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Everything posted by Niklas

  1. Niklas

    We need to talk about grenades.

    I urge anyone to go ingame and just hit your grenade key as fast as you can throw them, this is not about game balance, but a completly broken and unrealistic system.
  2. what worries me more is how you can sprint with fins on your feet
  3. I run at 1355x698 resolution and 3d resolution in windowed. I get 30 fps average in the OA benchmark. at fullscreen arma 2 runs 1360x720 both resolutions, but i get only 20 fps at the benchmark I consider 30 fps average what is barely playable, but i don't want to play in windowed and setting my resolution lower ingame doesn't affect my framerate alot. I am looking for a fix for this.
  4. I have a hd 6650m , i7 2670qm and run the game on 25 -30 fps fullscreen, and between 45-60 fps windowed. Any fix for this?
  5. I was looking for the 1.2free version of this mission, does anyone have an idea where to find a download link? armaholic only has the newest 1.4 version which doesn't work with arma 2 free :(
  6. Yea, just looked at the changelog and i see that only 1.2free works with arma 2 free, but i can't find a download link anywhere. Thanks everyone.
  7. I can run the missions easily in CO, but i wanted to play with some people that only had ArmA 2 free and when i try to run a server with a costum mission (in this case Chernarus Apocalypse and DZS 1.25) i get "You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.cacharacters_e, CACharacters_W_BAF,camisc_e, caweapons_e_ammoboxes Anyone knows how i can fix this?
  8. Thats the problem, when i try to start the server i get these errors. The mission maker says the only requirement needed is arma 2. Is that the mission makers fault or is there a fault with my ArmA 2 version? I tried playing and starting this mission with ArmA 2 free which shouldn't have AO content, but again same problem same error message.
  9. Is it possible that ArmA 2 free users join my server if i run in CO?
  10. Niklas

    Underwater element. What is the point?

    I just hope that diving won't be a gimmicky thing and they will also simulate currents, depth and stuff like that.