has been our go-to mission on A2 and A3 for years now. However, we've been playing the CSAT version of the mission extensively and we ran into an issue. I tried doing some searching to see if this had been pointed out or acknowledged, but the respawn script does not work for any of the vehicles. Not sure if this is also occurring on the AAF one. I did find out that it was to do with the incorrect script being called in the init of the units in the mission.sqm. I fixed it by opening the mission.sqm file in Notepad++ and doing a Replace All on "mpsf_fnc_setObjectRespawn", changing it to "PO3_fnc_setObjectRespawn". Hope this helps anyone having a similar issue and to bugfix for the next version. Cheers!
  3. bates


    Ahh so it's ACE's doing..well I had an idea for custom scripting a little repair function so I'll probably get to doing that..I want it to take absolutely forever, and not fully repair the vehicles, but just make them semi-usable. The reason being is we have heavily modified vehicle respawns, they have an infinite timer, and only respawn under two conditions: they are destroyed, or every player exceeds 10km distance from the vehicle..we did this to try and get players, especially pubs, to use the vehicles more realistically and sparingly, than just going kamikaze with a HMMWV every 2 and a half seconds. Also just thought I'd mention that I made the base a little nicer if anybody wants the code for it. I added spacious outer walls with an exit at both ends, and added a bunker on each of these exits, for elevation and added defense. I also added an ambulance that is non-standard from the rest of the vehicle respawns, because having tons is pointless but we feel we need one. If you want all or just part of this stuff, let me know.
  4. bates


    Okay so I have a slight problem that I'm wondering if anybody could shed some light on. I've changed some of the units to engineers to allow for repairing of vehicles in the field, but the vanilla option for repairing vehicles is not coming up in the scroll menu at all. I've tried different engineers, and this works on every single other mission..I've skimmed all the .sqf files and can't find anything disabling or changing anything..I've compared engineers in other missions to engineers in Insurgency, no difference...what on earth is going on? All they can do is change tyres, which all players can do anyway.. Halp? :(
  5. bates


    Ahh I see. Never really noticed that because we always move together on the one with an increased squad size. :D
  6. bates


    I think what he wants to do is actually create new squads completely. I didn't have to edit the "#define squadUnitStrings(X)" line to increase the squad size -- I have Hitman 161-168 and it works perfectly with just editing the mission.sqm. Pure luck? Perhaps! I think the "westPlayerStrings" is rather important though, so it's still a good idea to add new units to that. I'll probably try adding new squads completely at some point and seeing if it just works right off the bat just like increasing squad sizes does. (P.S. - Is six squads not enough!?)
  7. bates


    #define eastInfClasses [\"TK_INS_Warlord_EP1",\ "TK_INS_Soldier_TL_EP1",\ "TK_INS_Bonesetter_EP1",\ "TK_INS_Soldier_AT_EP1",\ "TK_INS_Soldier_AT_EP1",\ "TK_INS_Soldier_AA_EP1",\ "TK_INS_Soldier_MG_EP1",\ "TK_INS_Soldier_AR_EP1",\ "TK_INS_Soldier_AR_EP1",\ "TK_INS_Soldier_AAT_EP1",\ "TK_INS_Soldier_EP1",\ "TK_INS_Soldier_2_EP1",\ "TK_INS_Soldier_3_EP1",\ "TK_INS_Soldier_4_EP1"\ ] I thiiink this should be all you're after, which from what you said, seems you've already replaced. I haven't seen any other reference to what enemy soldiers are spawned. I'll double check when I can, I think there was something I saw in the mission.sqm.. four, correction, five Takistani soldiers which I PRESUME are the slots it puts OPFOR players in while they wait for BLUFOR to attack (no idea what the 5th one is): side="EAST"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={0.95320749,81.282928,-399.15479}; azimut=93.227798; special="NONE"; id=32; side="EAST"; vehicle="TK_INS_Soldier_TL_EP1"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=1; text="east1"; }; }; }; class Item12 { side="EAST"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={0.95320749,81.282928,-399.15479}; azimut=93.227806; special="NONE"; id=31; side="EAST"; vehicle="TK_INS_Soldier_TL_EP1"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=1; text="east2"; }; }; }; class Item13 { side="EAST"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={0.95320749,81.282928,-399.15479}; azimut=93.227798; special="NONE"; id=30; side="EAST"; vehicle="TK_INS_Soldier_TL_EP1"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=1; text="east3"; }; }; }; class Item14 { side="EAST"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={0.95320749,81.282928,-399.15479}; azimut=93.227798; special="NONE"; id=29; side="EAST"; vehicle="TK_INS_Soldier_TL_EP1"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=1; text="east4"; }; }; }; class Item15 { side="EAST"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={-597.59009,377.19937,800.89337}; azimut=-180.42642; special="NONE"; id=37; side="EAST"; vehicle="TK_INS_Soldier_EP1"; leader=1; rank="COLONEL"; skill=1; text="graveDigger"; init="this allowDamage false; doStop this"; }; }; Not sure if changing that will have any effect though. I also found these lines in \common\server\defines.sqf, another defines.sqf file: #define vclCrewClass "TK_INS_Soldier_AT_EP1" #define staticClass "TK_INS_Soldier_3_EP1" Not quite sure how to manipulate these. I actually think vclCrewClass is the soldier it uses in vehicles like tanks and cars, and staticClass is for..you guessed it, static weapons like the DShkm and AGS-30. Is the mission totally failing to load with the new rebel soldiers?
  8. bates


    Cards, can you by any chance compare the units you've added with the units already in the mission, using a text editor and opening mission.sqm? Just Ctrl+F and type "Hitman111" to get to the first squad, Hitman121 for second, etc. As for finding your own units it will differ depending on what you've used for them. I think there is something that needs to be added to the init line of the units, if you haven't already done that. Also just try and ensure that all of the information looks similar and relevant, if you know what I mean. Make sure text fields are there and stuff :D I've never tried adding MORE squads but I have however added TO squads, which works well.
  9. bates


    Did you add your new units via the/any editor?
  10. bates


    Nooo problem. You might need to add the "text" field of the new units to the "westPlayerStrings" on line 60-65, but I haven't seen a difference with and without that addition. Perhaps Mr Fireball knows more :D
  11. bates


    Don't think you're blind or stupid as I had this as well and it took me a while to find out what to do! It's a pretty quick 'n' simple fix if you know how though. In \common\defines.sqf, on line 92, simply add the unit model to the array on this line and it will spawn at base no problem. :) As for group sizes, I hate the in-game editors and stuff, so I just copy paste extra units into the mission.sqm and change them to have different stuff.
  12. bates


    I've yet to try adding my own parameters, so I'm not exactly sure on how to do it, but the most immediately convenient way I could think of would be to replace the #define line with something like "if this parameter equals this, then use this define line, else use this" or something. Have the parameter as "Helicopters Enabled" with "Yes" and "No", values 0 and 1..and if its 1 it uses the default #define line, if not, it uses the edited one. However I haven't tried adding parameters so I don't know how to call them up in other scripts! Not exactly learnt the entirety of ArmA's global and local stuff :D I'll look into it if I get a moment. EDIT: Took a quick look and although I could be wrong, it seems fairly simple. From what I can see in the other scripts you can call parameter classes globally. I haven't tested this, so do make backups, but try adding this to the \description.ext somewhere (I added it after the "ambientCivilians" class parameter for quickness, included that for context): //ambientCivilians should remain first param class ambientCivilians { title=" Ambient Civilians"; values[]={ 1,0 }; texts[]={ "Enabled","Disabled"}; default=1; code = ""; }; //Helicopters Enabled class helicoptersEnabled { title=" Helicopters Enabled"; values[]={1,0}; texts[]={ "Enabled","Disabled"}; default=1; code = ""; }; Now, time for the experimental bit. :D Head on over to \common\server\defines.sqf and change line 7 to this: if (helicoptersEnabled == 1) then { [color=#EEEEEE]#define eastVehiclesFreq ["BRDM2_TK_EP1","BRDM2_TK_EP1","M113_TK_EP1","M113_TK_EP1","Mi24_D_TK_EP1","Mi24_D_TK_EP1","UH1H_TK_EP1","UH1H_TK_EP1","BTR60_TK_EP1","BTR60_TK_EP1","LandRover_MG_TK_INS_EP1","LandRover_MG_TK_INS_EP1","LandRover_MG_TK_INS_EP1","LandRover_SPG9_TK_INS_EP1","LandRover_SPG9_TK_INS_EP1","T34_TK_EP1","T55_TK_EP1"] [/color]} else { ​[color=#EEEEEE]#define eastVehiclesFreq ["BRDM2_TK_EP1","BRDM2_TK_EP1","M113_TK_EP1","M113_TK_EP1","BTR60_TK_EP1","BTR60_TK_EP1","LandRover_MG_TK_INS_EP1","LandRover_MG_TK_INS_EP1","LandRover_MG_TK_INS_EP1","LandRover_SPG9_TK_INS_EP1","LandRover_SPG9_TK_INS_EP1","T34_TK_EP1","T55_TK_EP1"] [/color]}; Not gonna add this to my own mission at the moment so let me know if it works!
  13. bates


    Absolutely, we took the helicopters out as we felt they were a bit unnecessary. Just head into \common\server\defines.sqf. On line 7, change this: #define eastVehiclesFreq ["BRDM2_TK_EP1","BRDM2_TK_EP1","M113_TK_EP1","M113_TK_EP1","Mi24_D_TK_EP1","Mi24_D_TK_EP1","UH1H_TK_EP1","UH1H_TK_EP1","BTR60_TK_EP1","BTR60_TK_EP1","LandRover_MG_TK_INS_EP1","LandRover_MG_TK_INS_EP1","LandRover_MG_TK_INS_EP1","LandRover_SPG9_TK_INS_EP1","LandRover_SPG9_TK_INS_EP1","T34_TK_EP1","T55_TK_EP1"] to this: #define eastVehiclesFreq ["BRDM2_TK_EP1","BRDM2_TK_EP1","M113_TK_EP1","M113_TK_EP1","BTR60_TK_EP1","BTR60_TK_EP1","LandRover_MG_TK_INS_EP1","LandRover_MG_TK_INS_EP1","LandRover_MG_TK_INS_EP1","LandRover_SPG9_TK_INS_EP1","LandRover_SPG9_TK_INS_EP1","T34_TK_EP1","T55_TK_EP1"] Helicopters should no longer spawn. Note the fact that there are multiple entries of the same vehicle, as far as I know this is simply for increasing the spawn frequency over other vehicles, for example each tank only exists once as it is pretty powerful.
  14. Hello everybody! We are the Bunny Hop Brigade! We are a small, social gaming community based on pure fun, with a tint of serious gameplay. We are currently recruiting any players who are looking for a serious yet fun and social environment to play in. We have our own Teamspeak server, and our own game server, with missions that we edit and re-script ourselves to add additional features, perks for our squad members, and sometimes just absolutely hilarious easter eggs (which are placed by the easter bunny of course!). We play with both the ACE and ACRE mods, and aim for a very tactical approach with our gameplay. We've been playing ArmA together for around half a year now, after coming from many other games for the past few years, when we founded BHB. Although we like to play serious, we are very laid-back at the same time, and I can promise you that you'll get your laughs if you stick around. We accept pretty much every person that wants to play with us, but please note that we are an 18+ community. You can be as involved as you like with BHB. You don't have to come on for any training sessions, or certain times, we don't care if you only show up once every 3 weeks or 3 years either. If there's anything we need you to be trained to do, we'll do it dynamically as we play, it's far more fun, especially when a lot more is at stake, and things can go wrong. The great thing about BHB that we've found is that the more that you DO play, the more you become acquainted with us, the more we can trust you to take important roles in our squad, and the more options we can give you as a player. For example, all of our frequent players have a personalized loadout, that they can instantly acquire upon entering the game. We have a Steam group, and a Skype conference, to keep all of our members updated on the latest news to do with BHB. We've been working on a website as well, but we're unsure if we want to push ahead with this just yet. We don't really have a roster, but I guess you could say we have a "frequent" roster, which is currently as follows: Sergeant - [bHB]Bates Corporal - [bHB]Quake Corpsman - [bHB]Cosmo Sniper/Marksman -[bHB]Dolan Frying Pan Specialist - [bHB]Lewys "Kith Rambo" - [bHB]Kith Talk to any one of these people and we can start getting you involved in the greatness known as the Bunny Hop Brigade! Feel free to swing by and have a chat with us on our Teamspeak as well, just say you're from the BIS forums. We'll answer any questions you have, after all, we might be different from what you expect! Teamspeak IP: Hope to have you hopping around with us soon! ;)
  15. bates

    View Distance Changes Back

    Hey Rambo. We play on Takistan Insurgency and one of our players is also noticing this happening. It's a problem with the mission. I'll look into what might be causing it, might be worth notifying the mission author on his thread here, which I will probably do in a day or two if I can't find the fix. Also try another mission just to make sure this isn't the only issue you are having.
  16. Okay, so I have been having this crash issue since I have built my new PC. To sum it up briefly, I can play for a random amount of time, before I get a random CTD, which appears to be for a random reason EVERY SINGLE TIME. Yes, I've tried verifying my files. Yes, I've tried setting the game to run as administrator, I've tried making the game folders have full read/write permissions for my operating system and user account, yes I've looked at the .RPT files and searched around to find the issue of my crashes, yes I've tried different memory allocators, I've tried toying around with the graphics settings, even setting them to minimum settings, I've checked my drivers were up to date, I've disabled the Steam overlay in-game, and yes, I've tried re-installing the ENTIRE 16 GB of the game. I've tried pretty much everything, and I'm BEGGING for a solution now. I've already posted on the Steam forums here and nobody has made any response. I will post the section of the .rpt that details my game crash below: Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 009CF962 Allocator: d:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll graphics: D3D9, Device: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti , Driver:nvd3dum.dll resolution: 840x525x32 Addons: *cut this bit out because it lists my addons, which is pretty pointless as I am running vanilla with no mods* Distribution: 1491 Version 1.62.95248 Fault address: 009CF962 01:005CE962 d:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\ArmA2OA.exe file: Bunny_Hop_Brigade_Patrol_Ops_v1-2 (__CUR_MP) world: Takistan Prev. code bytes: FD FF 8B 0D 64 D2 DB 00 8B 01 56 FF 50 0C 5E C3 Fault code bytes: 56 8B 74 24 08 57 8B F9 85 F6 79 11 68 18 8D D5 Registers: EAX:00000001 EBX:018CF701 ECX:018CF65C EDX:00000001 ESI:018CF65C EDI:00000006 CS:EIP:0023:009CF962 SS:ESP:002B:018CF638 EBP:018CF684 DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B Flags:00010202 ======================================================= note: Minidump has been generated into the file C:\Users\Bates\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\ArmA2OA.mdmp Crash occurred on my server, on my map, and before you ask have I tried other maps, yes. Singleplayer crashes, Armory crashes, I've tried tons of other maps and scenarios, and servers, which all crash with this same error. If necessary I can give the .mdmp as well, I know it is not a plain text file so I have no idea what to obtain from it. Sorry if I seem a bit harsh and annoyed, but really, I have tried every single thing I can think of. If anybody has ANY insight as to what could be causing this, I would be very grateful. It's very difficult to play when I have crashes ranging from every 5 minutes, to every few hours. Thank you very much.
  17. Not sure whether I should just ignore these crashes or not. Playing lighter missions, I hardly crash at all. Been playing Insurgency and had nearly no crashes, only one crash today and played pretty much all day. Seems to be heavier missions that crash it, I would like to get to the root of the problem in case others might be getting this though.
  18. bates


    Ah, cool. Might still be a neat idea to have that module so that medics have more of an advantage in the field. Then again, I've added it and it seems to have no effect.. :mad:
  19. bates


    Ah..interesting. That would have been the last thing we would have tried! I would never have guessed that is what needs to be done considering how the vanilla wounds work. Nevertheless I think it might be something to consider..but now knowing this it seems to make a little more sense. I think we'll keep it enabled due to us not having too many players! By the way..was that documented somewhere? We all read over everything about ACE Wounds that we could and didn't see anything that mentioned that or anything similar anywhere..unless we missed something.
  20. bates


    Just a quick feature request/point that might be worth noting about the ACE version of Insurgency. There's a module I think you should add to the mission file, which is "ACE_Wounds_FullHeal". What it does is allow units to be fully healed by a medic equipped with a medkit on the field. We ran into some issues over the past few days with the medkits not properly healing damaged limbs meaning that we would be stuck with a shaky aim or broken limbs permanently until we respawned. We originally thought this was ACE being buggy and weird, but looking at the ACE modules it would appear that it works as intended, as most (or at least a sizable amount of) missions don't bank on players operating on a bunch of different and extensive operations on one character life. I was halfway through a town and got shot in the legs with a .50, had a medic heal me back up fully with all usable items only to learn that my legs were permanently broken, leaving me stuck prone in the middle of fast moving combat! :butbut: This module works around this issue by allowing medkits to fully heal units. There is no other way to fully heal units that I can find, the ambulance has no options, neither does the field hospital at base. Respawning or aborting out and coming back in is the only fix for a broken arm or leg. Another notable module is "ACE_Wounds_EveryoneMedic" which allows every single player to use a medkit, instead of just medics. Be sure not to add that one if you go ahead with this.. then medics would become totally pointless! :D I've added this in myself along with a bunch of other things for my server, which I really hope you don't mind..most of it is small things requested by my members but I believe this could be beneficial to more people than just us.
  21. bates


    Ah, alright then. I'll put these on the server today just to make sure that this is the problem. Glad you got things sorted marker, can be a little more simple than you bargained for most of the time haha! ;) EDIT: Everything is loading properly now that we added USNavy. We don't use SIX Updater and we saw nothing we wanted in USNavy and this is why we didn't have it in the first place.
  22. bates


    Hey marker. Have you tried "#login password" in the chat, where "password" is your rcon password and then typing "#missions", and choosing the mission from there? I think a line in your rotation script is a little off, not sure. Instead of: class InsurgencyChernarus { template = Insurgency X.Chernarus; difficulty = "Veteran"; param1 = Insurgency; param2 = Chernarus; }; try the following out: class InsurgencyChernarus { template = Insurgency_X.Chernarus; difficulty = "Veteran"; param1 = Insurgency; param2 = Chernarus; }; I'm not quite sure you need the param1 and param2 lines. I'm not sure if the mission is actually called Insurgency_X, either. I would advise you check the file name and change those lines appropriately, but I don't have any experience with Chernarus Insurgency. If you haven't already made an admin password, do so by adding this line to the .cfg: passwordAdmin = "password"; Change "password" to suit your needs, but leave the quotation marks there, this is important! Hope some of this helps, and have fun! :)
  23. bates


    We are using the Takistan version of the map. We did get the mission from the official site a few days ago, and I ran an MD5 check, even tried another copy. If we choose a certain combination of vehicles the mission loads fine -- for example, UH1Y, Jackal HMG, Jackal GMG, CZ Land Rover. However using certain vehicles causes the RPT errors I posted to endlessly loop. I've tried leaving the mission on for 30 minutes with these RPT errors -- wow do they stack!! Comparing the chosen vehicles to the ACE class lists, I don't see any reference to some of these at all. Could this be because we're not using ACE USNavy and RUNavy or am I missing something here? For example the HMMWV.. "HMMWV_M1151_M2_DES_EP1" in the script, and "HMMWV_M1151_M2_CZ_DES_EP1" in the classlist, whereas if you compare the Jackal from script to class list, it matches, and loads fine in the mission..etc.. I'm not going to list them but I think there's more than one.. and although I don't have much scripting experience it would seem that this is the only viable lead as to why those errors continuously appear with only CERTAIN vehicles chosen in the parameters. :( I did Google the stuff in the .rpt and I did see the discussion on dev heaven about it. Having read that and let the mission run for an amount of time that I consider NOT negligible at all..I do think something is wrong here.
  24. bates


    Hello, I am having an issue running ACE Insurgency 1.50 on my server. The vehicles do not spawn correctly at the HQ, and the loadout option does not appear in the menu (not sure if it is meant to be this way) The servers .rpt has a handful of errors, and enabling script errors in-game shows the same thing continuously. It is as follows. 2012/08/26, 10:09:44 Error in expression <humv11> 2012/08/26, 10:09:44 Error position: <humv11> 2012/08/26, 10:09:44 Error Undefined variable in expression: humv11 2012/08/26, 10:09:45 Error in expression <effectcreate ["colorcorrections",1549]; _ppEffect ppEffectEnable true;> 2012/08/26, 10:09:45 Error position: <_ppEffect ppEffectEnable true;> 2012/08/26, 10:09:45 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ppeffect 2012/08/26, 10:09:45 Error in expression <500]; _color = [_R,_G,_B,_intensity]; _ppEffect ppEffectAdjust [ 1, 1, -0.002-> 2012/08/26, 10:09:45 Error position: <_ppEffect ppEffectAdjust [ 1, 1, -0.002-> 2012/08/26, 10:09:45 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ppeffect 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error in expression <humv12> 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error position: <humv12> 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error Undefined variable in expression: humv12 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error in expression <humv13> 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error position: <humv13> 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error Undefined variable in expression: humv13 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error in expression <humv14> 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error position: <humv14> 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error Undefined variable in expression: humv14 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error in expression <atv11> 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error position: <atv11> 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error Undefined variable in expression: atv11 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error in expression <atv12> 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error position: <atv12> 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error Undefined variable in expression: atv12 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error in expression <atv13> 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error position: <atv13> 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error Undefined variable in expression: atv13 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error in expression <atv14> 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error position: <atv14> 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error Undefined variable in expression: atv14 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error in expression <heli> 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error position: <heli> 2012/08/26, 10:09:56 Error Undefined variable in expression: heli These errors seem to point to the "defines.sqf" in the /common folder in the .pbo. I am trying to diagnose what is actually happening here and having a bit of an issue..this is the part of "defines.sqf" that I think is involved: #define westVehicles [humv11,humv12,humv13,humv14,humv15,humv16,atv11,atv12,atv13,atv14,atv15,heli,MHQ] #define westVehicleStrings ["humv11","humv12","humv13","humv14","humv15","humv16","atv11","atv12","atv13","atv14","atv15","heli","MHQ"] We really love Insurgency and would like to use ACE in conjunction with it, so help would be much appreciated! :) EDIT: Looked on some other servers which have..lets just say a strange setup of vehicles. They work fine. Loaded some unarmed and different vehicles on my server and it would seem that the defines script is referring to some of the vehicles with the wrong names. Further down the defines.sqf, I found this: #define HELITYPE (\ if(INS_AdvanceType == 1)then{"ACE_MH6"}else{\ if(INS_AdvanceType == 2)then{"UH1Y"}else{\ if(INS_AdvanceType == 3)then{"CH_47F_EP1"}else{\ if(INS_AdvanceType == 4)then{"BAF_Merlin_HC3_D"}else{\ if(INS_AdvanceType == 5)then{"AW159_Lynx_BAF"}else{\ if(INS_AdvanceType == 6)then{"MV22"}else{\ "ACE_UH60M"}}}}}}) #define PILOTTYPE "US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1" #define CAR1TYPE (\ if(INS_CarType1 == 1)then{"HMMWV_M1151_M2_DES_EP1"}else{\ if(INS_CarType1 == 2)then{"BAF_Jackal2_GMG_D"}else{\ if(INS_CarType1 == 3)then{"BAF_Jackal2_L2A1_D"}else{\ if(INS_CarType1 == 4)then{"ACE_HMMWV_M2_USARMY"}else{\ if(INS_CarType1 == 5)then{"LandRover_Special_CZ_EP1"}else{\ if(INS_CarType1 == 6)then{"BAF_Offroad_D"}else{\ if(INS_CarType1 == 7)then{"ArmoredSUV_PMC"}else{\ if(INS_CarType1 == 8)then{"SUV_PMC"}else{\ "SUV_PMC_BAF"}}}}}}}}) I've not included the whole thing, but this indicates that some of the vehicles here have the wrong names. I've checked alongside the classlists of ACE and correct me if I'm wrong, but more than a couple of these are mismatched.. :confused:
  25. My actual soundcard is an onboard Realtek, for playing ArmA 2 I use my headset which has its own USB sound card. It's the Steelseries 5H v2.