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Everything posted by lavbo0321

  1. Hello, I spent considerable time building out my LHA with aircraft, people, ammo and briefing equipment in the ready room off the deck, the one used in the original Harvest campaing. I got all of my triggers and mission support scripts working. The problem is that when I am getting ready to build out a mission, I change the weather, date and time, it messes up everything, mostly the gear and people. In does this by some how changing the height of the ship. I don't know if it has to do with tides or what. but everything either goes lower or higher then it was when I builit it. So I realized that the time of day effects it the most. What can I do? Why, also at night, the lights in the ready room, make no difference. it is extreamly dark, you need your NVG in order to pick my gear. HELP
  2. lavbo0321

    LHA Editing Problem

    Thank you all!!! When I get home, I will try these ideas out. I had the hold packed with gear. It looked really good. If I was any good I would share it but I am not at that level yet. I wonder if the sub in Arma 3 will be useable. That would rock!!!!
  3. lavbo0321

    Alpha testing procedures

    It tells you right in the Alpha main page when you fire up the game what they want you to look for. They gave us a tracker to report bugs and feature requests. I beleive we are still working on stability issues.
  4. lavbo0321

    Dslyecxi's 'Paper doll' Gear Menu

    Still not working. Any ideas... Here is a sting ["V_RebreatherB", "U_B_Wetsuit", "B_FieldPack_blk", "arifle_TRG21_GL_ACO_point_F", "optic_Hamr", "acc_pointer_IR", "hgun_Rook40_snds_F", "WhiteHead_04"] Not working. Any help would be much appreicated
  5. lavbo0321

    Dslyecxi's 'Paper doll' Gear Menu

    This is great. But.... When I copy my config to the clipboard and then go to my test mission, and I paste it, it never works. I am at work, so I can't give an example, but am I the only one having issues? Is there a tirck to get the config working???
  6. lavbo0321

    Force Recon

    Did you think about adding Large Rucksacks. Can't wait to get back to the BEQ tonight and download these.
  7. lavbo0321

    US Marines

    Absolutely. Your work is great. I have two suggestions. One: Can we have realistic packs for Force Recon. Like the packs on these guys .Secound can you make some Stiener Binoculars. Like these http://www.amazon.com/Steiner-15x80-Senator-Comp-Binocular/dp/B0002X7V1G/ref=sr_1_64?ie=UTF8&qid=1361577895&sr=8-64&keywords=steiner+binocular those two items would really make any Force Recon unit epic
  8. This is an amazing tool. Thank you!! Is there a way to have my USEC HALO jumper be the ones who jump and then they change uniform to my patrol uniform??? Also, could we add something like this a gear canister that would be like an ammo crate. Cheers,
  9. That is exaclty what I was going to say. Those are my era of uniforms and I can attest, I still have a few pair around the house and that is exactly what they look like. AMAZING WORK!!!!
  10. This is excellent, but my c-130's wont take off....
  11. These Humvee's remind me of my time in the Corps back in the late 80's. Very authentic!
  12. lavbo0321

    Two Monitors

    Martin, Thank you for your reply. I would be curius to know how many BI gamers have two monitors. I know a lot of guys who play MP and use one for game and one for messaging etc. Has anyone done a survey yet? Thank you for your work on ArmA 2. My graduate school grades were so good! LOL
  13. I found her walking on a dirt road alone East of Manhatten FOB. I think she was walking to her boyfriends house and got really lost.
  14. PERFECT!!! Thank you!!! I tried everything but the simplest. LOL I will try it out tonight. S
  15. Hello, I got a really nice HALO Insert all good to go. I am using the awesome addon from NEC. The problem I am having is I can't figure out how to change the HALO jumbers unifrom over to the patrol uniform of my team. I know it is possible, I have seen it on a youtube movie. I have searched and searched and could not find a solution. I am sure it is a script of some kind. If anyone could point me in the right direction I would very pleased. Thank you in advance!!!! Sean
  16. lavbo0321

    Marine Naval Aviator

    I will try it tonight. THANK YOU!!!!
  17. lavbo0321

    Marine Naval Aviator

    noob questions alert. Very nice addon. Really adds more depth to the flying aspect of the game. How do I effectively replace the current pilots flying my equipment (aircraft)?
  18. Much appreciated!! Thank you, I will give it a try tonight. I am building a HALO/Jump school. It would be nice if the guys had some actual parachutes on thier backs LOL. S/F
  19. Hello, I would like to know where I can get this addon/script please?
  20. Hey Flux, did you ever get it to work? I am trying to get my team into the MV-22 on the deck of the LHA, then have it take off, fly to the release point, and then my team jumps out. Free falls for a few thousand feet, open shut and hit the deck. Seems to be impossible to make this work in the mission editor without some type of MS degree.
  21. Quick Noob question. I am building my first mission and for some reason my two RHIB's run out of fuel in like 40 minutes of loitering around waiting for my team to finish it's mission. Is there a way to have the guys turn the engine off so they can save fuel? Or do I have to order them to disembark and wait on the beach until my team returns? Thank you, S
  22. Does your comander have NVG's????
  23. I am sure you have figured it out by now, but since no one helped you I thought I should try. When you have confirmed visually that all of your team are aboard the huey, then click on M for the map. Then find the spot where you want to go, and then call for support/transport and click on the spot you want to be dropped off at. Good Luck! Sean