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Everything posted by Harzach

  1. That's where hill numbers come from. Elevation in meters.
  2. Look closely at the topo lines on the map. Look for large piles of rock.
  3. Harzach


    I guess it would depend upon the script you want to add. You could preprocess from common\initclient-common.sqf or common\initserver-common.sqf, execVM from an invisible helipad/similar static, etc.
  4. Harzach


    Well, I know that folks have been doing their best to find/create a solution for quite a while now - persistent data in MP is a big thing now, and a working solution is the only reason why mission types like Wasteland and Life are popular. Not saying there is a good fix for this situation, but definitely dig around the forum a bit before you spend your money.
  5. Harzach


    There have been many problems with loading saved games going back to OFP, I think. Your best bet is to either set your cache count to 1 (or whatever number seems doable for your sessions), or set up/rent a dedi server so the mission can run in persistent mode. To change the number of caches spawned, edit the default value of the class cacheCount entry in description.ext, or simply choose your desired number of caches on the parameters page when you are starting the mission. class cacheCount { title=" Number of Ammo Caches"; values[]={ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 }; texts[]={ "1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9" }; default=3; <--CHANGE THIS VALUE code = "";
  6. Harzach


    To edit spawn range, look in common\defines: #define DEBUG false //Constants #define VIEWDISTANCE 3000 #define SPAWNRANGE 500 <--CHANGE THIS VALUE #define WEP_DESPAWN_RANGE 100 To add new classes (in addition to what you have already done), look in common\defines: #define westSoldierClasses [ADD NEW CLASSNAMES TO THIS ARRAY]
  7. Harzach

    No more dark theme on BI forums?

    Brilliant, vegeta! Thanks for sharing this. *edit* - I have to say, this theme is far superior to the original dark theme. Great work. **edit** - One small problem with text on profile page being the same color as the background:
  8. Harzach

    A fix for Full Axis throttle mapping

    http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ppjoy http://lmgtfy.com/?q=glovepie
  9. Of course there is a decision - you just explained it yourself. You and your community can't afford to use it, so you won't. I don't understand why you value raw acreage over detail, or why you can't use it until it requires a mod 7-8 times larger with outdated assets, but those are your decisions as well.
  10. Then you need to make a decision as to whether or not it is worth it to you/your community to use it. Catering to the lowest common denominator is a sure path to mediocrity.
  11. Just FYI, the Six config browser joe98 posted in the first reply includes all ACE classnames:
  12. Dark theme has disappeared. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?190362-No-more-dark-theme-on-BI-forums
  13. Harzach


    No, Insurgency does not include any assets.
  14. Harzach


    People still post here looking for help with the A2 version, the actual focus of this topic. Why close it?
  15. Harzach


    I'll be eating rice and beans for a month, but it will be worth it. Get well soon, Bink!
  16. Harzach


    First, thank you so much for all of the stellar work you have done for the Arma community. Assuming you haven't dug up this info yet: Place a marker centered on your chosen exclusion area. Name it "exclude_location" or whatever makes sense to you. In common\functions.sqf, locate the findhouses function and change it to: findHouses = { private ["_buildings","_minPositions","_enterables","_alive"]; _buildings = nearestObjects [_this select 0, ["House"], _this select 1]; _minPositions = (_this select 2) - 1; _alive = _this select 3; _enterables = []; { if ( format["%1", _x buildingPos _minPositions] != "[0,0,0]" && EP1HOUSES && !(typeOf _x in ILLEGALHOUSES) && (alive _x || !_alive) && (_x distance (getmarkerPos "exclude_location") > 100 //THIS IS THE LINE WE ARE EDITING )) then { _enterables set [count _enterables, _x]; }; } forEach _buildings; _enterables }; The ">100" is the radius of effect from the marker you placed. Obviously, you can change this to whatever value suits your particular situation, from very small (to exclude specific buildings) to very large (to exclude airports, for example). To add another exclusion area, just add another marker and name it appropriately, then add it to line 19 (the default line): && !(typeOf _x in ILLEGALHOUSES) && (alive _x || !_alive) && (_x distance (getmarkerPos "exclude_location") > 600) && (_x distance (getmarkerPos "exclude_location_1") > 100) It should be a relatively simple matter to randomize, by moving an existing or dynamically created set of exclusion markers to randomly selected locations (which could be determined either manually or dynamically), as long as the markers find their way into common/functions as above. [Original solution provided by Cuel]
  17. Alternately, open the mission.sqm and find the entry for that marker, then change the coordinates to [0,0,0] or similar.
  18. Thank you, Tonic. You have done more for this game and community than most.
  19. Harzach

    Steam Update 03/11/2014 ??

    Where did you buy your copy of the game? Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  20. Harzach


    See post #972. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  21. You need to sort through everything in the "nuke" folder for all items that need to be defined elsewhere - for example, CfgSounds in description.ext. Alternately, look through all init/description/defines/etc files for anything pertaining to LK Nuke effects. It isn't going to be easy.
  22. Something wrong on your end, then. Check your PMs.
  23. Use CPBO or Eliteness.