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Posts posted by Ice_Rhino

  1. OK, I tried it with the init line in the crate, but if it requires two people I will have to wait until my friend comes online later. When I approached the crate there was no option to pick up crate so I assume this is the two player thing again. Damn, now I have to wait for 7 hours to test it :(

    Thanks anyway for all the help so far. I will of course report back


  2. Thanks DE,

    Tried your suggestion but doesn't seem to do anything. A couple of questions;

    1. Does the crate need to be named?

    2. Do I have to specify the player names?

    The way I tried your code was to create a carrycrate.sqf in the mission folder. Create a 2m round trigger around the crate with group link to the player 'Any group member present'

    Thanks in advance



  3. Hi All,

    Me again with my next stupid question(s).

    I have a number of civilians placed on my map that walk random paths. Also in my mission I have a number of OPFOR also walking on random paths within the same town. What I want to do is, when a civilian is near gun fire, or within a certain range of a dead enemy soldier, I would like them to run into the nearest house and preferably de-spawn. I don't really want to kill them via script though, hence de-spawn idea.

    Currently I am using a script for the BluFor team for which I am providing Overwatch that tells me if they are under fire;

    this addEventHandler ["FiredNear", {(_this select 0) sideChat "We are under fire, requesting assistance!"; } ];

    This obviously only provides side chat messages if the team is within 69 meters of gunfire, I was wondering though if I could modify it to do what I wanted to do. Or at least use it in conjunction with whatever you genius' come up with :)

    Thanks in Advance

  4. I have a mission that I am working on. Four divers come ashore and perform a set of tasks whilst the player(s) provide Over-watch Sniper cover from a nearby hill. When the divers come under fire they report in that they require assistance using the following code;

    this allowDamage false;blu_divers = group this;this addEventHandler ["Killed",{    if (isNil "DeadDivers") then {DeadDivers = 0};    DeadDivers = DeadDivers + 1;    publicVariable "DeadDivers";  }];this addEventHandler ["FiredNear", {(_this select 0) sideChat "We are under fire, requesting assistance!"; } ];

    Is it possible to get them to report which direction they are under fire from and add that to the sideChat text?

    Also, they hunker down when they are threatened and I do not necessarily know why, any way for them to report that or just reset them on a Radio command??? The fire from direction is more important.

    Thanks in advance


  5. ​​I think I have worked out a crude method to do this. Just in case anyone is interested here is what I have done;

    [size=2]1. Create a trigger in which the player enters (BluFor Present). Set the 'On Act' to 'publicVariable "varcre";varcre = 0;hint"Variable Created";'
    2. Created the OPFOR Not Present trigger and set the 'On Act' to 'varcre = varcre +1;hint"OPFOR NP Trigger";'
    3. Created the Countdown trigger and set the 'On Act' to 'varcre = varcre +1;hint"Countdown Trigger";'
    4. Created the trigger to check the variable value, Condition 'varcre ==2', On Act to 'hint"varcre equals 2";'[/size]

    The above triggers on point 4 when the variable named 'varcre' is equal to 2, however for the purposes of my mission I shall set this test to be the value of 1. I only used 2 to prove the point to myself

    As I said, this is crude, probably long winded, totally inefficient, but it was the best I could come up with at the time.

    Regards to all


  6. Hi,

    I was using the following code to force 1 to 4 units back to a marker named 'mkr_target_1'. For some reason though, the last day or so, the AI in question seem to be ignoring the command

    hint"AI to Target Location 1 Trigger";[opf_patrol_1a,opf_patrol_1b,opf_patrol_1c,opf_patrol_1d] doMove (getMarkerPos "mkr_target_1");

    Any ideas?


  7. I can't use any member leaving because I need it to be both. I think I might try this code and see how this works out;

    [size=2][color=#000000][font=tahoma]{_x distance thistrigger > 50} count  units group player == {alive _x} [/font][font=monospace][font=tahoma]count units group player[/font][/font][/color][/size][color=#0000BB][font=monospace]

    Anyone got a theory as to how to break the above down and relate it to my player group called 'bluplagrp'

    I will let you know

    ---------- Post added at 09:20 ---------- Previous post was at 09:08 ----------

    Nevermind, it works perfectly as is.

    Thanks to all

  8. I have a two man team, player & ai. I have two triggers, both are grouped to the player and set for Whole Group>>>Repeatedly>>>Not Present. Triggers are 30x30 and each slightly offset from the other. One displays hint"About to leave game area" and the other hint"You have left the game area". Why, when I instruct my AI to stand still in the trigger, do they fire if I walk out of the trigger areas.

    Surely if I have set it to Whole Group not being present, then it should only fire if we both leave. No?

    I hope you can help

