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Posts posted by whisky

  1. I saw that there will be Helmet Cameras... So I thought maybe add players with Helm-Cam and record it, and in the Debrief or back at base, you can export it to your PC (each player can export) and see the combat or do an AAR using that, and also maybe do as they did in VBS2, that you can add cameras and also export from that footage and use it....


    * taking a chill pill *

    Actually, the road network this driving course takes place on is quite complex with many turns and obstacles and you have these checkpoints to navigate you through it (you have to hit them in the correct order). Simple waypoints were sometimes not clearly visible in the speed when they change every 100 meters or so, so additional 3D helpers were added.

    Of all the questions that needed answer, you answered this.

  3. Em, Not sure where it should be because I'm new to modding, so be easy on me (sorry for my English also, not my native language).

    I am making an a mission and I need to create soldiers with a certain uniform, and I'm not sure where it should be.

    To create a soldier with that uniform let's say Israeli uniform, I need O2 or make that with photoshop?

    Also, after I make the soldier\uniform how do I make it that I could place it in the editor?

    Thanks in advance,


  4. I feel like I shouldn't be the Team Leader, especially when I'm a Marksman, and 2 is Team Leader.

    Is it suppose to be like that?

    Also, the friendly AI who are not under my command, just get stuck behind while the IFV kills everyone.

    And last, the AI at some missions, just stand and put their hands up. and I need to shoot them, although it was only 2 missions, (I only done 3 mission until now).
