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Everything posted by dragonsyr

  1. dragonsyr

    Problem with ingame map

    for your second question : you can export the roads layer to image , then edit your satmap and add the roads
  2. Can someone tell the procedure to make a satmask from terrain builder? (not only the export part , i need to understand the shapes layers) or is there a tutorial link for this? Thanks
  3. just shoot your question ...and wait for answers :)
  4. dragonsyr

    Create SatMask from TB

    thanks anyway... I found the way make a new shape layer mask with polygons right click on layer and choose the wanted layer colour . File/export/export shapes to imagery. check export PNG and choose background surface colour . done. now i have the mask image i want
  5. Just use for test all that i posted in #16. If this works , then we can do the changes you really need. can you post like #16 all your code (layers , surfaces , clutter and a list of your files in DATA folder) to understand what you have and what you need? so far I have not figured out Note that layers,surfaces and clutters is interdependent. Edit: dont upload images.... just post the codes with copy paste.... Also in need to know if the colours (rgb values.as example.........green_grass[] = {{140,195,80}};.................) that you have in your layers.cfg is the correct colours that you have in your satmask picture. where you find those values?
  6. Εverybody here working on something for arma and ask for some advice and help. :) You dont need this topic .. Just make another one with the help you really need and the Guy you looking for will come .... ;) Welcome to Arma3 forum ! :)
  7. dragonsyr

    No fog on custom terrain

    can you post again your config.cpp ?
  8. just make sure that you doing wrp export after every change
  9. Except P: removal as m1Ikm8n says, check your Layers.cfg the class name of the layer green_grass with the name of the class colors (must be the same) i see in your first post that the names is different . ( green_grass on top , and grass_green[] = {{140,195,80}}; on bottom ) if all above fails, then try layers.cfg (Here you declare the layer texture and the mask colour of the layers. The file must be in your DATA folder) class Layers { class green_grass { texture = "for_test"; material = "TestMap\data\gdt_grass_green.rvmat"; }; }; class Legend { picture="TestMap\source\maplegend.png"; class Colors { green_grass[] = {{140,195,80}}; sea_bed[] = {{0,0,255}}; beach_sand[] = {{230,230,120}}; desert_sand [] = {{220,210,102}}; desert_sand2 [] = {{220,210,100}}; deep_desert [] = {{236,230,149}}; desert_rocks [] = {{228,215,137}}; cliffs [] = {{196,177,123}}; lush_grass [] = {{110,180,80}}; desert_cliffs [] = {{181,158,111}}; coastal_grass [] = {{160,200,90}}; }; }; CfgSurfaces.hpp (Here you declare the clutter for each layer.Also the file must be in your DATA folder) class CfgSurfaces { class Default {}; class Water{}; class gdt_grassgreen_surface : Default { access = 2; files = "gdt_grass_green*"; //name of the file in folder DATA character = "gdt_grassgreen_character"; soundEnviron = "grass"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; rough = 0.05; maxSpeedCoef = 1; dust = 0.15; lucidity = 8; grassCover = 0.05; Impact = "hitGroundSoft"; //surfaceFriction = 1.6; }; }; class CfgSurfaceCharacters { class gdt_grassgreen_character { probability[]={0.65}; names[]={gdt_grassgreen_clutter}; }; }; CfgClutter.hpp (and Here you declare the clutter types for CfgSurfaceCharacters. Not the layer textures . Note that you can have many clutters for each character and you can use the same clutters on different characters) class clutter { class gdt_grassgreen_clutter: DefaultClutter { model = "A3\Plants_F\Clutter\c_GrassGreen_GroupSoft.p3d"; //clutter of your choice affectedByWind = 0.5; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.3; scaleMax = 1.0; }; };
  10. set your bottom corner east 200000.000 and north 0.000 also, i think that you must change the name of your root folder (without symbols because some people maybe have problems .......i dont know for sure)
  11. and dont forget to check your rvmat files (right click -> edit or open with notepad) pointing at your file names
  12. try this with the file names that you have in your data folder class green_grass { texture="TestMap\data\gdt_grass_green.paa"; //your paa file material="TestMap\data\gdt_grass_green.rvmat"; };
  13. my opinion..... get rid of the folder projects
  14. yes , its just the terrain builder............. same here and my pc is not old!! see my specs
  15. dragonsyr

    Buldozer Cursor Issue

    same thing here long time ago.... thanks
  16. dragonsyr

    [SOLVED] Clutter not showing

    this is not for the clutter but you missed this line in config.cpp "worldName = "yourtag\yourtag_yourproject\yourtag_yourproject.wrp";" must be worldName = "Langoya\snt_langoya.wrp"; or whichever name has given now for the clutter ingame , check in lanqoya\data folder for the files snt_langoya_grass_green_* (plus *.rvmats). satmask and layers.cfg if is there , then you can see the clutter ingame .
  17. When i start buldozer in TB i get error "No entry 'bin\config.cpp/CfgVideoOptions/DefaultSettings.ppaaAlternative'" and then "Shaders is invalid (mismatch of exe and data? )" i try in OB and there i get " Application load error V:0000065432" The game is working good, i have made integrity of the files and is ok i have not change anything from the last time that TB and OB worked (before a week) here the rpt
  18. dragonsyr

    Satmap Size for Huge Terrain

    temp folder on P drive yes. loading times can reduced with lores images map frame properties / samplers / source image / make it smaller than the original (when i m in front of my pc , i will confirm this . perhaps confuse the source with tiles )
  19. dragonsyr

    Satmap Size for Huge Terrain

    try to delete the layers from temp folder and then export your wrp again before regenerate the map.... edit: you can use the same satmap layer . the only thing you need to do is to change the resolution you want.... i m not in front of my pc right now to help you further. I use my hires sat map and i have it on 2048 res right now.
  20. dragonsyr

    Satmap Size for Huge Terrain

    if you use your sat map as boundary helper for some locations , you can use a lowres satmap edited with black lines in your painting software in the boundaries you want ..... work with it in TB and then replace with lowres sat without those marked boundaries..... even with this, it is a quicker than use the hires from the beginning of your creation.... (my personal opinion ) try this.... the only thing you can lose is 10 mins . if this fit your need , you can save lot of time (+1 hour per buldozer loading time + many hours of crunching time for the ingame tests) :)
  21. dragonsyr

    Satmap Size for Huge Terrain

    what you mean "details" i see everything but in low res... i dont have something that need superhi res on edit....