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Posts posted by Damian90

  1. But the 2 best tanks in the world at this moment are the Leoaprd 2A7 MBT & K2 Black Panther, just saying. ;)

    There's no such thing as best tank, rifle, aircraft... only amateurs discuss about weapons with such absolutes. ;)

    And believe me, you would not want to sit inside these two if armor is perforated and ammo is hit, they would blow up just like T-72.


    *dreaming* BI could collaborate with the OP to create a tank DLC.

    It is actually very good idea, and Burnes prooves that it is possible to create a good tank interior in ArmA.

    We can go even further than that, with Olds RAM proving the concept of realistic armor system, with properly modelled interiors, RAM concept can be further improved, also for vehicles other than tanks.

    I wonder if it would be even possible to model crew survivability. Let's take for example Burnes interior for M1 series. M1 have whole ammunition for main gun stored in isolated ammunition magazines in turret bustle and in hull between engine and turret. These isolated ammunition magazines have sliding blast proof armored doors and blow off panels.

    In most cases when vehicle armor is perforated, projectile itself does not kill all crew members or most of them. The biggest crew killer is vehicles own ammunition storage, when ammo cooks off, even automated fire supression systems won't help. Thus complete ammunition isolation is the only answer to this problem.

    We can then theoretize that for example, that ArmA engine can have some sort of build in system or script, where if ammo is cook off, depending on vehicle design, it will kill crew and completely destroy vehicle, or vehicle will be only damaged, without ammo, with crew alive. In such case vehicle during gameplay, can be recovered and repaired.

    Something similiar was done in ACE2, if you look in to config files, there were aded values for hull/turret fire, explosion etc.

    RAM mod, could then have added such features as proper crew placement and internal equipment thanks to modeled interiors, and also proper ammunition placement, and so on, if you know what I mean.

    However this is only theory, and I am nowhere near to being good coder for such work, but I think it might be possible.

  2. Yeah, really nice! However I fear that large number of PiP might decrease performance, perhaps it would be a good idea to replace PiP for example for TC vision blocks with a transparent glass or something? Like in the driver position.

    Same might apply to sights, it is a nice effect but again I fear that so many PiP might make game unplayable in a long shot.

    On the other hand this is brilliant, might encourage others to create tank interiors as well.

  3. SPz Puma is not a lightweight APC friend, it is actually heavy IFV, with a lot of armor protection for that kind of vehicle. So it is actually very realistic that it can survive multiple hits from armor piercing ammunition.

    However, Puma's armor is mostly optimized against HEAT weapons, so APFSDS round fired from 120mm smoothbore gun, will much easier defeat it's armor than any kind of HEAT ammunition be it tank gun fired HEAT, RPG or ATGM.

  4. Thanks Ronin. ;)

    BTW I wonder how RHS managed to model different kind of FCS work for different Russian tanks. Everyone knows how TPD-K1 works, but 1G42 and similiar sights are a bit of mystery even for me, and literature does not speak much about this. I suspect they are a bit similiar to the western tanks FCS/sights where reticle does not move after LRF "shot" when computer calculates distance.

  5. My thoughts about ITOV and plate carriers.

    Well, it seems that IOTV's with maximum protection avaiable, are used in US Armed Forces, mostly by armored vehicle crews and mechanized infantry. They have vehicles, so they don't need a lither plate carrier for long marches on foot. So IMHO vehicle crews and mech infantry in the mod can use heavy IOTV with max protection, while light infantry could use SPCS (Soldier Plate Carrier System) vests.

    I also mentioned AFV's crews, because US Army, USMC and ARNG for a long time invested in individual protection for VC's to further improve their survivability. The latest and gratest is the MSS or Mounted Soldier System, I think that video presentation is more usefull than text description.


    As a side note, it is actually funny how in vanilla ArmA3 tanks and other armored vehicles crews does not wear any kind of protection, while in reality in future, they will have more of that stuff on them than in the past. Good thing we can create replacement configs. ;)

    PS. This is only a suggestion, not demand or something.

  6. Well I only wanted to point out how this works. Perhaps good idea would be to include some sort of size and power difference as well as range of pulse range?

    For example small EMP "mines" could disable GPS and smaller vehicles, while large EMP devices placed in sort of containers would have some effect on heavy vehicles, although by not completely disabling them, but for example disabling some features like laser range finders, optics?

  7. The problem is that EMP's won't work against military electronics that are shielded.

    For example tanks during research and development phase, and also after each modernization, are tested against EMP's.


    Here is a photo of M1 tank tested against large EMP device to meet EMP survivability requirements.

    EMP's are preaty much useless against heavy hardware, and mainly affect not shielded civilian infrastructure.

  8. A small correction here. AK-47 is a non existing designation for a weapon standarized by Soviet Army.

    Designation codes AK-46, AK-47 and AK-48 were only used for prototypes, however series manufactured weapon, accepted for service was designated only as AK for standard variant and AKS for variant with folding stock. Later modernized variants were codenamed AKM and AKMS.

    AK-47 designation for a series manufactured rifle is nothing more than creation of Hollywood, and is considered as improper.

    Soviet Army started using alphanumerical codes for Kalashnikov rifles with introduction of the AK-74 variant for 5,45x39mm ammo, thus alpha numerical codes are used only for this and newer Kalashnikov rifles.

    Ok, history lesson ends here. ;)
