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About Bonetopick

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  1. The duping issue should be addressed if possible. Cause as it is people are able to dupe items easily.
  2. Anyone know how to fix this issue: able to join the server, get to the point where it's receiving data and then eventually it will just disconnect and take you back to the server browser screen also this pops up no entry config.bin.cfgweapons
  3. You've done an amazing job so far. One of the few games, let alone mods that actually makes me feel tense and fearful. Also I don't know how feasible it is but just throwing it out there: Some sort of radio system. Be it walkie talkies or whatever so you can communicate through voice chat as a survivor group. It'd be neat if you could choose a bunch of different frequencies and the talkies had a comms radius or something.
  4. I don't know about this disdain for other players you guys talk about. Just began playing today and have met 3 different people and non were hostile. I ran into one guy and we just kind of back stepped away from each other and went separate paths, another guy I saved from some zombies and we traveled for a bit, and one other guy I yelled at him from around a corner and we both came out and agreed to trade with each other. Am I just lucky or is the hostile player thing a little exaggerated?