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About Dasos

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  1. Turns out it was all 100% down to the VPN software, all it needed was a reinstall :) 10/10 to battleye support though, super fast, super friendly.
  2. Seems similar to mine ( http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?134285-Kicked-(Battleye-client-not-responding)-VPN-Byte-size-pinging ) Might be your router, I think the thing to test is: Start bar > type CMD and press enter. in the command prompt type "ping google.com -l 8" and it should try to ping it with 8 bytes of data. If you get packet loss, that'll be the issue... I think.
  3. I get the classic "You were kicked off the game (BattlEye client not responding)" message every time I try to join a MP game. After searching through a lot of other forum posts, I saw a few people complaining and the issue was nailed down to being their router models meaning they couldn't send byte sizes of 8? I'm on a university network that blanket blocks ports, so have to use a VPN whenever I want to play games.. The issue being, that when I'm logged into my VPN the smallest number of bytes of data I can send is 12. (CMD > ping google.com -l 12) To make it more confusing, my flat mate uses the same VPN service, but doesn't have this issue. Edit: I've tried all the usual fixes btw, updating battleye dll's, setting all exe's to run as admin, disabling firewall... Edit2: Example of similar router-based issue: http://forums.multiplay.co.uk/connections-internetworking/79030-router-help-please-dgn1000 I was wondering if anything like this had come up before, or if anyone had any advice? Thanks very much, Dasos