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About Lancaster123

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  1. hi I am currently making a truck and trying to make the dampers work but I just cant get them to move this is what I got off another website (cant find where now) but it don't seem to work any ideas on how to make the dampers move? class FLwheelDamper { type = "translationY"; source = "damper"; selection = "l_f_wheel"; SourceAddress = "clamp"; axis=""; animPeriod=0; minValue=-1000; maxValue=1000; }; class FRwheelDamper { type = "translationY"; source = "damper"; selection = "r_f_wheel"; SourceAddress = "clamp"; axis=""; animPeriod=0; minValue=-1000; maxValue=1000; }; class BRwheelDamper { type = "translationY"; source = "damper"; selection = "r_b_wheel"; SourceAddress = "clamp"; axis=""; animPeriod=0; minValue=-1000; maxValue=1000; }; class BLwheelDamper { type = "translationY"; source = "damper"; selection = "l_bf_wheel"; SourceAddress = "clamp"; axis=""; animPeriod=0; minValue=-1000; maxValue=1000; }; Thnaks
  2. Hi What I want to do is have the scroll menu come up at the side of the screen when I approach a civilian that says Search Civilian. then all I need it to do is bring up the civilians gear menu on screen sounds simple but I don't know where to start. Any help much appreciated :)