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Posts posted by crow_x

  1. Using the =BTC= Alpha release, been working well since started using it, as far as the respawning of units, had no issues.

    ---------- Post added at 07:44 ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 ----------

    Seeing a conflict here...looks like the BTC Revive Respawns you with your gear, well at least what you had when you die.

    ---------- Post added at 07:55 ---------- Previous post was at 07:44 ----------

    Sorry to no be more specific trying to get into the whole mission creation, still learning. :bounce3:

  2. Work completely flawless up until I went to put in Revive, now only objectives and revive work....possibly chance of bit of help?

    This is what i have in Ini.sqf currently:

    // Compile scripts

    Objectives_ini = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Objectives\Init.sqf";

    call compile preprocessFile "=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_revive_init.sqf";

    ["obj_", 35, 2] call Objectives_ini;


    waitUntil { !isNull player }; // Wait for player to initialize

    getLoadout = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'fnc_get_loadout.sqf';

    setLoadout = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'fnc_set_loadout.sqf';

    // Lets wait 10 seconds, hopefully all crates will spawn by then

    sleep 10;

    // Save default loadout

    loadout = [player] call getLoadout;

    // Add save/load loadout actions to all ammo boxes


    _x addAction ["Save loadout", "fnc_get_loadout.sqf"];

    _x addAction ["Load loadout", "fnc_set_loadout.sqf"];

    } forEach nearestObjects [getpos player,["ReammoBox","ReammoBox_F"],15000];

    // Load saved loadout on respawn

    player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {

    [player,loadout] call setLoadout;



  3. I really hate to post up something that is more than likely an easy fix for most, but I've been searching for an answer and between daily schedule I keep missing/forgetting something. Trying to add Loadout Function script to ini.sqf with revive and the objectives sqf to be called. Can get revive to start and objectives to start showing up as intended, but can't get option at ammo crate to save/load equipment. Any help to sort this out would be greatly appreciated.

    This is what i have in Ini.sqf currently:

    // Compile scripts

    Objectives_ini = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Objectives\Init.sqf";

    call compile preprocessFile "=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_revive_init.sqf";

    ["obj_", 35, 2] call Objectives_ini;


    waitUntil { !isNull player }; // Wait for player to initialize

    getLoadout = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'fnc_get_loadout.sqf';

    setLoadout = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'fnc_set_loadout.sqf';

    // Lets wait 10 seconds, hopefully all crates will spawn by then

    sleep 10;

    // Save default loadout

    loadout = [player] call getLoadout;

    // Add save/load loadout actions to all ammo boxes


    _x addAction ["Save loadout", "fnc_get_loadout.sqf"];

    _x addAction ["Load loadout", "fnc_set_loadout.sqf"];

    } forEach nearestObjects [getpos player,["ReammoBox","ReammoBox_F"],15000];

    // Load saved loadout on respawn

    player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {

    [player,loadout] call setLoadout;



    Again, I do apologize for double posting if that was the case and for any waste of anyones time for this.
