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Posts posted by Damian90

  1. As a side note, US Army is currently working on new Stryker variant with unmanned Kongsberg MCT30 turret armed with 30mm M813 automatic cannon (a US Army variant of the famous Mk44), 7,62mm M240 coax and capability to install FGM-148 Javelin ATGM.

    There are also other Stryker variants proposed or considered for production. Below some PDF's:



    PS. Exactly the same MCT30 turret with the same armament package is currently tested by US Army as upgrade for M2A2/M2A3 Bradley IFV.

  2. Hey TheEvanCat, I found a small bug in your replacement configs.

    The CSAT recon marksman, have a weapon config wrong, there is written "srifle_DMR_01_DMS_pointer_snds_F" it causes a bug ("pointer" is a laser pointer right? well CSAT marksman rifle have only single rail attachement on top for optical sights, and don't have side rail attachements on sides of it's hand guard so mounting pointers or flashlaights is immposible there) and soldier have only pistol, it should be rather written "srifle_DMR_01_DMS_snds_F", then it works perfectly.

  3. Well, yes, true they won but only with the use of weapons of mass destruction! Agent orange, and similar, labeled as "herbicides", but in fact, chemical weapons. Resulted in at least one million of dead + countless of maimed.

    Hard to agree, if someone carefully dig through history. ;)

    While the Panther was considered as MBT rather than a medium tank, it was still the best tank of the war. The Königstiger was also the best heavy tank. Jagdpanther was the best tank destroyer. XXI class submarines were also far superior to anything (I know they came too late) Me-262 was the best interceptor...

    Again hard to agree, today actually the view about these weapon systems is very different. Actually design of German AFV's at that time was completely idiotic. This is opinion very common among engineers interested in this subject. ;)

  4. I don't want to enter in the discussion.

    But you can't say that a war can be win or lose due to technical advantages. The discipline, morale, skill, etc. summarizing the human factor is practically always more important than the technical factor. Good examples are Vietnam, the first Chechen War, etc. Or both the First and the Second World Wars

    Everything is important both human factor and technology factor.

    BTW Vietnam was in military way, won by USA, they lost in politics and propaganda that forced them to retreat despite a fact that USA successfully destroyed Vietcong during Tet offensive, and forced NVA to retreat, and actually US won every battle they fought in Vietnam.

    As for WWII, meh, I know this is blasphemy in some circles, but IIIrd Reich never had the best tanks or best aircraft, it's a popular myth, but only myth. ;)

    I think what he means is more people will use the US faction as their player faction and the Russians as the enemy. (Be it as custom rebels or insurgents or the Russians themselves.) I know I cant wait for both sides to remove a lot of extra addons that are doing the same things.

    No, actually you will enjoy both factions, but both factions might be unique in some aspects. ;)

  5. You can go and discuss it here: russiadefenceforums. People there would be more than happy to have good discussion about tanks, be it from west or east - as you seem to be an expert, right?

    No thanks, I know that forum and it is complete waste of time, however I preffer more estimed forums, like СИЛРРОССИИ Форум Ñайта «Отвага» (where actually you can discuss with people that have deep knowledge of the subjects they discuss) for eastern side, and TankNet (also full of former or still serving tankers and enthusiasts with knowledge deeper than level of Wikipedia and Discovery Channel) for western. ;)

    As for being an expert, big words, I try to avoid such titles. ;)

    BTW Warsaw Pact soldiers used APCs at the time NATO soldiers were happy with trucks. Does it mean that NATO would lose eventual war? No. Both sides way back had magic red buttons turning cities into pile of radioactive ash.

    This is obviously not truth. NATO had APC's, various versions, actually it is disputable if USSR acually invented IFV, because earlier, NATO also have vehicles that could be classified today as IFV's, for example Schützenpanzer Lang HS.30 which was mass manufactured before USSR fielded BMP-1.

    Same goes for APC's, actually NATO had better tracked APC's before USSR had it's own for example American M59 and M75 which were direct predecessors of M113. The BTR-50 developed around the same time, was actually an ergonomic nightmare for troops it carried, and first versions didn't had a solid armored roof compared to M59 and M75.

    USSR gained superiority and mainly in MBT's only, from the mid 60's to the late 70's, but NATO was not in complete disadvantage.

    Nuclear war was also not exactly the preffered option fo both sides. ;)

    As for the mod, I can only tell, that when the content will be finished, I think many people will appreciate US stuff more, and understand better some limitations of RU stuff.

  6. Another thing: Will be there some sort of realistic gun stability system implemented? i mean, make it harder for older tanks? So older tanks cant fire (perfect) while driving? Think even the 1990 aera dont have perfectly balanced gun and chassis, very different sort of NVG (while raining it must have been useless) and thermal view (on day its (was) not that good).

    Well, overall US AFV's in the mod should allways have good stabilization, this is how it is in reality.

    Russian faction is more, hmmm, widespread here, some more modern tanks have relatively good stabilization, not that good as NATO ones but not much worse, some other tanks or vehicles are... well meh. :P

  7. Ok, I made a simple replacement config for ammunition and also for vehicles (based on RAM, to change a bit their ammo loadouts, mainly increasing mg ammo).

    However there is still problem with rearming vehicles from ammo trucks. I reduced ammo cost value in configs to absurd levels, main gun ammo is reloaded as intended but not mg ammo, which is strange.

    However problem with M5 Sandstorm still exist, it never reloads. It seems that there is a serious bug I can localize.

    Seriously BIS devs, help, this bug completely breaks gameplay!

  8. I'm really looking forward to this.

    On the subject, and forgive me my ignorance: is the T-90 series so underrated not worth creating? I mean T-80 models look superb as do the Abrams' but still...

    AFAIK T-90's are not ready yet, but I am not a member of RHS team (just a helpfull soul ;)), and can't say much about it, however I believe that T-90's are lurking somewhere in the shadows behind the scenes and I assume they probably be ready for next releases.

    Ok vasmkd was faster. :)

    But by the way King Homer, you will be able to play the T-72B series. ;)
