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Everything posted by anthropoid

  1. anthropoid

    Patrol Operations 2

    Strangely, the version of patrol_ops_205_usmc_n_ace.Chernarus.pbo that I downloaded from Armaholic just yesterday suffered this very same error. I suppose if I de-pbo it, open it in editor without JSRS running and then re-compile it that might fix it?
  2. anthropoid

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Really loving this mod. Not sure I'm gonna be able to enjoy playing without it as time goes on. There are a ton of websites associated with ACE but I'm having a bit of difficulty with a couple specific questions. Appreciate if anyone can point me in some good directions: 1. I've got a lot of ace missions (mostly coops that are doable sp) either from what is bundled with the package or from my clans server. But I'm not finding too many that I'd say are 'excellent' for SP play. Can anyone suggest some? Are the Animal Mother missions good for SP? Just looking for stuff to play to get the hang of the mod more so I feel competent enough to join in coop. 2. Loving all of the bombs and explosives, but a few of them I'm expending a lot of virtual lives learning to use by trial and error (e.e.,g M116 not sure about the proper sequence for bury+arm; M4 SLAM when I select "Setup M4 SLAM" I get this nifty bomb graphic filling my screen and it appears that one of my NUM keys causes it to detonate! But I'm not sure how to properly deploy the thing so I don't blow myself up!). Any "how to" type resources for the myriad of explosives in the mod. Thanks for any answers, and thanks to all who made this mod a reality. It is beyond epic in wonderfulness.
  3. anthropoid

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    Oh yeah. I guess NOT! :)
  4. anthropoid

    User mission requests!

    Wow that is crazy. Is that "Island" actually available to make missions on!?
  5. anthropoid

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    Maybe he did use the feedback tracker? Still, I condemn his/her methods; most likely he/she could have achieved the same thing without breaching the EULA and impacting gameplay for so many other people. Asking a few moderators here at BIS forums to _please_ get onto a server and demonstrate his hack, or demonstrating it to his clan mates would likely have served sufficiently. I don't think the phrase 'taking the whole community hostage' is too strong or inaccurate and that is it seems precisely what he/she has done. Very likely this was illegal and seems to warrant some sort of penalty if his/her identity is discovered. But it also seems to be true that this sort of 'gaping hole' in security is a longstanding tradition that might not have been addressed even before the final product was released had something this dramatic not occurred. I cannot help but suspect a clever, mature, conscientious and sociable person would have achieved the same effects without creating so much disturbance.
  6. Couple excellent resources http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=6751 Some links at that one above will give you some good scripting help. http://phantommissionsite.weebly.com/ Think there is a scripting section at Phantom's site too. http://www.kylania.com/ex/ Script examples The wiki probably has some good scripting info too.
  7. anthropoid

    Editing Questions

    Excellent suggestions Sander. I think I'll leave the BLUFOR container as destructible. That way, if the OPFOR (human) team uses too much firepower in storming the geurilla base, they risk destroying the weapons cache they are seeking to capture. Excellent suggestion on the unusual ammo types. That would exclude satchels, mines and grenades. I think the way I'll work it is: the OPFOR team (which I intend to be Takistani geurillas) will come equipped with AKMs (maybe a couple of Sa-58V ACOG in the team). There will be no weapons in the mission that use 30Rnd_545x39_AK, 100Rnd_762x54_PK, strela, igla or metis. All the BLUFOR opponents weapons will use various standard BLUFOR weapons and the ammo that needs to be commandeered will be all .545_AK, 100Rnd_762, strela, igla and metis.
  8. I have taken my first steps into the world of Arma2 mission editing, and I have to say, unlike previous attempts to make missions I'm finding it rather absorbing! I have been making use of several of the terrific resources listed here; MulleDK's tutorials on basic editing were _integral_ to me getting going! Thanks for those MulleDK! http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=6751 Phantom's Mission site has also been invaluable in getting me going. Thanks Phantom! http://phantommissionsite.weebly.com/ I've fiddled with the editor for maybe 10 or 15 hours and managed to get a prototype mission working that I played in Preview for 30 min and LOVED it! I was going to do an ambush mission, but decided that getting all the waypoints and stuff to work was a bit too daunting so have switched to a simple assault mission. First mission will be entitled "Night at Nur" and will involve a USMC FR squad of 9 or 10 men assaulting a "Takiban" munitions cache in the village of Nur in the darkest of night. Having got a previous version of it to work pretty much exactly how I wanted once and played it, I am confident I am actually going to finish this sucker and make it available to the community! :) I intend to make it a Coop mission (modeled on my limited experience playing with the CiA clan) but to design it so that it can also be played SP and could easily be ported into an SP version (although perhaps considerably more challenging to finish SP). Even though I am aware of all the resources available and I want to be as little of a pest as possible, I think I will inevitably have a few questions that I struggle to find answers to so I appreciate any of you experts indulging me by providing any answers you can in this thread. First questions: 1. I am attempting to create a 'house clearing' scenario in which the friendlies must go house to house searching for ammo crates (with unknown hostiles lurking in the buildings) and I have encountered an issue for which I cannot find an answer: exact positioning of ammo crates inside buildings. a. I would do this in 3d mode but when I try to open a mission that I started in 2d mode in 3d mode I don't see that option. When I try to build a mission in 3d mode, the first step of assigning a player unit is not possible because my Unit and Group drop down menus are nonfunctional. Perhaps there is an app or something I need to activate? b. Using the <this setCaptive true> script to make my player invulnerable to enemies is proving to be invaluable for Previewing and this combined opening and closing Preview to shift crafts slightly allows me to move crates to pretty much the exact X,Y coordinates that I want in the game world (inside buildings). But I'm not seeing a way to set ammo crates inside a building on a 2nd or 3rd floor, i.e., to set the Z coordinate. Is that possible?
  9. anthropoid

    Warfare BE

    Me and a clan mate had a good time playing some Warfare missions on the CiA server a few weeks back. At his suggestion we left the AI as commander. While that worked pretty good, it also seemed kinda inefficient as the AI is not that clever with assaults. Past couple days I've been fiddling a bit with playing some solo. It doesn't really seem to be that fun or easy to play with this solo and I'm guessing these Warfare missions are really intended to be coop? Would love to hook up with a group who focus on Warfare coop, just to see how it works.
  10. anthropoid

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    I now see the brilliance of BIS having released an unsecured alpha this early in their development process.
  11. anthropoid

    Editing Questions

    In my next mission, I would like to make a small OPFOR group defeat a group of BLUFOR "geurillas" (backstory is along the lines of the Lost mission; WWIII has happened, Takistan is basically under OPFOR control [mostly Takistani "Insurgents", but also Takistani Army and some Russian]), but small groups of stragglers remain scattered throughout Takistan. A group of them have formed up led by "Captain Steven Shannon" and taken over a town. The OPFOR group must assault the town, and among other tasks: commandeer weapons and munitions along with at least one vehicle. I see that Kylania has this awesome stuff on his page http://www.kylania.com/ex/?p=124 But this seems to deal with a player having items in its inventory. What I would like to do if it is possible is to set a task to be completed if a certain threshold number of specific weapon and ammo items that are under BLUFOR control (and mostly in ammo crates) are put into an OPFOR controlled ammo crate (which starts the mission empty using the clearmagazinecargo _this; clearweaponcargo _this;). The crate to which the trigger will be tied will be some distance away from the town at an OPFOR base. Which means it will be necessary to commandeer a vehicle that can carry the items from the area where the town back to the OPFOR base. So in sum, the idea is: 1. BLUFOR guerillas have taken control of a town and have a weapons cache(s) that include at least the following: _this addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 50]; _this addmagazinecargo ["Mine", 10]; _this addmagazinecargo ["HandGrenade_West", 50]; _this addmagazinecargo ["PipeBomb", 20]; 2. OPFOR must assault the town and seize the weapons cache(s) 3. OPFOR must transport the captured munitions back to their base Would it be possible to set a trigger to fire under the condition that the OPFOR crate that starts the mission empty has the following in it: _this magazinecargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", >49] "PRESENT"; _this magazinecargo ["Mine", >9] "PRESENT"; _this magazinecargo ["HandGrenade_West", >49] "PRESENT"; _this magazinecargo ["PipeBomb", >19] "PRESENT"; I see that setting an object as "PRESENT" is an option to fire a trigger, but I'm not sure about the syntax. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setTriggerActivation
  12. anthropoid

    User mission requests!

    No idea what you are referring to Wiki. Got a link or anything?
  13. anthropoid

    User mission requests!

    Checkout "Lost 5.3" mission by MarkB50K. Not exactly what you are talking about, but you might like that. Can play it on many different maps. ---------- Post added at 12:17 ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 ---------- LOST 5.3 mission pretty much does this, though it is not a campaign. ADDIT: My first mission in in penultimate form (it is linked to a post here) http://ciahome.net/forum/index.php?topic=2838.msg19195#msg19195 I'm up for suggestions for fairly simple missions. I haven't worked on a campaign yet, and want to do a few more missions before I bite off that much. One-off COOP missions are mainly what I'm interested in making, but it seems pretty easy to setup a coop mission so it is playable SP too.
  14. anthropoid

    Editing Questions

    Phantom's simple suggestion to compile the folder I created in into a .pbo seems to have worked ;) I posted the draft mission over to the CiA forums. Appreciate any feedback or suggestions! http://ciahome.net/forum/index.php?topic=2838.msg19192#msg19192
  15. anthropoid

    Editing Questions

    My first mission is very close to being finished. But I'm a bit lost on how to get the entire thing to package into a .pbo. If I have a couple of script files (e.g., fhqtt.sqf; HousePatrol.sqf; ammo.sqf) do those all get packaged into the .pbo? I created it in the singleplayer editor so I hope that that will not be a problem with exporting it for Coop play? I name it: co11_oa_Nuratnight and select Export to multiplayer folder, then look in C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\MPMissionsCache I see all the missions that have imported from the coop server I have been playing on with the CiA clan, but my mission is not there. Also not in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\MPMissions I have no idea where the .pbo is. When I select send by email, I get a functioning .pbo. When I copy that to my SP missions folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Missions\co11_oa_NightatNur and copy over the folder with my scripts, the mission seems to load and run fine as long as I put my script .sqf files in a folder with the .pbo, but I was under the impression that Coop missions run completely from the .pbo?
  16. anthropoid

    Helo Extraction

    Complete noob to editing, but I have managed to get my first helo extraction process running in the editor in my first draft mission. Watched several Youtubes, but the main one that clinched it for me was: Given you are working with complex scripts the info in that video is probable not helpful, but maybe. Be interested to see what answers the experts have for your script :)
  17. I understand that ACE fixes this. But I'm trying to make a mission that is pretty much vanilla Arma CO. In fiddling with some custom loadout scripts http://phantommissionsite.weebly.com/custom-loadout.html (Thanks Phantom!!) I've come to the realization that apparently all Force Recon soldiers in vanilla CO are unable to use a backpack. 1. Are there any FR or even USMC soldier types in vanilla that can use backpacks? I would put a couple US Army "Rifleman (backpack)s" in the squad but that is gonna look like crap 2. Is there any real rhyme or reason why the vanilla game was written this way or were the backpacks just sort of added late and therefore they only apply to some soldiers? 3. Without requiring endusers of the coop mission I'm making to use a particular mod, is there a way with scripting or something to make a soldier backpack-capable?
  18. Thank you Wolle. It is good to finally know for sure that there is no real rhyme or reason for it, and also good to know about the Binkowski stuff. Those aren't included in CWR by any chance are they? I guess now that they've fully moved on to Arma III there is really no way BI will ever include a backpack-expansion for a patch of vanilla CO. Shame, but at least there are all these lovely mods!
  19. anthropoid

    USMC Medic Inventory Increase

    The Force Recon Corpsman guy has full Inventory slots. If you are desperate and not able to find the answer you want, you could just use the FR guy.
  20. anthropoid

    Editing Questions

    Thank you sir! I think I have all the resources I need to finish the final steps to completing my first Coop mission: 1. Make use of this interesting technique for house placements http://phantommissionsite.weebly.com/unit-inside-building-radiotrigger.html 2. Figure out how to write my briefing and tasks via Varanon's task tracker http://ciahome.net/forum/index.php?topic=2805.0 3. Figure out how to make the mission end 4. Put it all together, polish it and let the guys tear it up! ---------- Post added at 10:23 ---------- Previous post was at 08:23 ---------- *sigh* Ah the agony of noobness. Amazing how when you don't know what you are doing, even the simplest of operations can prove to be cul de sac . . . I believe I have messed up my installation of CPBO and that the application is now not going to work correctly unless I do something like edit out the registry keys that it has created. Here is what I did. I downloaded Kegetys Arma tools package from here http://www.kegetys.fi/arma/ Resulting in this: C:\ArmA2 DLs\cpbo\tools07072010.zip I then extract that zip to that directory. Not realizing that it might not work right if run from there, I then find the C:\ArmA2 DLs\cpbo\cpbo\cpbo.exe and left-click it, which results in this: http://imageshack.us/a/img38/1332/cpborun1.jpg (151 kB) I click yes, which leads to this http://imageshack.us/a/img42/9486/cpborun.jpg Now I go to my target .pbo to "depbo" it C:\Users\Owner\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Anthropoid\missions\ExtractionDemo.Chernarus and right-click it, but nothing like a "Run with CPBO" option. When I manually select the CPBO.exe and tell it to run the file, it spontaneously runs Arma2_CO and loads the mission in singleplayer game mode. Thinking "Ah hah! I needed to extract that .zip into a directory that Windows Explorer recognizes as an application directory, I copy the CPBO directory to this location (prompting Windows to tell me I need to give it Administrator privileges) C:\Program Files (x86)\cpbo\cpbo\cpbo.exe But sadly, when I execute that, I get the same results. So now, I'm guessing that I have improperly installed the CPBO.exe and that the registry keys are going to have to be deleted in order to properly install it? Apologies if I really should ask this in a different thread or even a different forum.
  21. anthropoid

    Editing Questions

    Wow so many resources to learn how to edit in this game. I thought this old thread seemed kinda useless till I spotted the last couple pages with 20 Youtubes linked! http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?85932-How-to-use-the-3d-Editor-Tutorial This guys how to video is exemplary for how to help a true noob get past that initial point of brick wall and I cannot get past it
  22. anthropoid

    Editing Questions

    With respect to the floating burning crates, I have luckily selected a building where the 'destroyed' animations are suitable. I was going to go so far as to provide a screen cap but then my prospective first time mission users would get a hint where at least one of my crates was located and that wouldn't do ;) Suffice to say, one of the two-story buildings in Takistan village of Nur, has some remnants of its internal walls and floor remaining when it is destroyed. positioning the crates in that spot makes the effect seem almost believable and creates a MUCH more interesting house-to-house search scenario! The actual position I used was: Thanks for that bit of code Sander! Interesting to see that you can do this with soldiers too . . . THAT! is gonna be useful alright! I guess soldiers have a different 'point of spawn' than crates because the code I had to use to get my player soldier to spawn on the same floor with the crate was: Very interesting. I'm liking this stuff and looking forward to getting some missions done so I can torment my fellow players with tricky puzzles. ADDIT: And thank you so much for that link on Task Hints XxAnimusxX!! So fast of response and so helpful! I almost feel like its the support channel :) ---------- Post added at 20:36 ---------- Previous post was at 19:05 ---------- Any good links for tutorials/how-tos dealing with calling in an extraction? I've tried setting an aircraft off in the distance not flying, and creating a trigger at an extraction zone with Opfor present. This does seem to work at triggering the aircraft to go airborne and come to the landing site. But then even with a Load waypoint and On Act.: Hotel7 land "LAND" (with an MV-22 named Hotel7) he just flies around in circles above the landing site. He is set to careless and no enemies are shooting at him. MulleDK seemed to struggle with this in his tutorial video, although he did manage to get it to work. Will have to look back at his video.
  23. anthropoid

    Editing Questions

    Progress! Using a combination of several different sources (most of them quite old) I'm beginning to piece together understanding of the final elements to make a complete functioning mission; most notably the briefing, and linking in game changes to mission status (Task completion and mission completion). Most recently I've been making use of this old page: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?73424-Basic-Briefing-howto/page3 The Briefing: (Got It: Basic briefings are showing up just fine) Tasks: (Yep Got that too, I have managed to create my first functioning tasks that highlight map markers when I activate them!) Task completion: (Yep, managed to trigger a green light on a Task by killing a target) For this I used a 5m circular Trigger on the map with: Activation: NONE Type: None Condition: !(alive o1) On Act.: Task1 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED" I have an AK-74 riflemen named "o1" on my map and when I sportingly shot him in the back of the head with my trusty DMR rifle, I found that my Task 1 was marked green! Yaaayy. As you can see I've copied Mike84's format on the Hint from his old "how to make a briefing" page. Although the Task 1 changed to green (as did the on map marker) I did not get a "Hint" (the popup) to alert me that Task 1 was completed. Is something wrong with my syntax? Or am I just completely missing something for a Hint popup?
  24. anthropoid

    Editing Questions

    Thank you gentlemen. Thanks for that headsup on the Monty Python effect Sander. I really enjoy your missions; some of them seem virtually unwinnable! I think I'll try it in Preview mode and see if it is too outlandish. Speaking of surreal comedic effects . . . I had a good (and perhaps somewhat disturbing) laugh last night when I realized that with the setCaptive script I was free to plant satchel charges at the base of unsuspecting Takistani Militiamen's feet. It is not often that you get to play "How Not to be Seen" with the AI :D
  25. anthropoid

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Yeah you are probably right. There is always de-pboing it and adjusting my personal version for use with ACE. Nice sig :)