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Posts posted by Damian90

  1. First thing is that cychou have very wrong information, we proved to him that he is wrong, even when he obviously called us not well informed and that he have better experts... well, it seems his better experts were wrong, as well as his source material which was poor.

    Second thing is as PuFu said.

    Third thing is, that to make driver move in to turret only when turret is in specific position, just like in real life, might involve heavy scripting. We want to avoid as much scripting as possible for performance reasons.

    If not that very serious issue and that we need to take in to account a broad spectrum of users with different PC's with different performance, we could probably script everything we would wish, including proper animations, for driver switching his stations or ammo reload from semi-ready to ready racks. But it is not that nice and simple, besides this we have also many of our own views and ideas on many things, and nowhere is said we will do everything exactly the same as ACE team did in the past or will do now. Even if a degree of compatibility between RHS and ACE is desired so players wanting to play both mods in the same time won't face any problems.

    End of discussion, we won't change it.

  2. Doesn't appear their document page is working, so I was hoping to look up some classnames on their gears and weapons for scripting purposes and figure out how to use the Javelin (or is it broken?).

    Right now Javelin can now attack only in direct mode, there is no top attack mode yet.

    As for documentation page, consider there is still work involved with our internet site. Tough Soul_Assassin probably can say a bit more about this.

  3. Your document webpage will not open so I'll have to ask here...do the tanks have fire control systems and if they do how do they work??

    Yes they do.

    Simple, point a crosshair on target, press tab or T, laser range finder will be activated and range to target will be calculated by FCS. Also automatic lead in some more modern tanks will be added, tough for players unfamiliar with what lead in tanks is, it might be problematic to use at first time, to dump lead, press G. You can also manually change range after using LRF by press + or -. or you can manually input range by opening ballistic computer menu by pressing B.

    Some tanks with autoloader also can have preselected ammo which will be loaded by autoloader after each shot, such tanks are T-80 series, you preselct ammo for autoloader by pressing X.

    However remember that we are still working on FCS system, right now Reyhard is working on improvements in calculation, and maybe he will be able to make lead more smooth.

  4. heyhey,

    i just wanted to ask something for someone in my clan. we couldn't figure out a sloution yet, so i am asking here.

    when he is in any tank, ifvs or so of the russians, he cannot see the costum gui elements like the thing that shows where the gunner is looking at, or the wheel that shows you which round will be reloaded next. when her presses x for changing the next round, he can hear the click, but he does not see the wheel.

    tested with only rhs enabled.

    is this maybe a known issue? because in our clan he is the only one with it?!

    Download mod again in newest version, reinstall it clean, and see what happens.

    Are you sure only RHS is used? Double check!

  5. M1 is heavier than Leopard 2 bare in mind.

    Actually without any addon armor, M1 is heaviest NATO tank, M1A1SA, M1A1FEP and M1A2SEP weights 63,1 metric tons. Challenger 2 weight 62,5 metric tons, Leopard 2A5/A6 around 60-62 metric tons, Leclerc T10/T11 Series 3/SXXI around 58 metric tons. Most of the M1's weight increase is armor as we calculated with Olds.

  6. Did more comprehensive driving testing, found the following:

    T- series tanks drive like go-karts, with crazy acceleration. All T-80s will rapidly accelerate when being reversed by the AI and then turning. When the fps is low, this sometimes leads to a runaway acceleration. Acceleration on all these tanks is unbelievably, almost comically quick. The suspensions are also incredibly stiff, resulting in the vehicles feeling very weightless on top of being more susceptible to being flung around by scenery than the vanilla vehicles.

    The being thrown around is very dependent on fps, too. At around 30 fps it usually only happens when driving against/over scenery. At 24 and lower it can even happen when turning on the spot or changing speeds. I have only tested the russian tanks so far, no IFVs or any of the US tanks, because I am most interested in running the russian vics in MBT patrol and support missions.

    But right now they are too unreliable for me or AI, with a 50/50 chance of ending up on their backs in a half hour mission. Is there any chance of making this a focus at some point, tracked vehicle behaviour?

    We know about these problems, actually Red_Pheonix is working on a different solution.

    As for acceleration, what is wrong with it? Contrary to popular belief modern MBT's are very mobile, even the heavy ones, and can very quickly accelerate to their top speed. US MBT's because they use much more modern and capable hydromechanical transmission (same for IFV) can very quickly acceperate not only to their top forward speed, but also top reverse speed, and reverse speed is also very larger, around 30 km/h. So it is not unrealistic, the biggest problem are gear shifts and such kind of stuff, so Red_Pheonix is working on a different solution as said above.

  7. What do i wrong? I dont see visible stuff on the T72B3 and nothing changes after got hit. Only thing i was supprised was a onehit with a M136 (HEAT) from 45° front to side.

    And are there somewhere data for the tanks about their penetration values of the guns and their armor? I would like to know what tanks are nearly equal on US vs RU duel stuff, we love to do some sort of TvT, with RHS this is much more fun!

    That is strange (non visible changes on model), try to use only vanilla game with RHS, some mod might conflict with it.

    As for armor and ammunition data, we will definately show them when they will be refined and ready, right now it's still very WIP.

    However do not expect any sort of equality or balance. Tough currently the best armored RU tanks are T-80U and it's subvariants followed by T-72B obr.1989 and T-72B3. Still their protection is lower than M1A1AIM, M1A1FEP and M1A2SEPv1 we have in mod. But this should force you to learn vehicles, know their strong and weak points, and use tactics. ;)

  8. Very nice work, congrats.

    One thing however, but noticed on others mods too:

    when I'm pilot in Apache or Viper, I can't use missiles:

    I can only use rockets, and if I switch to manual fire, I can only use the gun.

    And if I order my gunner to aim at a target, he will only use the gun, never the missiles.

    However, I can use the missiles when I am gunner.

    Test run on ArmA 3 vanilla + RHS 3.7 only

    I had the same issue on John Spartan's F-18 though (same: ArmA 3 vanilla + F-18 only), so dunno if it's the latests updates of BIS that broke it or not.

    Yes, noticed the same, solution is, when gunner have controls over his armament, press ctrl+F so he will choose weapon system you wish to use, and then use manual fire, crude and not very convieniant but works.

    I believe the second one was due to missing 'minimalhit' values on some vehicles. like for example being able to break a BTR's turret with small arms fire

    Might be, well when we finish with more important things we can take another look in to it.

  9. okay sorry , tested without AGM and its fine now my T-72B3 survived a front hit by an PG7VR and even a 120mm round and loved the effect on the ERA modules ( please implement this on all your tanks that uses ERA )

    Be patient, we are working on it.

    but yes still a 40mm or s-8\pg7v hit from the sides can destroy any RHS russian tank and i think this is an issue or bug

    I will repeat, Russian tanks hull sides are max only 80mm thick homogeneus armor protection over crew compartment and 70mm over engine compartment, in some cases with ERA as additional protection. Even very weak shaped charge jets will go through it like hot knife through butter. Turret protection at sides/sides-rear is not better. It's the result of the Soviet and later Russian Army requirements to reduce size and weight of vehicles. Rear is only 40mm. While hull sides where suspension is attached is only 20mm thick.

    Of course NATO tanks here are not much better, for example Abrams over crew compartment is 70mm heavy ballistic skirt + 70mm hull side plate, which gives 140mm of spaced armor array, over engine compartment it is 5mm non ballistic skirt + 40mm side hull plate, so only 45mm of spaced armor array. Of course additional ERA protection can be added. Rear of the hull is also only 40mm thick. Area where suspension is attached, is also 40mm thick.

    It's not that it's a bug, but we put a lot of time and resources for scientific research in to this stuff, I think we spended countless hours on only discussion how this stuff looks like with Olds, Bakerman and Archbishop_Lazarus.

    If there is however a bug, my best bet it's ammo indirecthit value that is too large, but as far as I know, it only affected ERA in a way it caused too many modules to explode.

    Also in future we plan to add some other stuff, for example Abrams will have isolated ammo compartment, so it won't be destroyed, in most cases only disabled, maybe with some ammo cook off effects in isolated ammo compartments, and in worst case scenario it will catch fire and be slowly consumed by it, unless maybe some fire extinguishing equipment won't be added or something. On the other hand T tanks due to their ammo storage system, will be much more vurnable to catastrophic ammo cook offs and explosions.

    There are possibilities we want to explore. However as allways, no promises when it will be added, and even if it will be added, as we do not know if such attempts will be successfull.


    Actually I just made some tests and didn't noticed anything abnormal, everything seems to work as intended.

    Important: Results may also vary depending on hit angle.

    Try to hit a T-72B3 in one of the side skirt ERA modules, first at around 90 degrees angle, and later at a more steep one, for example 30 degrees, you will see that results might be different. ;)

  10. Where can I read up on how it works? Are there posts in this thread or wiki page?

    Documentation for the armor system is still in development, we would wish others to be able to implement it in their vehicles as well, so it will be avaiable for general public, we also discussed with Olds to create allready a table with realistic armor values based on our research for various vehicles so other addon/mod makers would not need to waste time for research and just use our values (also this would improve compatibility between different mods and addons), however this will take time as research and later calculations takes a lot of time. We are currently struggling with M1 Abrams family, because of secrecy around it's armor protection, it's a very difficult to get it right.

    thanks for replaying , i just tested all russian tanks from t-72 to t80u they are all the same , the s-8 or any lower round can kill the tank from the sides and the front! rear parts seems better armored

    tested with rpg-7v2 ( using pg-7vl&pg-7vr only ) and bmd-1r ( i think ) which fires s-8 rockets and one empty t-80u tank for me to fire at the other testing purpose russian tanks

    all the tanks can be killed by one only shot at the sides no matter what ammunition\weapons i use against them , yes a pg-7vr round can destroy almost any tank from the sides or rear or even front but an s-8 HE round can never destroy a tank even if fired at sides so i think its a miscalculation in the russian armor , a t-72b has ERAs on the sides and front and even on the top of the turret yet i can destroy it with s-8! in 0.3.6 this was impossible

    i also tested the t-72b3 as it is one of me best rides the results was the same , i will disable AGM and do another test and will report back

    So you used AGM? Note! AGM brakes things right now (it also conflicts with ArmA3 1.42 AFAIK), do not use it with RHS, and better wait for ACE3, as far as I know, maybe other better informed team members can confirm, ACE3 will be more compatible with RHS.

    When time premits, I will test these vehicles again against various threats. Tough I played with them today a bit and didn't noticed any wrong, T-72B3 survived all 3BK18M HEAT rounds fired in to it's front from other T-72B (obr.1985), and 3BK18M have penetration value of 550mm RHA, so comparable to some RPG-7 rounds.

    Also note, the firegeometry for T-72's is ok as far a I know, especially for T-72B3 as it was the first to be reworked, if there is a problem, it's caused by AGM, and also the fact we still nead to tweak ammunition indirectfire values that cause some problems.

  11. congrats RHS very nice update

    i want to report a bug maybe about the russian tanks ( all of them ) their armor is very soft and can be killed very easily in fact i just destroyed a t-80u with a single s-8 rocket

    tried with extended armor on\off i think this is not normal you can't destroy a t-80u with an s-8 rocket or even an pg7vl grenade!


    Where did you fired at this tanks? Front? Sides? Rear?

    Special armor is placed only at front, also ERA mostly protects only front. Hull sides are weakly protected on most of their lenght, they are only 80mm thick homogeneus rolled steel armor only. Rear is even thinner, only around 40mm of such armor.

    And as our armor system is more realistic than vanilla one, a single hit even from RPG in these zones were results in penetration and damage or destruction.

    However take a note, system is not 100% finished yet, we plan to add some more features that will make it more realistic, but of course no promises when they will be added or if they will be successfull.

    Also try for example T-72B3, it was our tested for some new features like new ERA that actually disappears when a module us hit. ;)

    Also take a note that we need to slightly tweak our ammo values, it appears we found that using BIS method of indirecthit value, makes them a bit overpowered and damage for example more ERA modules than normally would.

    So remember, it's still very WIP.

  12. Hello team, I have few questions:

    1.- Will you upgrade Bradleys M6 and others armored's instrumentation? It's really difficult to give instructions to the gunner where to aim when an enemy is nearby I'm talking about bearing, internal compass and that kind of stuff.

    2.- In US Faction, will you add more AT Launchers besides the Javelin and AT4? Like the SMAW? Right now it's difficult to fight against a MBT with the AT4.


    1) We are working on that stuff.

    2) At some point yes, hopefully you understand that development takes time, we can't add something in a short period of time, it's not magic you know. ;)

  13. I take it you guys are just going to give us the update without showing us any pre-release streams?

    Most likely yes.

    Also I just realised how much stuff are place-holders from Arma 2. If you guys are using stuff from Arma 2, why not use the Stryker or the Huey? Or perhaps the LAV as well?

    Not much really, we only use stuff that is seen as up to our quality standards, for example Bradleys are indeed heavy modified and fixed A2 ports and we are happy with them (even if we still plan to further modify them and do other stuff with them, also according to what US Army is doing and we (or actually me and Gurdy mostly) keep an eye on that stuff), on the other hand there are some ports we want to replace ASAP.

    As for Strykers, we most likely have our own models AFAIK, simply because A2 ones were terrible, not even close to the real thing in many ways and in fact they are models from A1 mostly if I am not mistaken.

    In general be patient, we know what we do.

  14. Can anyone help me?

    Wtf with gun on ALL tanks. Some times it fires.... wrong!!! Just look:

    What the hell with stabilization? :D

    In many tanks, FCS can calculate lead for moving targets and when own tank moves. In such case you need to know how to lead targets or dump lead when it's not needed. Reyhard explained how to dump lead.

    Truth to be told tough, lead in our tanks is still kinda jumpy, wonder if Reyhard could smooth it more.

    How comes the Tank list goes all the way up to the T-80 but not the T-90a?

    Its almost like the T-90 and Mi-28 is shunned by the Arma community

    Maybe because T-90 is not ready?
