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Posts posted by whisky

  1. I plan to get the supporter edition but I'll have to see what the US Dollar prices are once it launches.

    Just switch between EU to $$, about 91$.

    I don't know, I mean I want the Supporter just for the DLC, I got ArmA X, I don't care for the badge and the credits (no one reads those...) and who said there will be any DLC, and if so, will they cost the 20Eu that I payed extra for the support?

    I don't know, I think I'll buy the Deluxe...

  2. Ok, now this gets interesting, I guess we need the alpha for that or to go the IRL.

    That Randall guy is going to the Beta/Bravo labeled, but the terminal is alpha.

    Is there a connection between them?

    Maybe the alpha is not related to the airstation because on map it doesn't say which variant.

    But again, the airstation is on Stratis, not Altis, Tom is heading to Altis, while the base is in Stratis, and Randall is in Stratis...

    Also what about the molon lave that was all around before? Where did it went??

  3. So after reading again the post of Tom going to Altis, I thought about it.

    The airbase is in Stratis, not Altis, also the airbase is alpha labeled, not Beta or Bravo...

    His father built the Bravo/Beta, is there a base in Altis as well?

    Also that Randall, can some get his twitter again? It said he is going to an airbase, was it alpha or Bravo/Beta?

    That is interesting...

  4. I've been following this, though I usually don't even bother trying to help (I'm pretty awful at this sorta stuff), but I was going through some of the source code on various parts of the altis quest site, and I got to


    In that, there is some german text (as well as a couple things with older information, Arma 3 coming 2012 etc.)

    muss wohl auch die arma 3 alpha gespielt haben um bei manchen steps weiter zu kommen

    which when run through a translator (so its going to be rough/incorrect) is

    should probably have played arma 3 alpha to succeed at some steps further

    So I'm wondering how far we can actually proceed without the alpha, seeings its been mentioned at least twice.

    Also, it looks like the ARG was planned in 2012, and was always planned to involve players investigating within the alpha, so hopefully the appearance of the ARG now means that the alpha isn't too far off.

    In the blog it said that we need the Alpha to find some stuff to it...

    Nothing really new, it's in the About the Site section.

    But I wonder because it said that, the Alpha is very close.

    About the 2012 idea, not sure, because the website itself was started not long ago.

  5. I've had to catch up on 20+ pages quickly since this am but..

    lots about the brothers, Larkins are mentioned, so this stands out atm to me,

    "Randall? Is he/she of importance?

    Also "Diana" is mentioned many times. (Possible new "female" character for the A3 campaign?)

    Lots to read still, but maybe they are getting ready to release the A3-Alpha wihthin the terminal at http://m26.node-42.rv4a3.org/

    Randell is the CIA guy that we found his tweets about going to stratis or Altis about a hacker breach in the airstation Mike-26...
