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Everything posted by Harzach

  1. Arg. Still not removing the action. But now I know how to make my action list look nice!
  2. OK, that's what I figured. I have edited the script where the addAction is created to this: a1 = player addAction ["Mark","common\mark.sqf"]; So now "a1" is a global variable, correct? Then the relevant line in the creation script is changed to this: player removeAction a1; Yet it still does not work. Thanks again for the help - I am a total scripting newb, but I am learning quickly thanks to forum members such as yourselves.
  3. Ah, perfect! Now, the only problem is that the action is not being removed from the action list. Is "player removeAction _a1" not the correct syntax for this? Or is it because "_a1" is defined in another script? I have so much to learn, and I really appreciate the assistance!
  4. Thanks for the quick reply! Everything you've said makes perfect sense to me, yet I am still getting the same result - nothing more than the hint. The edited script: //check execution hint "TEST"; //delete the marker if it has previously been placed deleteMarkerLocal "marker1"; //create the marker, a big red blob that will be easy to see _marker= createMarkerLocal ["marker1",setMarkerPosLocal getMarkerPos "limbo"]; _marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed"; _marker setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE"; _marker setMarkerBrushLocal "Solid"; _marker setMarkerSizeLocal [1000, 1000]; //open the map showmap true; //move the marker to the click position onMapSingleClick {"marker1" SetMarkerPosLocal _Pos}; //clear the click handle waitUntil {!VisableMap}; onMapSingleClick ""; //remove the action player removeaction _a1;
  5. How difficult would it be to convert a mission like Insurgency? I am very slowly managing to wrap what's left of my brain around HC implementation.
  6. Harzach


    I have successfully ported ACE Insurgency to Reshmaan, and it works very nicely. We play a highly customized variant though, so I won't share it here. All the info you need to port ACE Insurgency to other islands can be found in this topic. Some of the basic concepts can be found in this guide to porting Domi: *All-Islands*-Domination-Conversion-Guide-Example-Missions - but obviously, most of it does not apply to Insurgency. It should get you started, and with some focused searching through this topic, you should find everything you need. And if you don't, you can always ask more specific questions. Good luck!
  7. Harzach

    Interaction Keys???

    This really belongs in the ACE topic, but: 1. ACE Interaction Key (default left-windows). This means that the default key for this function is the "Left Windows" key. 2. ACE Self Interaction Key (default right-windows). This means that the default key for this function is the "Right Windows" key.
  8. Harzach

    Anyway to record battles?

    None of these do what ctr2012 is asking. GCam/Director are closer, but require some work to arrive at the desired result. Unfortunately, Arma 2 does not have a system like BF2's Battle Recorder, which is what it sounds like he wants.
  9. +1. Sharing this kind of information is sort of why we're here.
  10. Harzach

    AI Accuracy and Suppression.

    You were running it in debug mode. The mod is TPWC AI Suppression System (TPWCAS-).
  11. Harzach

    They better have female soldiers...

    I agree. There is no good reason not to include them. Regardless of the number of female Arma players out there - if the internet has taught us anything, it's that dudes like to play dress-up. I just cringe at the thought of a flood of "sexy" Multicam mods. Maybe that's a good reason... Anyway, let 'em fight!
  12. Harzach

    Stream safe UI

    The first couple of weeks of DayZ were full of fresh and intriguing gameplay. Then the gates opened. To be sure, the influx of new players - or maybe I should say customers - has been a great benefit in some ways, but the majority seem to be pretty uninterested in (or oblivious to) the possibilities inherent in the core game.
  13. I'm pretty sure all Mando Missiles components come in script form as well. There should be a "script_suite.zip" in your @mma folder (or whatever you have named it).
  14. Harzach

    BattlEye: Corrupted Data #3

    Thanks, $able (and Dwarden) - it seems to be resolved! Though now my performance while streaming has taken a turn for the worse...
  15. Harzach

    Stream safe UI

    I totally understand where this request/suggestion is coming from. Youtubers and streamers can make or break a game (and make no mistake, CHKilroy had far more to do with the instant popularity of DayZ and the ensuing sales rush than anyone). If they can't create compelling content, they can't effectively promote the game. Of course, wanting to be a famous gaming personality yet retain anonymity during MP gameplay...well, it's nice to want things. Not to mention that certain previously-named gamers are known to use other players' (read: teammates') streams to their advantage. I suppose this is as good an argument for simple stream security controls as any.
  16. Do you only have Operation Arrowhead, or do you have Combined Operations (vanilla Arma 2 and Arma 2: OA combined)?
  17. Harzach

    BattlEye: Corrupted Data #3

    This issue is starting to pop up a lot on the DayZ forums. Seems it is not necessarily a result of XSplit or streaming apps in general.
  18. Harzach

    BattlEye: Corrupted Data #3

    Are you streaming?
  19. Harzach

    BattlEye: Corrupted Data #3

    Ah, I thought it was merely due to detection of the hook. I'm not sure I follow on the "suspend/pause" thing though - what exactly does that mean, if you don't mind?
  20. Don't forget that single game logics also count as groups, just like single units. If you have a lot of logics, combine them into larger groups. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  21. Harzach

    BattlEye: Corrupted Data #3

    I'm sure it's XSplit's Direct3D hook. I've contacted BE support.
  22. I think it is (or at least was) compatible with the GLT stuff. It is definitely not ACE-friendly, however. As already mentioned, MMA saw its last update well over a year ago, and no further updates appear to be forthcoming.
  23. Harzach

    BattlEye: Corrupted Data #3

    What are you streaming with? Does this happen when you are not streaming? I am currently experiencing similar issues. While streaming to Twitch via XSplit (capturing game source), I can play for 15-30 minutes before I get kicked. I have seen two different messages - "BattlEye: Hack #3" and "BattlEye: Corrupted Data #3" When I close my stream, I can play with no issue. I started having this problem with XSplit v1.1, and continue to see it with v1.2. The upshot here is that is is not an Arma 2 issue, but a BattlEye/XSplit issue, so this topic will probably be closed.
  24. Harzach

    Can't join wasteland servers!

    You need to install Arma 2.