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Everything posted by mariodu62

  1. ok this is what i've done. it looks like (currentweapon player)need a small sleep. So to check if it could be the issue, instead of using "" in the bannedweapon array, i used "Nothing". And we can play. i don't wait for script done with the client because if i wait for it, the mission don't start. execVM "INSLimitedAdmin\initAH.sqf"; instead of _h = [] execVM "INSLimitedAdmin\initAH.sqf"; waitUntil{scriptDone _h};
  2. mariodu62

    TeeTimes Warfare

    it's not auto reveal, put map=0; and you won't see enemy anymore on the map.
  3. I had an issue with btc revive and banned weapon. In fact i suppose that it's because the array is not empty but with "". So each time a guy is killed, the weapon use is "" because we reset the loadout. I'm still checking and testing.
  4. because we had hackers 2 weeks ago... They usually inject other mission. But they did a mistake by injected an other mission. (kkz one) I found them, they usually play on teetime warfare. Maybe we can get in touch..
  5. Blue1 are you from KKZ ?
  6. mariodu62

    TeeTimes Warfare

    Ask him on his website or when you are playing on his server.
  7. mariodu62

    TeeTimes Warfare

    it's admin choice...
  8. mariodu62

    Dedicated server - status

    Hi, how to connect a HC with this solution ?
  9. mariodu62

    Dedicated server - status

    thx but you are still kick off the game if you try to use HC and a client ....
  10. I know that but what community means ?
  11. Thanks for not sharing... it's very nice...
  12. mariodu62

    TeeTimes Warfare

    With dev version, the functions "setvehicleinit and process command" are disallowed. So there is a script error with the Tee_Server_CreateTownMarker function when make the object undestroyable. Try this in function server file: //Make Object undestroyable ["{this allowDamage false;}","BIS_fnc_spawn",_object,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; //_object setVehicleInit "this allowDamage false;"; //processInitCommands; and this in the function hc //Stellt den HC kalt ["{this allowDamage false;}","BIS_fnc_spawn",player,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; player attachTo [base,[0,0,-10]]; btw, the best solution is to make them undestroyable in the mission. PS: those functions will be deleted in the new stable version too so ...
  13. mariodu62

    TeeTimes Warfare

    wich one ??
  14. mariodu62

    TeeTimes Warfare

    Yes .. but we just add some function we like to play with... And we like this mission created by Teetime...
  15. hi, Richie Same issue with our servers can you send me private message, we have 2 servers, using console.log and we had the same user connected to the servers. it was the last one and each time, the hack was deployed. So i would like to compare if this could be the same guy. Thanks
  16. mariodu62

    TeeTimes Warfare

    This is a modded one...
  17. i would like to find the movement like this : AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDb_grab Thx
  18. Oh thx... sorry for this noob question
  19. mariodu62

    TeeTimes Warfare

    Is there a revive ?
  20. mariodu62

    TeeTimes Warfare

    If you look in the mission file, you can read that it's in the todo.. so ...
  21. yes the setting are very strong...
  22. an other error... Error in expression <zines, _magazine]; if ( _currentWeapon != "" && _currentMode != "" ) then { _mu> Error position: <!= "" && _currentMode != "" ) then { _mu> Error Generic error in expression File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Stratis\loadout\fnc_get_loadout.sqf, line 70 Always when i'm in a vehicule...