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Posts posted by whisky

  1. So, if the altis quest is legit, we need to ask the following :

    1.It said that the alpha is part of it, it also said that the answer could be found in two weeks.

    Does it mean that we should expect the alpha in the next weeks?

    2.What do we know about Tom Larkin? His father helped to build the airstation Mike-26, his father died and his brother took the heli company.

    3.in the website it said that we need to help Tom by answering his questions, what his first question?

    4.How does the TerminalM26a is related to Tom?

    5.The terminal is "owned" by Ion, how does Ion and Tom connected?

    6.Tom tweeted that he digitized the photos and letters or whatever that was, someone who have experiance in photoshop should examine the photos that are in the altis quest.


    7.Will Tom's blog will follow on the real timeline of ArmAverse? I mean his second post is about his father being hospitilized, if it will, we should expect nothing that we know from TKoH so this whole blog should be kind of a new timeline, maybe an intro to the game itself?

    If there something else tht I missed please add to this list, if the OP thinks this list is important you can add a section of what we need to know and what we are missing.

  2. @Macedonian

    Sorry mate :P


    Maybe, that's why we need some Greek people to go there because for them it's way cheaper then a ticket from Israel...

    after several login attempts using the logins - "scott, scottmiller, miller, scott_miller92, (all the CIA guy variants hubb or something, forgot :D)" using the pass- "molonlabe, molonlave" and all the surenames of the accounts.


    I will see you tommorow I guess.

    good night.

    and Dwarden, please help us, I know you read this, so help! I will give you a cookie (or Whisky :D)

  3. https://twitter.com/Scott_Miller92

    "Im at the Nikos Sialmas Monument, Agios Efstratios Greece. the monument text says: Molon Lave which means : "Come get some!""


    He is in Greece next to the Monument that says Molon Lave!

    Yesterday the mission name was Molon Lave and the Coordinates were to the Monuments!

    And the Tweets of all those Tweeter users are brand new from max Feb 19, and Tom Larkin was in TKOH and the Pic is the Model!

  4. yeah, as persian people are now called iranian.

    I already see differents operations named "300" or "operation thermopyles" inbound...

    Actually, Persia was only named beyond Iran itself, I mean whoever wasn't "Persian" called it Persia, but who ever lived in "Persia" called it Iran, because on the tribe called Arynians (Not the Hail Hitler) settled there.

  5. I got a list of Alpha Testers from the FTP, one of them filip.cort has several IdeaQA(number here like 02) who almost all of them have ~50 hours in the last 2 weeks but no games in recent played...

    Also they got every BI Published game on Steam.
