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Posts posted by whisky

  1. I'm afraid it's more of a workaround than a fix, with the fix itself causing problems when the injury layer is applied.


    I'm trying a few more configurations, slowly. Just started working on a helmet with the above screenie in mind :D



    I've zipped up my work so far, 'fixed' the injury layer problem and indoor/shadow problem I had too.


    Readme included, easy enough to install.

    In multiplayer the players will still see the light face and blue skin, because they don't have the mod, so yeah, the mod is kinda useless now.

  2. :yay:

    Hey everyone reading this thread :D

    I've managed to edit a couple of files regarding custom faces, one being the male rvmat.

    Here's a before and after shot (hopefully linked correctly)


    As you can see, providing the piccie works, left is the original rvmat, with all its glossiness, the browns that should be black and the overall see-thru/general washed out look.

    However :D. The picture on the right is the edited rvmat, looks a LOT better to me.

    Custom face made with an existing extracted face, and....I think it was some helmet texture, also ingame.

    A Very Happy BusStopWilly

    Care to make a ticket about that with the solution so BIS could fix it?

  3. All is in there. Lots of textures for all the skin-tones and such.

    I've got a template with all the faces now, but I won't update it untill the blue man gets a fix. Biggest issue right now.

    Not sure still if I'm allowed to include so many faces in a template either, so I'll just wait for now.

    I don't really care about being blue, can you please like, help me with my face? (custom face, lol)

  4. I don't know if this is right place for it.

    I really love custom faces, and I am waiting for new faces, but you know...

    So I wish if someone can spare several minutes to convert this face to the new ArmA 3 face (which is much more simpler as far as I seen from the PBO's).

    I would really appreciate if someone would do it, but I will understand if no one will.

    BTW the new face template http://speedy.sh/CjTzj/face.png

    Thanks in advance.
