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About phantomdw2

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Occupation
    VBS2 Scenario Developer

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  1. phantomdw2

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    I thought I read that as a partnership or at least just an infusion of cash into BIS so they could develop ARMA3 and VBS3. BISim/BIStudios aren't going anywhere. Especially not after winning the GfT contract.
  2. phantomdw2

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    Looks like we'll all get to stick with Bohemia and VBS2/3 for a while longer http://www.itnewsonline.com/showrwstory.php?storyid=11353
  3. phantomdw2

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    VBS2 Scenario Developer Job Opening: https://cgi.njoyn.com/cgi/xweb/XWeb.asp?tbtoken=YFlfRhIXCGhzagYuJS5ALiReNyYiCFI7A21EcFReBkggVV59E2ZfK0IdKEESB2ABBAkbVhRSSXEqWA%3D%3D&chk=dFlbQBJe&Page=JobDetails&Jobid=J0713-0332&BRID=266033&SBDID=20464
  4. phantomdw2

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    Interested in working on VBS2 full-time? TBOC SIMS has job openings for several positions at our facility in Hampton Roads, Virginia. We are looking for people with a strong demonstrated skills (especially with VBS2/ARMA) that can hit the ground running. 3D Artist/Game Modeler 9859 http://camber-modsim.jobs/newport-news-va/3d-artistgame-modeler-9859/37927218/job/ IT Analyst/Technical Development (VBS2 Scripter/Programmer) https://www4.recruitingcenter.net/Clients/coleengineering/PublicJobs/controller.cfm?jbaction=JobProfile&Job_Id=10096&esid=az Scenario Developer (To be posted early next week) http://www.cgi.com/en/careers/working-at-cgi
  5. If you don't need the radio, you can turn it off completely with: enableRadio false; But I don't know if you need it for what you're doing.
  6. phantomdw2

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    Vandrel, while I agree that government contracting can be tough, our contract here was just rebid and we are secure for the next 3 years here at TBOC SIMS. We're working to hire talent with fire in their gut to make things that support Soldiers. BISim is great, but TBOC SIMS is in a unique position to make videos and trainers without asking for money from our customers. The Land Navigation Trainer I built came about because I saw a training gap and I worked to fill it. It costs the Army nothing extra for us to make things customers request. That freedom to build innovative products is why I love my job.
  7. phantomdw2

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    All I can tell you is to apply with whatever skills you have. It will definitely help if you have a website with any models you've made so they can see your work. We have taken skills over certificates before.
  8. phantomdw2

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    Anyone interested in working with VBS2 full time? We are currently hiring a 3D Modeler for our organization. If you'd like to see some examples of what we do, check out www.youtube.com/TBOCSIMS. We'd love to get someone from the community to add to our team. If you have any questions about it, let me know. 3D Simulation/Modeling Engineer-8828 Secret clearance is required. The 3d Modeler would be responsible for creating 3d models for use in Department of Defense constructive simulations and gaming applications. The incumbent will work with all to ensure the accuracy of the models developed. The 3d modeler will also coordinate with M&S organizations with the DoD such as the Modeling and Simulation Coordination Office, PEO-STRI, PM-TRASYS, National Simulation Center and industry leaders in gaming technologies. https://ch.tbe.taleo.net/CH11/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=CAMBER&cws=1&rid=8828
  9. phantomdw2

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    @ScorpionGuard, most Army VBS2 labs have less than 100 computers (last I checked) and typically VBS2 is used for training below the Platoon Level, usually focused on the squad (9 Soldiers). I believe that each server can support 128 unique users not counting AI.
  10. phantomdw2

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    I don't know if there's any interest in a Real Time Strategy-style Interface for VBS2 but we've created one. The demo video is at .This prototype is an initiative to incorporate some of the attributes of the Real Time Strategy genre onto the first person shooter, Virtual Battlespace 2 (VBS2). We are looking to work with other organizations to build this into a more comprehensive capability to give VBS2 the ability to train tactical operations at the platoon and company level. This prototype gives the leader the ability to control large numbers of Soldiers through an intuitive and easy to learn interface, striving for leaders to spend more time thinking tactically and less time learning the controls. We are looking for your feedback to determine our way ahead.
  11. phantomdw2

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    If you guys are seriously interested in jobs with VBS2, I work for TBOC SIMS (facebook.com/TBOCSIMS & youtube.com/TBOCSIMS) and we are probably looking to hire another scenario developer and videographer in the next few months. Our Army Contract was just rebid and won by CGI Federal and they have just started the transition process. If any of you are interested, I'll post the job listing when it comes out. It's a great place to work and we've have great freedom to be innovative and create new trainers, like the land navigation trainer I've posted about on here.
  12. phantomdw2

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    The VBS2 West Point Land Navigation Trainer V1.0 has been officially released. If you aren't already on our customer email list, you can get it on the NIPR network at https://milgaming.army.mil/ or from Google Drive at http://goo.gl/kGqhI https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/291309_347140055366789_1334511031_o.jpg (553 kB) facebook.com/tbocsims
  13. phantomdw2

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    Thanks for the post, DM. Here's a picture from that training on Monday. It was awesome to see how into it the cadets got. The students working on finding their points and the cadet leadership working to help them. http://brianthall.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/wpcadetslandnav.jpg (1912 kB)
  14. phantomdw2

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    This is a very good site for teaching land navigation the US Army way: http://www.armystudyguide.com/content/army_board_study_guide_topics/land_navigation_map_reading/index.shtml
  15. phantomdw2

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    Our VBS2 Land Navigation Trainer v1.6 is finally complete and ready for release. We welcome your feedback and hope the trainer can be put to good use. https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B832dWx4fxYtYXVqVjBfVlRrTkU www.facebook.com/TBOCSIMS