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Posts posted by whisky

  1. To get back at 'Clansupport' :

    I did some checking on that squadxml and i noticed a few things.

    1. the client access the xml using useragent : BIGameEngine

    2. the server access the xml using useragent : Flashpoint/1.91 ( other servers report : BIGameEngine )

    My question : Why doesnt the server indentifies as : ArmA2CO/1.62 ?

    My thoughts :

    By recording the clientXML 'queries', and the servers 'queries', we could see ' who's online ' on What server.

    Only the server doesnt give its correct patchversion, so we cant see what serverversion people are playing on.

    ALso, The SquadXML is outdated and could use some updated fields.

    That is actually pretty cool, nice findings.

  2. 2 things-

    1- Theatre mode, like the one on Halo 4, so it will be easier to do AAR in a clan, of just to make cool cinematics.

    2- Better VON, that will be the most improtant for the Theatre mode, because if we will use Teamspeak and ACRE, then in the theatre mode there won't be any communication, but! if the VON will be better, then the theatre mode could record the VON.

  3. in the armory mode, the new maps come with ACR dlc are totally messed up. i tried many times, always has something missing from the terrain. in one shooting range case, there is no visible target at all and soon it says i missed too many target so mission failed.

    Yeah, and the shoot house there are no buildings, only targets, and the pop really wierd.

  4. I remember few months ago I played with the default face in the ace clippi, which makes the player's face te same as it set in the clippi whenever he puts glasses or masks, the only problem was tht other players faces would become the same as you set in the clippi, and for them it's the same as they set it.

    It means if I put "custom" as my default face, whenever someone will put mask or glasses his face will become my default face, and he will see it as his default face.

    Would that ever be fixed?

  5. I have all dlc BIS released except this one, once steam had a sale on it, went to buy it.

    I must say, once I got it, I had so much fun with the new dlc, the weapons are amazing, the plane looks great, the textures are so so amazing. And the tips, on every loading screen there are tips, now I bet someone will make an addon to change them to something funny.

    This is my favorite dlc from now on. The baf one was ok, the PMC was great, but this one is amazing, the new map that's looks a bit like cherno is nice, a bit empty as far as I saw, but mountany a bit.

    Didn't look at the other one and the campaign, so we'll see about that,

  6. Oh sry - it was an typing mistake. As you can see in the test.chernarus-mission, the filename is vehicle.sqf....

    I will make a last try to delete all Arma-Files and reinstall it :(

    => I uninstalled it and deleted all BI-Files and Arma-Files and Battleeye-files.... Nothing changed. -.-

    That is not the problem, try to copy and paste the name, because there is also a Capitals req...

  7. Just testing and for createVehicle you have to specify the radius around the markers center. It doesn't use the markers dimensions.

    The problem with "random locations" is that they sometimes end up being less than ideal. Half way through a wall, in a tree trunk... that kind of stuff. Finding good locations is a whole other scripting experience. Lots of posts on random good locations. Check them out.

    Anyhow... if you have a list of markers it's easier. Here is the loop you need.

    [b]_markers[/b] = ["mkr1","mkr2","mkr3","mkr4","mkr5"];
    _prim = ["M16A2GL", "M4A1_RCO_GL", "M4A1_HWS_GL", "G36_C_SD_eotech"];
    //the loop
    for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {
    _weapholder = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder", getPos player, [b]_markers[/b],0, "CAN COLLIDE"];
    _weapon = _prim select floor (random (count _prim));
    _weapholder addWeaponCargo [_weapon,1];
    hint format ["weapon %1 added",_i];
    sleep 1;

    So instead of writing about 70~ marker names, is there a way that the script will auto add them instead me writing, and use that?

  8. Ok - My System is Win 7 Home Premium.

    I try to play a Multiplayer-Mission. In the Past (one day before O.o ) the script "vehicles.sqf" worked very nice. I downloaded it and it is a script to respawn vehicles.

    In the Editor, I use the code veh = [this, 15] execVM "vehicle.sqf" (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6080 <-This is the Script.)

    I have it in: C:\Users\Username\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Profilename\missions\test.Chernarus

    And I tried it too with Ammobox-Refiller - i used the Example-Mission of the Developer.

    ---------- Post added at 21:20 ---------- Previous post was at 20:09 ----------

    Ok - here is the link to a (very little) mission i created: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/96096496/test.Chernarus.zip

    The Game shows me: "Script "vehicle.sqf" not found."

    Looks like you forgot a 's' in "vehicles.sqf"

  9. It will spawn 1 weapon holder....with 2 weapons in that holder.

    If you want weaponholder's at random positions then the code will be slightly different. You will need to also generate random positions.

    ---------- Post added at 10:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:48 AM ----------

    It will spawn 1 weapon holder....with 2 weapons in that holder.

    If you want weaponholder's at random positions then the code will be slightly different. You will need to also generate random positions from a list of markers or whatever.

    What I want is to spawn several Weapon Holders with one random weapon. I understand that createVehicle can take radius from a marker so I can spawn several creates in a 'random' location, which works, but the problem is to create in a loop several Weapon Holders.

    I know it's possible, but I don't know how.

  10. Hi... maybe something like this.... note the changes. Also the marker name is passed to the script.


    _mkr = _this select 0;
    _prim = ["M16A2GL", "M4A1_RCO_GL", "M4A1_HWS_GL", "G36_C_SD_eotech"];
    _weapholder = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder", getMarkerPos _mkr, [],0, "CAN COLLIDE"];
    //the loop
    for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {
    _weapon = _prim select floor (random (count _prim));
    _weapholder addWeaponCargo [_weapon,1];
    hint "weapon added";
    sleep 1;

    Execute with...

    nul = ["mkr_test"] execVM "script.sqf";

    Thanks, I check this out tommorow.

    But from what I see it will only spawn one Weapon Holder because there is only one "_weapholder". Or am I wrong?

  11. Double-check your weapons. I've had multiple errors with the latest version of ACE & ACEX telling me these weapons can't be found, the script generally works fine. For al ist of weapons I recommend this (it includes ACE & ACEX weapons): http://browser.six-projects.net/cfg_weapons/classlist?utf8=%E2%9C%93&version=62&commit=Change&options[group_by]=weap_type&options[custom_type]=&options[faction]=USMC

    Well, the weapons are fine, I also have put FN_FAL to test it instead of _weapon and it still didn't work.

  12. So, I am trying to make a random loot with random weapons, I placed empty triggers with names, and I made a script that chooses a random weapon from an array and then a I made a "for" loop that will create a "WeaponHolder" with that random Weapon.

    _var1 = 0;
    weap = [_var1];
    _rndPrim = 0;
    _prim = ["PK", "AA12_PMC", "ACE_AK74M", "ACE_AK74M_GL", "ACE_G36A1_AG36A1_D", "ACE_G36K_iron", "ACE_HK416_D10_AIM", "ACE_KAC_PDW", "ACE_M1014_Eotech", "ACE_m16a2gl_scope", "ACE_M16A4_EOT"];
    //the loop
    for [{_var1 = 1}, {_var1 < 2}, {_var1 = _var1 + 1}] do {
    weap = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder", getPos test, [],0, "NONE"];
    _rndPrim = ceil Random (count _prim);	
    _weapon = _prim select _rndPrim;
    weap addWeaponCargo [_weapon,1];

    When I run the script it won't spawn the weapon, please help.
