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About ZenWarrior

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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  1. Thanks Günter, that helped me out a bit. In the init_common.sqf is a entry with MAXPLAYERTEAMSIZE. Is there something similar for AI? I tried MAXAITEAMSIZE but that doesn´t change anything. My AI just won´t buy troops so i think its maybe related to that^^
  2. Hey folks, i´m making a simple warfare mission on Jade Groove and i got some questions for the pros here. 1. All towns are controlled by resistance. I use UPSMON for random resistance Patrols inside and outside towns too, that works fine but how do i get bounty for killing them too? 2. How do i increase the number of normal town resistance units and how can i specify what units are spawning like tanks or light vehicles? 3. The supply points are gathering with the trucks but they only drive to the first town captured. Where can i define that HQ sends supply trucks to all captured towns? Thats all for now, hope someone can help me^^
  3. ZenWarrior

    Bounty script problem

    Thank you F2k, it really just was the underscore... :rolleyes:
  4. I want to add some quest in my multiplayer mission, this is a part of my player_actions script: That works well. But i have some problems in the quests.sqf: It should be, if player choose yes then act1 and act2 should be deleted and another titletext shows the mission task. And if player chooses no then act1 and act2 should be also deleted and titletext shows "Maybe later". How can i determine what action the player executed?
  5. Maybe it´s a driver problem with your graphics card, sometimes i got this blackscreen too and thats related to my Graphics driver. The only solution i know is : press left ctrl+left shift+minus on numpad and type in flush.
  6. ZenWarrior

    Bounty script problem

    Anyone got a clue why it won´t work??
  7. ZenWarrior

    Bounty script problem

    Thanks for the fast reply, i´ll try that out immediately. I changed code to this: _man setVariable ["Bounty", 5, true]; _man addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", { _man = _this select 0; _bounty = _man getVariable "Bounty"; _killer = this select 1; if (player == _killer) then { DCV_Bank = DCV_Bank + _bounty; player groupchat format ["You earned 5 Bounty for killing a Zombie!"]; }; }]; }; Now i get no more bounty at all.
  8. Hi, with the help of Clay, i added some bounty to enemy units. Here´s an example: All works pretty good, but ALL players on the server get the bounty and the message if one kills a enemy unit. In my init.sqf i have this line: playerw = ["wman1","wman2","wman3","wman4","wman5","wman6","wman7","wman8","wman9","wman10","wman11","wman12","wman13","wman14","wman15","wman16","wman17","wman18","wman19","wman20","wman21","wman22","wman23","wman24"]; How can i check what player killed the unit and allocate the bounty just to him?? Sry for the newb questions but i´m still learning^^
  9. Ok, i´ll look into that Multiplayer Framework. But where can i download it?
  10. Hi, i just made an Alpha test of my mission on a dedicated server, and i found out that a huge part of my scripts don´t work on dedicated. For example: The server spawns the objects in the correct position. But they can be destroyed, so allowdamage false does not apply, and the addaction command doesn´t work either. How can i make it work for all clients?
  11. Hey guys, i want to modify the Item-Slots of the OA Backpacks for my Mission. But i´m stuck with the config.cpp. I don´t want to make a new addon for that, just want to modify the stats according to my mission. But the config.cpp doesn´t work. Here is what i have right now: Do i need to include the config.cpp in init.sqf or description.ext?? Or is something missing in the file?
  12. ZenWarrior

    Capture Outpost script

    I got helped with the setpos Command problem. So Objects are now on the position where i want them to be. But another problem occured with the safezone... The script itself works really good but if i´m leaving the safezone with a vehicle then i´m invulnerable, actually the vehicle itself takes the damage like it should out of safezone. Even if i´m getting out of the vehicle then i can get no damage at all. Heres the script: How do i have to modify the script so that players take regular damage if the leave the safezone on vehicles?
  13. ZenWarrior

    Capture Outpost script

    The Problem with the setpos Problem is in this one: The objects are placed on the map but not at the exact postition. Even if i force them to with the "_vehicle setpos _pos" command.
  14. ZenWarrior

    Capture Outpost script

    Another Problem if i try to script the "safezone" trigger that i placed in the editor in the first time. I don´t understand why i just can´t use the same line from the editor for the script... _safez1 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",[5492.9136,2219.6995]]; _safez1 setTriggerArea [400,400,0,false]; _safez1 setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT",true]; _safez1 setTriggerStatements ["round (time %1) ==1";"{if ( _x distance _safez1 <380) then {_x allowDamage false} else {_x allowDamage true}} forEach thislist", ""]; My other triggers in the script are working but this one isn´t.
  15. ZenWarrior

    Capture Outpost script

    I think the switch command is very helpful for that task. Thx for the tip. So right now i´m placing some objects on the map via script. The script for spawning units works fine, but i encounter some difficulties with spawning objects. They are placed on the map, but not at the exact position i want them to. Here´s part of script: Everything works fine, but something isn´t right with the _vehicle setpos _pos; I try to figure it out whats missing in that script...