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Everything posted by gunny1979

  1. What do you mean by are the Support Modules and stuff working now? We have example missions up on our website alivemod.com
  2. I'm not going to share my exact code from ALiVE, but I will point you in the right direction. Check out BIS_fnc_GUInewsfeed;
  3. I have actually coded displaying data from a PHP webpage into a GUI within ArmA. This is used within the ALiVE Newsfeed and will be utilised to display data from the War Room stats website in game. This has a link of which you can click, and it will take you the war room online.
  4. - - - CLAS - - - - - - FLASH - - - - - - 211130ZFEB14 - - - - - -MESSAGE BEGINS - - - 21st Feb 2014 ALiVE Commumity Intel reports suggest incoming update of ALiVE, exact time is currently unknown. All units are expected to be in a state of readiness to receive the update. - - - END OF MESSAGE - - -
  5. Sorry I'm not sure what you mean by Interaction Button Functionality, all of ALiVE Menu options are accessed via the default Windows App Key, or the Custom Key #20 set by the end user.
  6. Take a look here http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php?title=Script_Snippets
  7. There is a known issue with Farooq's revive doing this, nothing to do with ALiVE, you will need to take it up with the creator or use another revive script, I know a lot of people are using BTC successfully with ALiVE.
  8. Thanks! Nope this issue does not exists in ALiVE. Are you using other mods or scripts, I believe you possible are running a revive script that is leaving your setCaptive status as true.
  9. Here you go https://dev.withsix.com/projects/alive/issues/new
  10. Post a link to your RPT of when you crashed and I will take a look.
  11. Hi Brutal, Unfortunately they are all that we have been given so far! On that note we do encourage people to submit their missions to us to put up on or website, facebook etc. Come on show off your mission making skills!
  12. How long is a piece of string, without seeing the rpt, having a copy of your mission, knowing what other mods your using etc etc we wouldn't have a clue. Please upload your mission and RPT to our issue tracker here, stating what other mods you are using and your machine specs, we will take a look.
  13. Thanks Etzuu and to the ArmA Community
  14. If you mean testing this, then im afraid its not an ALiVE issue, if you do a surface check while on the deck of the carrier it sates its water, and the heli's wont land on water.
  15. Moricky actual came up with the concept 7 years ago, as per this video
  16. I have coded the LAND Task so that the Heli does not try to land in the water, and drown you all. The code does a surface check, the carrier's deck is not config's properly so it thinks its water. Try what Savage recommended.
  17. Hi Oktyabr, It is something on my list that I have thought would be a great addition, Combat Support will not have any more feature requests added now until we have got other things we are working on sorted. I have realised that I have spent too much time on this Module, and other items are being pushed back, but yes it is on the list. Thanks Gunny
  18. In each of the modules, there is a field where you type the Spawn Height, put 18 in there.
  19. Yes you can just ensure the missions are named differently, he missions will then be saved into PDB with unique id's. All the data will then be referenced to each mission with with the specific id.
  20. gunny1979

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Great Idea Toxic and nice Vid!
  21. That is one big signature!!
  22. I'm so sorry that the MOD, Tutorials, WIKI, Website etc that we give up our little spare time that we have to create for the community, and that you don't pay a single thing for, turns you into a an ungrateful, abusive individual that seems to not be able to read the information supplied.