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Posts posted by Damian90

  1. I was wondering is the M113 family gonna appear in the US version of the mod?

    I know that is quite dated, but it's still been used in combat zones ( as a HQ, mortar, ambulance, etc. ). There are thousands of them in service, and in a case of a big war ( Russia vs US ) I'm pretty sure they would be used.

    M113 is intended to be replaced within AMPV program by special variants of the M2 IFV.


    Finally after so many years they replacing that old tin can with something that actually have survivability on the battlefield... and will be cheaper in use because of commonality with basic M2/M3 IFV/CFV variants as well as with M109A7 SPH and AAVP7A1 used by USMC.

  2. Just one comment though, the abrams and bradley textures so far look very clean, as if they just came out of storage. Will they become a bit more dirty and used in the final release?

    That's actually preatty realistic. Did you seen recent photos from "Combined Resolve II" excercises, M1A2's and M2A3's even after several weaks were relatively clean, only dust on them, and as far as I know, it is common practice in US Armed Forces to clean vehicles after excercices and whenever possible, and there is good reason for that too, you don't want for example too much mud to build up under hull sideskirts, it might make problems and cause vehicles detracking.

    As for BMPT and BMPT-2, both vehicles in case of russian army are preatty much experimental and russian army is not nececary interested in them, however I believe that for the sake of having one in the game, RHS team might add it, sometime in future.

  3. I will add something to the Gurdy's presentation of that M2 Bradley variant.

    It is M2A3 variant with the latest and heaviest BUSK (Bradley Urban Survivability Kit) variant with thicker ERA tiles and additional tiles protection hull lower sides and suspension.

    And as Gurdy pointed out, to the rear of the hull are attached additional air conditioning units, it's because while crew can use build in air conditioning system and MSS (Mounted Soldier System) cooling vests wear under tanker coverall uniform, dismounts can't have such comforts, so in hot climate, additional air conditioners can be installed on the hull rear.

  4. Yeah, well, actually it would be good to have capability to have some sort of levels how much you can get out of a hatch. For example in combat situations commander if he have opened hatch, he can only stick out his head, so heady is low, difficult to spot and hit. Also some tanks, can have commander hatch in so called open protected position, or "umbrella" position, so TC head is protected from the top, however none of the vanilla vehicles have such capability.

  5. As for the armor, I didn't check on the specifics values for the Leopard 2 Revolution, but the physics of the rounds used prohibit overpenetration since the rounds disintegrate once leaving the armor on the inside in the shape of a super hot plasma jet. Depleted Uranium rounds also shatter into burning uranium fragments, but even assuming these are just tungsten penetrators they would not overpenetrate simply because nothing sufficiently hard and fast would reach the opposite side of the tank.

    Wrong, penetrator will eventually shatter or disintegrate depending on which type of armor it will hit, in other words, thin armor or armor optimized against shaped charge warheads like these modules on hull sides of Leopard 2 with Revolution package, will have minimum inpact on integrity of APFSDS penetrator, especially if it is modern one.

    I have read about overpenetrations against iraqi tanks during the first gulf war, but I do not think you can compare the armor of a BMP 2 or Asad Babil to that of a Leopard 2 or Merkava.

    Depends where.

    My main contention is how the rounds behave after they penetrated, really. The damage simulation is inadequate, tanks do not blow up like air-gas filled pressure tanks. In fact, the types of results to hits are massive in their variety. HEAT and Shaped Charge behaviour is also not simulated, but both these types of warhead are prevalent especially with missile systems. At some point this would need to be addressed, too, for completeness sake.

    This I can agree, overall ammunition fire is not explosion but more just a very violent burning of propelant charges, explosions are very rare.

  6. No, tanks in Syria also have power traverse and elevation besides handcranks. Even old T-54 have powertraverse and some later modifications even have stabilization for gun or for gun and turret.

    And no, gunner does not lock a target and computer does not automatically aims gun at target, it's another myth.

    In all modern tanks gunner needs to manually (which means it is he who control the turret and FCS) aims at target. Some modern tanks however are additionally equiped with semi-autotracker or real autotracker.

    For example French tank Leclerc have a semi-autotracker which helps gunner aiming at moving target by increasing servo's movement precision. There are some other tanks like Merkava Mk4 or T-90SM that have autotracker, however autotracker works only when thermal sights are on, because it tracks thermal signature of target, principle is similiar to how for example short range AA missiles with IR seekers track their targets.

    However autoracker is just a helping tool for gunner, and can be cheated by enemy, so gunner allways have ability to override autotracker and manually aim at targets.

  7. Yeah, so I noticed a small issue with ammo trucks, mainly... I can't reload ammunition in M5 MLRS. Anyone encountered this problem? Obviously I run a lot of mods like AGM, RAM, AIS so dunno if one of them cause this conflict, need to check it out, but I wonder if anyone else seen such behavior?

    I drive to the ammo truck with empty MLRS from any side, even very close, and there is no option for reload.

    I also wonder if this might be caused by RAM, because I modified it slightly by adding more MG ammo to tanks or autocannon ammo for IFV/APC's etc.


    Update, yup, confirmed, I can't reload M5 MLRS even with all mods disabled.

  8. they do not use hand-wheels, tanks have not done that since mid-way through WW-2. They use either powerful electric motors (in lighter vehicles) or hydraulic pressure.

    Yeah right, can I ask, did you ever sit inside a modern tank? Or at least read any good book about them?

    All modern tanks have both power turret traverse and gun elevation and also backup handcranks for traverse and elevation.

    Also servomechanisms that traverse turret and elevate gun can be in tanks both of fully electric or electrohydraulic depending on vehicle or time period when it had been designed.

    Another problem seems to be misconfigged armor. The 120mm APFSDS goes straight through the sides of two Kumas and damages a third in the row. Side armor on this version of the Leopard 2 is just as strong as the frontal armor. Also, hitting the reinforced plate or the non-reinforced plate on the side of the T-100 makes no difference in protection. Why is this?

    Perhaps you have a problem because you actually have no knowledge about tanks? :D

    No, side armor of the Leopard 2A4 with Revolution upgrade package is not the same as frontal armor, it's actually thinner. Leopard 2A4 front turret armor is 800mm thick + ~200mm thick addon armor. Side hull armor is ~80mm thick max + air gap for track + 250-300mm thick side skirts over crew compartment, side turret armor is ~300mm thick + ~250-300mm thick addon armor over crew compartment.

    So actually yeah, a 120mm modern APFSDS can go through side armor of several vehicles, especially if fired from close range.

    Besides this, you can use Olds RAM mod, which greatly improves this issue.

    Besides this, I had discussion with ZGuba, and I helped him figure out the actuall physical thickness of armor in different tanks. So at this point A3 models are relatively close to reality.

    IMHO the overall vehicles protection is more an issue of config values improvement.

    What I would wish that should be improved is actuall gearbox, the biggest problem I see, is that when turning left or right, there is no gas, it's just like I would take out my foot from gas pedal, which is not realistic for a tank, it is not a car, to actually turn it needs gas so engine will provide enough power for transmission to enable vehicle turning.

  9. For me 1.24 works perfectly, mini campaign works good, no bugs or anything.

    However take in to notice, that ArmA3 like previous games, might have problems if your rig is not good enough to handle it. On weaker PC's for example AI tends to have more problems.

    On my rig I have graphics nearly maxed to the end and 5000m view distance, and I don't go below 30 FPS even on large maps with a lot of units. So games runs perfectly, although it might have been better.

  10. Damian, do you have an specific information on the penetrations? Was there anything besides that one side turret penetrations and hits to the non-ballistic skirts?

    As far as I can tell, in non of accidents, frontal turret or hull armor was defeated. Mostly it was hull sides, sometimes (but very rare) turret sides, some incidents included turret top and hull rear hits.

    Most attacks with hand held anti tank weapons in hull/turret sides ended only with minor damage and some crew WIA, there were at least one KIA when vehicle was hit by RPG-29, it was the loader that had been killed sitting directly on shaped charge jet path.

    There were some, very rare incidents where ammunition storage was set in fire, however safety design sollutions worked as designed, blast doors prevented fire, fumes and heat to get inside crew compartment, and blow off panels released dangerous energy upward and outside vehicle.

    In fact there was a paradox, where dedicated anti tank weapons had very low efficency against tanks (and infantry fighting vehicle if equipped with proper armor), and most dangerous threat were IED's.

    I can search for you some lists that are more specific but only for US tanks.

    First list for OIF:

    -M1A1 damaged by 4 RPGs on 2004/03/07 in Ramadi

    -M1A1 attacked with 2 RPGs on 2004/04/08 in Baghdad, resulting in 4 broken hubs and 1 minor WIA

    -M1 tank hit and disabled by 2 RPG rounds on 2004/04/10; tank burning

    -M1 hit by RPG on 2004/06/13 in Baghdad, damaging the gun tube and causing 3 minor WIA

    -M1A2 tank hit by RPG and damaged on 2004/08/23 in Baghdad, causing 1 KIA and 2 WIA

    -M1 tank hit by RPG fire on 2004/11/09 in Fallujah, resulting in a damaged turret and main gun

    -M1 tank hit by RPG on 2004/11/30 in Bayji, causing 1 minor WIA (most likely unbuttoned); no tank damage

    -M1 tank hit by 2 RPGs on 2005/02/12 in Mosul, resulting in minor damage to the engine compartment (disabled though)

    -M1 tank hit by RPG in rear on 2005/05/17 in Khalidiyah, resulting in a mobility kill

    -M1A1 hit by RPG on left side road wheels on 2005/08/27 in Khalidyah, damaging the radio, track and a road wheel

    -M1A1 hit by RPG on left side of tank on 2005/10/22 in Khalidyah, damaging two road wheels and a hub

    -M1A1 hit by RPG in front right road wheel on 2006/03/17 in Ramadi, resulting in minor damage to the tank and 1 WIA (possible concussion)

    -M1A1 hit by 2 RPGs striking the TC's hatch on 2006/04/17 in Khalidiyah, resulting in 3 WIA (1 serious and 2 routine) and damage to the loader's hatch (probably got the hatches confused)

    -M1 hit by numerous RPGs on 2006/10/07 in Ad Diwaniyah, resulting in a destroyed tank (fire)

    -M1A2 hit by RPG fire on 2006/10/27 in Sadr City, resulting in damage to #5 and 6 skirts and 3 minor WIA

    -M1A1 hit by RPG on 2007/02/02 in Ramadi, resulting in damage to the left track and immobilizing the tank

    -M1A1 hit by RPG on TC's cupola on 2007/03/09 in Fallujah, causing minor damage to vision blocks

    -M1A1 hit by RPG on 2007/03/09 in Ramadi, damaging the #2 left road wheel and blowing a skirt off

    -M1 hit on hatch (roof) by RPG on 2008/02/20, resulting in 1 KIA and 3 WIA

    -M1A2 hit by RPG on 2007/05/06 in Baghdad, resulting in 1 WIA (shapnel to right shoulder) and the tank losing power

    -M1A2 hit by RPG on left side on 2007/05/03 in Baghdad, resulting in a sponson box fire and loss of turret power; 1-2 inches wide by 8-10 inches deep hole in left side turret

    -M1A1 hit by RPG on 2008/03/29 in Baghdad, causing 2 WIA (1 routine and 1 RTD); the armor wasn't penetrated

    -M1A1 hit by RPG on 2008/04/06, resulting in electrical problems on the tank (loose battery most likely)

    -M1 hit by RPG fire (up to 4) on 2008/04/27, resulting in damage to the left side of the tank

    -M1 hit by RPG in the rear on 2008/04/28, resulting in a punctured fuel cell; mobility kill

    -M1A2 hit by RPG on bustle rack on 2008/05/04 and another M1A2 hit by EFP in the same engagement; 1 WIA (RTD with face lacerations)

    -M1A1 hit by IRL (improvised rocket launcher) on rear of turret on 2007/02/17 in Fallujah, resulting in 4 WIA (3 priority and 1 routine) and a damaged EAPU; no hull penetration

    -M1A1 hit by IRL on 2006/11/30 in Ramadi, resulting in penetration of the #1 left skirt and a 1 inch deep by 2 inches deep hole in the hull (copper residue, so HEAT)

    -M1 hit by rocket on 2004/02/08 in Husaybah, resulting in penetration of the turret ring; components of a 62mm Chinese rocket were found (probably HEAT)

    -M1 hit by RPG on the left side turret on 2005/12/27, resulting in damage to the sponson box, antenna mount and armor; no penetration into the turret

    -M1A1 hit by rocket in the left side turret on 2006/01/05 in Khalidiyah, resulting in the turret losing power (minor damage though); 68mm SPAM-V flechette rocket

    -M1 hit by IRL on 2006/05/18 in Khalidiyah, resulting in rear grill door over the engine damaged and the tank running in emergency engine mode; a 68mm French SPAM-V flechette rocket was stuck in the grill door

    -M1A2 hit by RPG on 2008/04/24, resulting in damage to the turret ring and 2 WIA (shrapnel to bodies). {Appears to have been a lucky hit that made it through the turret ring}

    -M1A1 fired at by several RPGs on 2004/04/07 in Khalidiyah, resulting in #2 skirt penetration

    -M1A2 hit by RPG on #2 skirt on right side on 2006/12/25, resulting in 1 WIA (gunner has shrapnel to the legs); said to have been by spall, though the hull wasn't penetrated (partial penetration?)

    -M1A2 hit by RPG on 2007/06/03 in Balad, resulting in a hull penetration and 1 WIA (shrapnel to lower left leg)

    -M1A2 hit by RPG on 2007/04/20, resulting in minor damage to #3 skirt and hub underneath broken

    -M1A2 hit by RPG on 2007/05/15 in Baghdad, hitting the left side #1 skirt and damaging hubs #6 and 7

    -M1A1 (TUSK) hit by RPG on 2008/05/07, resulting in 4 ERA tiles blown off; RPG hit area of left #1 and #2 skirt

    -M1A2 hit by RPG on 2006/02/13, resulting in a broken hub

    -M1A2 hit by RPG on 2007/07/31, resulting in the tank leaking hydraulic fluid

    -M1A2 hit by RPG on 2007/05/17 in Baghdad, resulting in minor damage to a hub and road wheel

    -M1A1 hit by RPG on 2007/02/14 in Ramadi, resulting in a minor hydraulic leak

    -The RPG-29 attack from the front where the shooter was standing between two others for concealment, hit the front skirt (in the video and in the AAR); just a ruined skirt. Date 2008/05/13

    -The RPG-29 attack from the side where the shooter again was using two others for concealment, where the shot hit the left turret side, caused one US KIA and two WIA going by the AAR. I listed it as one KIA in the past (there was no reports of WIA). Date 2007/09/05

    -The RPG-29 attack where the shooter hits a passing M1## in the rear caused 3 WIA. Date 2007/08/05

    And here from ODS:


    There is a data table lower on the page..

  11. I must say, it was allways a pleasure and honor to help Gurdy and RHS team in research for US AFV's, and hopefully I will be able to help more in nearest future if possible and asked for. ;)

    So, splendind work there on M1's.

    BTW RHS M1's models are actually probably the most realistic models of these tanks in ArmA series, the only close to this kind of quality was fantastic model made by Fishkopff, his M1A1HC was later reused to create M1A2SEPv1 by King Homer and co. for OFP and later reused for ArmA1 ACE1 mod (yeah I am that old to remember these glorious times! ;)).

  12. It's in CSAT replacement config. TheEvanCat I hope you don't mind, I made a small experiment, and just removed entries in config for Shar that was replacing original Ifrit, and now everything is fine, Ifrit model is displayed correctly without any bugs.

    So may I suggest something? Perhaps the best would be to remove in replacement config entry for Shar replacing Ifrit and leave Ifrit as it is, so then Shar will be just optional in CSAT Alternative in editor? IMHO it's the simplest and best sollution.

  13. Nah, there were several occasions when from close range firing to the hull sides they were able to disable and wound some crew members, there was even a list made with help of US DoD reports. Overall in 1991 US had disabled + lost 21 tanks, with only ~5-8 were total losses (completely burned) and there were onlu 1 KIA crew member.

    In a period from 2003 to 2008 US had 80 tanks damaged, from these, 20 were reported lost in combat, rest were repaired, very small crew casualties, most were from small arms fire when standing in open hatches and some from very large IED blast effects.

    Recently Iraq reported they had 28 tanks attacked (some miltiple times were hit from differend kind of AT weapons) with only in 5 there were reported penetrations, and I counted 2 or 3 that were definetely lost. Edition: Small update, incompetent Iraqi Army just lost two more M1A1's, by simply driving one in to a ditch, and abandining it with a second fully operational one and a column of several M113's and MRAP's... both tanks had been burned by ISIL terrorists along with several M113's and MRAP's, terrorists took some M113's as trophy's. Yeah I understand loosing a combat vehicle in... combat, but this, this is a complete and absolute fail of Iraqi Army, US should never sell them that equipment and invest in their training, complete waste of time, money and precious vehicles.

    For me this is example of how extremely good M1's armor protection and survivability of vehicle and it's crew is.

  14. Yeah it was a challenge (see what i did there ) but i've managed to piece enough reference photos together to get a realistic view of the interior to work from


    BTW I have a question, do You plan to eventually make external models of M1's more realistic? Or perhaps wait for realistic RHS ones, and then eventually perhaps, some cooperation to spread idea of tank interiors with other mods?

    Yeah I am a realism nut, and BIS models are... well, they are as they are.

    But as far as current status of your work is, it looks great, and... refreshing? :)

  15. regarding the armor setup. for realisms sake and to actually give a tactical benefit to keeping front toward enemy the hitpoint layout is heavily biased toward to the rear and rear sides. this means you can take a fair amount of damage to the front but can very easily be knocked out with hits to the rear or to the rear sides behind the ERA.

    Which is realistic, very realistic. However I heard some interesting things abour M19 ERA installed on M1's, however hard to confirm them, but I heard that due to multilayered design (yeah, inside a module there is actually several ERA layers), it is capable to handle hits even from tandem warheads, but as I said, hard to confirm, yet in theory possible.

    ERA protecting hull and turret sides in newest up armor package for Challenger 2 seems to share similiar design.

    by the way, being British myself, the Chally is already underway

    Good luck, especially that due to a lot of secrecy around Challenger 2 interior, there is very little photos of it, and these that are avaiable, mostly shows only loader station.

  16. I know what you're trying to say but I'm not saying this because I think so, but because various tests have proven those 2 tanks are better then other tanks when you look at all items.

    Like rate of fire, armor, speed. Although they are both expensive.

    About blowing up, you'll have to penetrate them first and good luck with that! ;)

    No, they did not proven to be better in tests than other tanks. I think you don't have even smalles idea about their design. Sorry to say that but this is truth.

    Leopard 2 fairly won only in one country, Sweden where tests with different vehicles were done, and won only because from economic point of view, Germans made better offer. While in Greece, manufacturer, KMW, bribed Greece officials, there was a lot of fuss about this some time ago.

    Leopard 2 also have thinner and somewhat weaker armor protection than most other modern MBT's. Same applies to K2.

    So believe me, it is easy to perforate their armor, if you know what to do and where to aim. I know, as I seen weak spots in Leo2 armor for example... there is plenty of photos of these.

    You want to see them or discuss? PM me, so we won't do OT.
