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Everything posted by Llano

  1. Llano

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Oh, alright. Is the GM6 Lynx in any of the ammoboxes?
  2. Llano

    Development Blog & Reveals

    The sniperrifle that they released to day, wasn't a GM6 Lynx?
  3. Llano

    PvP Action gone?

    I have been playing at J4F servers. They are very good. Almost no lagg, and first person view. You can filter for them in the browser.
  4. Could anyone link to the comment where the developers said this; "Yes it is bad, but no it won't (can't) be fixed in OA according to repeated statements of Suma, BI's lead programmer."
  5. Whaat. I think the trees looks amazing on the photos.
  6. Llano

    ArmA 3 Launcher

    Updated to 1.2.
  7. Llano

    ArmA 3 Launcher

    Oh, well that makes more sense. Would be nice if any developer could answer the question.
  8. Llano

    ArmA 3 Launcher

    But, why is the recommended requirements 4 gb RAM, and Minimun 2 gb in Arma 3?
  9. Does this work? "markerName" setMarkerAlpha 0
  10. Llano

    ArmA 3 Launcher

    Hm, that's weird. So Arma 2/3 only uses 2 gb RAM?
  11. Llano

    ArmA 3 Launcher

    Oh, thank you so much! Man, i love typing it as ArmA :)
  12. Hi! Feels like i am spamming this forum, but i just can't find the answer on google. I ahve this simple code. When you spawn, a action is added ("Spawn"), which will spawn a vehicle. This work, but i also want to move the player into the driver seat, but that is not working of some reason. I get no error etc. player removeAction 0; _position = getPos player; _vehicle = "B_Hunter_HMG_F" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle engineOn true; _player moveInDriver _vehicle; Any idea what's wrong?
  13. Uhm, today when iwas playing in the editor, i noticed that my fps was higher than it normaly used to be. Sometimes i came over 100 fps, which i had never had before. Low settings.
  14. So, i'm trying to spawn 1000 chemlight in the air, that will fall down (cool rain-effect). But i have some problem. I would like to spawn them in a square, so therefor i made a for-loop. _unit = _this select 0; _position = getPos _unit; _yPos = _position select 1; _xPos = _position select 0; _chemY = 0; _chemX = 1; for "_x" from 1 to 1000 do { if((_chemX / 50) == 1) then { _chemY = _chemY + 1; _chemX = 1; } _chem = "Chemlight_red" createVehicle [(_xPos + _chemX), (_yPos + _chemY), 100]; _chemX = _chemX + 1; } When i run this script, nothing happens. If i remove the if-statement, it spawns 1000 chemlight in a row, 100 distance up in the air. PS: Yes i'm a noob. Yes i suck at explaining. Yes this is a "for-the-lulz" mission. Thanks.
  15. You just put the code in a sqf-file, add a action to your player, and execute the script.
  16. Oh my... I always do some typos :) Thank you. I really need a editor that ca n highlight these small wrongs :)
  17. Hi! I'm trying to make a script that if you die, you will respawn at random locations. I have put out some markers that i would like to be possible to spawn at. I made a "addEveneHandler" in the init.sqf file: _respawn = player addEventHandler ["respawn", {_this exec "respawned.sqf"}]; And a respawned.sqf: _unit = _this select 0; _markers = ["markerOne", "markerTwo", "markerThree", "markerFour", ""markerFive", "markerSix", "markerSeven", "markerEight", "markerNine", "markerTen"]; _random = random(9); _position = getMarkerPos (_markers select _random); _unit setPos (_markers select _random) Now, this obviously don't work because i have to pass the markers to this sqf-file? How do i do that? And is this the easiest way to achive what i want? Thank you.
  18. Thank you so much! It works perfectly now. Btw, is this the easiest way to do this? i.e setting their position after they have spawned in "BASE"?
  19. Ah, alright. Thank you, going to try that out!
  20. So, i looked through your code, and tried to write a similair script (for learning purpose :) ). It's working, though sometimes the vehicles spawns like 2 m from where they were actually standing. Do you have this problem, Tophe?
  21. Hm, i have tried too, but it didn't work. We might be able to script some easycode to place explosive on vehicles. I'll have a look.